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Brandon Fisher

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Everything posted by Brandon Fisher

  1. It was once said that Kusanku should take 10 years to master.
  2. Your sensei I am sure has his reasons. I know the feeling but repatition is what will fix it. Learning a kata from a DVD is one thing but to learn it well its what your sensei is doing that I think you may not realize now that will help you in the long run. Years from now I think you will understand better why.
  3. Check E-budo.com there are long thread about him and not good either. I only recently heard of him so I don't know for sure about what I have read but its still shaky at best.
  4. I agree Corrections Officers and Police Officers are both on a uneven playing field. It is so sad to they are risking their lives for their job and they get rules put against them but the bad guy as all the rights. Somethings really wrong with that. I guess you can thank all the crooked lawyers for that one.
  5. Is that like in the movie Road House when Patrcik Swayze says its a job its nothing personal
  6. If you want to do calligraphy https://www.takase.com is my first choice Eri Takase is a japanese master caligrapher. She does excellent work. If you want digital work or something more cost effective https://www.thejapaneseconnection.com is what I use for name translations and other translations. They also do a very nice job.
  7. Yep its one thing if there is a good reason vs someone who just doesn't pay up when its due. I like hearing stories like this on P.A.L. mentioned.
  8. Again this is not the type of instructor I would want. I hope you find something quickly. I hate hearing someone is out of work.
  9. I favor an all white gi. I do allow kyu ranks to wear black tops for kobudo practice only though. The dan ranks may wear all black if they choose for kobudo practice.
  10. Thats a red flag for me, all he wants is the money and not to willing to help. I hope you find a new job quickly. I would reconsider returning to that particular school though.
  11. Laurie, Sorry to hear about your job situation its always tough. I understand this situation very well and have already made deals to help those in similar situations. I hope your instructor will help you as well.
  12. I have seen peoples pants fall down. People fall off chairs when trying to sit down. People get caught in their underwear by my mom when they were changing and then run out and hug her with nothing on but their underwear. Thats about all but now that we are about to open I expect more will happen then what happened teaching in recreation departments.
  13. Good point
  14. No its not a sparring technique its a good technique to finish off an attacker o nthe street or use for breaking.
  15. I bring my leg straight up and straight down striking with my heel depending on the position of the target. Sometimes I will bring my knee in like starting a inside or outside cresent kick before executing the technique
  16. Thanks all. I have gone with Grizzly Insurance (https://www.karateinsurance.com)
  17. I agree. There is a lot to be learned after black belt in most cases. There are schools that don't have a curriculum after black belt and its sad. When I started Seijitsu Shin Do I made sure there was. Not so much to retain people just to make sure there was plenty to learn. However hopefully it will help retain people.
  18. 3.5 to 5 years depending on the amount of training a person puts in. This has been the average for black belts I have promoted. Very few have done it under 5 years and only 1 of the 19 have done it in under 4. All others have been over that. Some have been with me 5 years and still are not brown belts but are very good.
  19. It was once said with kata you do not have karate. I completely agree!! Before I started training in the Shorin Ryu dojo I had not had any exposure to kata all self defense termed "ju jitsu" it was not really that in depth and the karate side was all hand strikes and kicks. Kata changed everything for me and truly has been a great teacher.
  20. I will keep an eye out for mine
  21. You are close on the spelling let me know if you would like them at least the ones I know in the correct spelling and I will be happy to help.
  22. I am working on a long distance study with my Shorin Ryu sensei. Shorin Ryu - Shorinkan
  23. taht is funny. things like that make it fun and make for good memories.
  24. Different guy. This guy was a world hw champion kickboxer. Wasn't the boxer's name spelled Louis? I think so
  25. I think you are right. I am jumpy but I always look first.
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