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Brandon Fisher

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Everything posted by Brandon Fisher

  1. There are plenty out there that do refer to themsleves as master. I have masters rank but don't use it. Even on my rank certificates it reads shihan in kanji and thats only because the japanese calligpher almost insisted on it. In fact she wanted to Hanshi but I said no.
  2. Being a charter school I can see it not being as bad as some public schools.
  3. Its is very sad. This is a result of their enviroment, home and friends they keep. Their are so many parents taking the easy way out with their kids that the kids end up having no discipline at all.
  4. I don't agree that schools are safe, but this perhaps is an over-statement. I may not be an expert, but when I went to highschool (just a year ago) the school was not a killing field of any sort. Nobody in my school died, sure maybe a fight here and there but not much. What type of neighborhood was your High School in? Surburban or Urban? How strict was the school policies?
  5. In today's society with all the school violence I personally feel it is a good move on the schools part. True those that only defended themselves are getting the short end of the stick but lets face it school fights are no longer playground scuffles. People are ending up in the hospital or worse as a result of them nowadays. Reality is though very sad schools are more dangerous now than ever before. Preventive measures must be taken for everyones safety.
  6. Here you go. I had the kanji in separate form and made it for you real quick. I will get it to you tonight. My site won't let me access it just with url of the file.
  7. A friend of mine was training when I moved to Cleveland in 1984 and I took interest and my mom and dad signed me up. I needed something to help with my self confidence and something I could do even with my sight problem. Well I have been doing it ever sense now almost 23 years.
  8. Traditionally only the head instructor is addressed as sensei so technically you are in the right if you addressed him by Mr. so and so. I don't expect my students to call me sensei outside the dojo or other karate related event. However many do just out of respect. I did with my Shorinkan sensei and a 8th dan from Pittsburgh that is one of my instructors and advisors to my system.
  9. Body conditioning isn't bad when done correctly at a slow pace. Elbows and Knees is correct bruises are bad menas you have gone to far to fast. Those that have hit the makiwara for years and hit it correctly can still use their hands others who just punish themselves is another story.
  10. Bummer but I am sure you will bounce back.
  11. Another problem with fighting on the ground in the street is the fact of broken glass, dog poop and whatever else your wouldn't want to deal with also.
  12. Not everyone is created equal, some people have issues doing things and other people will excel at those very things even being difficult. You must look at the persons capability and not judge them on one particular level. My wife for example has a inner ear problem and it effect her balance very badly. She trains very hard and is a tough one but still has the issue. Does that mean she did not earn her shodan? Nope that means it was just harder for her.
  13. Hojo Undo training or supplementary training with these devices have great results when done properly. I highly recomend it.
  14. 1988 in Seoul, S. Korea was the year for TKS being demonstrated at the Olympics
  15. Shureido carries them https://www.shureidousa.com I did the more modern route https://www.bushipower.com
  16. Yep great movie, I have it on DVD also.
  17. It looked to me like the guy actually made contact. If I am wrong and he didn't make contact then I don't believe it either.
  18. Thats for sure. I have been practicing 15 years and now I am starting to see more and more results.
  19. Some of the techniques are amazing but not unreal or impossible. Its the non touch stuff I don't believe.
  20. Sparring get out of their reach and in close. Makes it very hard for them to fight from there alot of times. Street go for the knees or take the same approach as sparring.
  21. Chris05, Do you mean in a real fight or during sparring in class? Cause those are two very different things. Exactly my question also.
  22. Stay realxes until you make contact and instantly relax again. See if that helps. If you stay to tense it increases that pressure coming back into your body.
  23. That is correct Kake Geri - Hook Kick Kakato Geri - Axe Kick Fumi Geri or Fumi Komi - Stomp Kick (which I was describing) I have gotten in trouble for correcting people so I quit doing that. I just describe what I think they are talking about.
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