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Brandon Fisher

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Everything posted by Brandon Fisher

  1. Unfortunetly I don't have enough space to train at home. But once the dojo is open I will put it at least 2 hours a day training on my own plus the classes being taught.
  2. Brandon Fisher


    Very cool. I am wanting to put together bunkai for my TKD forms, and I think it is going to be a challenge. I respect your accomplishment! Thank you!! Some are still being worked on so I haven't taught those yet but the bo kata I have been teaching one for 12 years and the other for a year.
  3. Brandon Fisher


    I created a set of weapons kata with bunkai but not empty hand
  4. I like Kusanku and Bassai Dai
  5. I think the best thing that can be said is that this particular technique has teh potential of generating a certain amount of power or more.
  6. Ask the koreans if taek won do is karate and you will get you answer. Technically it is I guess but karate is a Okinawan thing that moved on to japan.
  7. I agree to ask your sensei but what do you say?
  8. Best wishes to your friend and hopes of a quick recovery.
  9. I agree talk to your doctor and your instructor. Back problems are nothing to play with and I would think your instructor would take it into consideration.
  10. Check at big and tall stores they would have something.
  11. I finally replaced mine old tokaido belt after 10 years of wearing it, jsut go I can wear it on special occasions and not worry about it ripping.
  12. Sorry there is a lot of japanese terminology I use that is a habit and have been using for many years and don't even think about it.
  13. What's that? Body shifting
  14. Don't forget when tai sabaki is used to defend with the nunchaku the weapon becomes very effective. If one tries to go linear with someone with a longer weapon the effectivness goes down. Whats my point?? Well some say they are some say they aren't. From my experience many are not real wel versed in their use. Someone who is well versed in their use and are very good with them they are one of the most effective weapons. Someone who has limited training and only looks at one use of the weapon they are not that effective. Its all in ones experience with them.
  15. If no one knows if Higaonna Sensei is aware of it I would suggest someone contacting him. I can't imagine he would go along with this.
  16. I personally think White belts are more important. They are the future of the system and organization. But what does Higaonna Sensei say about this? IOGKF is his organization adn ultimately he has the final say in my mind.
  17. Good to hear. Best of luck!!
  18. Yes I am very aware of their use as a grappling weapon.
  19. Welcome to the forums!! Glad to hear you have decided to return to training. I am glad that I have not had that break in my training but know people who have had. Its a tough situation but its always good to see people decide to go back to it.
  20. Agreed I also agree.
  21. The part right there ends any question on whether this is right or wrong. The fact is the old guy has no right to it considering it was renamed. You are in the right. As far as your instructors rank with his years in and rank he clearly should have the knowledge to do this so that should not be in question. 23 kata to 5th dan thats still alot, I thought mine was kinda high.
  22. Unfortunetly I don't have National Geographic Channel was the testing real in depth? What were the results like on various styles?
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