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Brandon Fisher

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Everything posted by Brandon Fisher

  1. To answer your question on use of the bo. No that was more flash than anything. Keep in mind the it was not a Japanese Bo. The bo was an Okinawan weapon, this was one the inaccuracies in the show.
  2. Lol, I would have to start over in another style again!! As much as I would love to do it, 3rd in my system is on average about 12 to 15 years of training. If I was certified in TKD then maybe we could talk.
  3. I have had all my translations done by professionals and had many japanese people read it and comment how accurate it is. All except from one company and I don't deal with them any longer. Now all my embroidery work is done in Okinawa. My name for example translates as Bu Ra Don or something to that effect.
  4. I agree the size of the people should have been closer, technique should have been more precise on all styles not just the Boxing, Muay Thai, Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Rickson Gracie and Obata Sensei did not get enough spotlight at all. The karate rep should have been someone like Morio Higaonna, Fumio Demura,Tak Kubota, George Alexander or other numerous hard hitting karate technicians. At least someone to do it performing correct technique.
  5. Yeah, I just wish my 3rd dan wouldn't be an $800 milestone! Ouch $800 I am sorry that seems absolutely crazy. I have not ever charged a testing fee over 1st dan. But if I did it would be minimal.
  6. Physical excercise is not abuse thats helping strengthen the body and helping build a healthier lifestyle. Yelling is verbally abusive depending on the tone. Being stern is discipline. I mean its martial arts, we as instructors are trying to teach people to defend themselves god sake. This is not basket weaving or ballet. There is contact involved, there is physical excercise involved. If you fool around you are guaranteed to get hurt and sometimes really bad. Its not a joke, its not a game. Lets get serious about it. Bearich, Good post I agree with you.
  7. I agree that a lot was misleading. The punching experiment for example was. The kung fu guys strike slid off, the karate guys strike was not performed correctly, and yet the boxers punch was perfect. The kicking was pretty much the same but more accurate. Rickson Gracie showed the best example of empty hand defense and attacks. The Tae Kwon Do guy I am sorry he was to flashy with the weapons and I saw many flaws with in the technique. Obata Sensei and his student in my opinion would have been better to use for the test cutting experiment. The bo's were not traditional bo's as I saw it. Also some of the history was not accurate. The Japanese samurai did not attack their own people it was the Okinawan peasants that were attacked. All in all I was not that impressed.
  8. Black belt is a milestone it should be celebrated but also the person must be humble to be able to continue training.
  9. Yep the kamikaze gi's are good. I used to order shureido products from kamikazeweb.com because they were cheaper then getting them in the USA. They are based in Europe and are very fair priced.
  10. In my organization when you recieve a black belt you wear it until it wears out, so why not spend the extra money on a good one and embroider it. I get all new black belts a brand new shureido black belt from Okinawa, membership to USKA and give them a 11x17 certificate all out of the $200 testing fee. Well after all that there is not much left. Except a lot of pride in them for achieving shodan and their pride for their work.
  11. I think if I was him, and knowing where I stand, I would not bow to them. Respect only goes so far if it is superficial. So very true, but it shows he is the bigger man.
  12. Looks good to me
  13. Yeah for sure, i'll bring the money with me.. hahaha Deal
  14. Kerry, I highly suggest a Shureido K-10 or TK-10.
  15. Sounds like a deal Kerry. But if you win the lottery you better come and visit first.
  16. Yes Shotokan is more sport in comparison but none the less a good system.
  17. Here is some good nunchaku vid's from youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDK3sYD0XL8 I tried to find some other traditional vids but didn't find much. Check out George Alexander, Hanshi/Kudan DVD on Nunchaku it shows him breaking with the Nunchaku
  18. Actually Mr. Ettish was ranked as a 5th dan when he fought in the UFC.
  19. Nothing really this year. But I like the idea of paying off the bills. But these things would be nice: A 10 million dollar winning lottery ticket Free rent and expenses for the next 4 years for my dojo . (wishful thinking but one can hope)
  20. Just another note on the kata. Shotokan Tekki kata is also known as Naifanchin and Naihanchi kata in the Okinawan system depending on the branch or system. Also Shorin schools will typically have less kata. Shotokan I believe has 24 kata and the Shorin Ryu systems usually have 15 to 18 kata depending on the school. I agree get used to the Cat stance and higher stances.
  21. No not to common. I know of a school that has done that for a long time but its not very common.
  22. Brandon Fisher


    True depending on the testing fees. For a full afternoon of testing I made about $50 after expenses of the certificates and belts. Not much to cover time for 2 black belts (not being paid) and the time spent in prep getting the certificates ready. But I know I am in the minority on low testing fees.
  23. This is one thing my instructor and I didn't see eye to eye on towards the end of our relationship. He wanted to make it easier for those to achieve rank and I didn't. I came up through the ranks hard, and took a long time for it. After 22 complete years and having started my 23rd year I have a 5th Dan and only one. This is the purpose of the name of my style Seijitsu Shin Do (way of the honest heart). Only way to achieve something is the straight forward honest way. With hard work and dedication. Though my system is not koryu I am very traditional in my approach. I expect everyone to work hard and focus on the tasks at hand. All in all it is a traditional approach with modern self defense tactics. I agree there are way to many 10th dans out there, people who have jumped dan grades in particular 9th dan going from 8th to 10th dan. I know of one who was promoted from 3rd Dan to 8th Dan where his original instructor tested him for 4th dan 1 year after he recieved his 8th dan in the same system. That doesn't even make any sense at all to me.
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