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Everything posted by Why_Worry

  1. And umbrella might actually be effective if not for striking just to blind your oponents and make it so they cant see where you are and distract them. Alghouth alot of newer umbrellas would just break if you tried to hit someone, but it might work, but if you know martial arts, stick to punching/kicking them.
  2. lol, that happened to me except it was with escrima sticks. I mean it was just cause i was tired and decided to lay down for a minute and then i woke up cause my borther walked in and was like what are you doing?
  3. Yeah, there is nothing wrong with creating a kata or form. I mean the katas arent this special set of movements that cant be altered at all. While they are very good training tools, they were just created by people. Someone created these and you have to remember that, so there is nothing wrong with making your own (provided you know what yoru doing, although its still find if you dont, but it'd help if you knew).
  4. FOr street it really depends, but i would go with chain whip just cause if you have a really big open area the chain whip is so much fun. ALso its is extremely strong if you just liek swing it down instead of shooting it out. Its fun but a little unaccurate and a little complicated but with nunchaku you can hurt yourself too so yeah...
  5. Just one thing, karate25 said a lot of good things but martial artist do bob weave and stuff liek that or at least wher ei go but thats probably just cause its wado ryu which has alot more dodging. ALthough i know i dont do any of that stuff unless me and someone else are real close and throwing lots of kicks and punches where i run out of hands or legs to block with, otherwise it just takes too much energy unlike in boxing where the punches thrown are pure muscle so it wears the other person down more when they miss. Anyway, i dont really want to argue with everythign else said so jus tin my opinion control comes first then power because once you get power in your strieks and do it like its just one move to take out the oponent you can put in speed so you have the technique right and you can take them out right away. But you need to have the form down right too.
  6. Well if someone is really unarmed, and its only one person and arent trained very well in martial arts, i think most people who read karate forums shouldnt have too much of a problem in taking them out quickly, i mean really quickly. A fight usually doesnt last very long in the first place and in a martial artist against a non marital artist it should last even less time. But if they did have a weapon, i see no problem in using one just so long as you use it to a reasonable amount and you dont keep on beating them once they are down or stab them too many time. Also though if you are just hitting them with a blunt item quickly or something like that to get an advantage real quick i dont see anything wrong. This situation is extremely unlikely, but its pretty much one of the few times i would fight, but if there was someone in my house and i was siting in this chair i'm in now and they were just walking through one of the entrances to this room i would take the cup on my desk or something and throw it at them and run towards them and pick up something else and throw it and then run and hit them or maybe jump just to catch them off guard but i would start beating them with a brrom or chair. Although if their are multiple assailants and you are trapped kinda then id ont see anything wrong iwth using a weapon just because its a very dangerous situation but i recomend just fighting ot the exit and urnning.
  7. First weapon was a butterknife then i graduated up to the steak knife then the big barbecue knife and poker prong thingies. I also play around with coat hangers after i take my gi off them and get dressed (provided i didnt just roll up my gi). Otherwise i learned escrima sticks although technically i wasnt a high enough belt rank to start learning, but its confusing but no one else where i go really knows anything cause it was at a seminar from another dojo who we are associated with who does other weapons and some different ones. So we practiced for a while but then i was really the only person who kept on practicing at home so eventually i had to reteach part of the kata to some other people. But later in our curriculum after i get to a higher rank i will start learning bo and sai and tonfa.
  8. Look for a karate school. Usually you will eventually learn bo. Well thats just where i go because we eventually learn bo and need to learna few bo katas for the higher black belts ad in the summers the black belts learn a little bit of a new weapon.
  9. oh, and sam, i have no idea the answer to yoru question either. Its really confusing that you have this electric field going for a couple of feet outside of your body. COnfusingness.
  10. Bioelectricity flows better when you tell the truth actually or are happy. Its kinda wierd, if you want an example (you might need someone else though) put out your arm and push down on it slightly. Tell the truth and it shouldnt move then but if you lie your arm should g odown a little. Its confusing and you need to know how much pressure to apply so yeah. My sensei did that to me but i have a hard time getting it to actually work with others cause i usually apply too much pressure and they have ot push up so yeah.
  11. I have a pair of escrima sticks and thats prett ymuch it except i also have an oar which was a present from some relatives casue i was canoeing with them and somehow all of the oars broke so we bought them a bunch more and they made us one as thanks so i play around with that sometime sjust for fun but its like 5 or 10 pounds so yeah... kinda heavy for wood. And trust me, the oar doesnt work very well inside... thigns break when you go back behind your head for building momentum and there get marks on ceiling so after one time playing around inside i decided to go outside.
  12. Some of people i know take it except it is called kumdo where they go. I would join them except for the fact it is run by the korean church near wher ei live and i am neither korean or christian so it would be a little awkard so i jsut stick with my karate. I dont mind though, i like both the same so yeah. IN other words when i say the same, tha tmeans i love both alot although i dont know all that much about kumdo but its really cool from what i've seen. Also that's realyl funny/cool that those guys up there know each other.
  13. Its not homemade, but i would recomend a good pair of running shoes.
  14. Nothing as i'm only 13 but i guess if i was realyl desperate, my pants might make a good weapon, especially if i had a belt on the one end, but i'm not going to find out and i will stick to fighting with my hands, the way i have learned, unless of course there is a conviently placed weapon right next to me.
  15. Fans are really good if you find a good one and sharp ones are cool. Its alot easier to find a good one by searching up "Tessen" or "Gunsen" (same results most of the time) on ebay. And i know its not the most reliable website, but i dont expect anyone ot steal from a martial artist and i will trust mos tmartial artist which probably isnt a wise thing but i dont mind.
  16. I like escrima sticks but thats because those are the only i practice but theey are still really fun and in the two person kata i have learned i get to dodge alot which makes it fun help me improve my marital arts even without a weapon cause i got used to moving out of the way instead of just blocking. Although i also like the bo its just i'm not a high enough belt rank yet cause you have to be brown belt to start learning and i technically shouldnt have started learning escrima sticks but its confusing how it worked so i did. But i don tmind, its fun.
  17. I have heard of Gumdo except it has been kumdo by my friends who do it. I would join them but it would be a little awkward because it is run by the korean church in the town i live in and i am neither korean nor christian so they probably wouldnt mind if i joined, but it would be a little wierd so i choose to stick to karate, but it is a cool art in my opinion and it is korean so i would recomend that if you dont mind learning a sword art. Since tkd has alot of kicking it probably wouldnt go bad with a sword since once you get good you can kick inbetween swings just so long as you can still get the power without loosing your center when trying to swing.
  18. Yeah, most okinawan based styles incorporate one or a couple of sai katas, but if you really want to learn just sais i recomend doing kobudo. In the style i practice which is wado ryu we eventually learn a couple of sai katas which are required for black belt ranks past shodan although i havent reached that yet so i havent started but i have seen people practicing them. If your not a black belt wher ei go your not allowed to practice any bladed weapons. Although styles liek wado ryu and shotokan even though they arent exactly from okinawa they use sais because they branch from gichin funakoshi who learned okinawan karate then went to mainland japan which is why they technically count as mainland japan arts.
  19. Yeah. miyamoto musashi did most of his fights with bokkens even when the other person used a sword because it had a little bit longer reach and he could use it as a walking stick when traveling. In that day in duels most of the time people killed each other and he wound up killing many of th epeople he faced very quickly with a bokken (although dont try doing that). Although i'm not very found of the fact he killed people with it, it proves it is a useful weapon. Also, unless you get a very very good katana (like the ones the elite samurais owned) its gonna break if you really hit someone elses sword hard. The samurai trained to hit the other person without hitting the other sword most of the time. Although i like the bo because the katas are really fun and good and i like the way it works and it makes you think when you use it (as in about life, not fighting) but also doing bo kumite is really fun once you get used to it and just start messing around and using the bo to like launch yourself at the other person. Its fun.
  20. I personally REALLY REALLY like the fan and i'm not really very old (14 years) so once i am out of middle school and high school i would like to find someone who could teach me the fan. Its moves are really graceful and flowing and are really cool. Sometimes peopel use metal fance that have sharpened edges so its like a big knife kinda but a iron or wood/bambo fan also word very well and trust me if you get hit with one of those its gonna hurt. But sais might be easier to start with if you already practice karate and its really yoru choice.
  21. I dont really know much about finding someone or anything, just look around and eventually you'll find someone. But i dont recomend using a video or book for training as you cant really learn the "secrets" (for lack of a better word) of each technique and no matter how much it looks like the video movements, it probably wont be right cause you havent actually learned the "secrets" of the movements. It is best to find an instructor and using videos or books as a side material for learning and finding out new thigns which can aid to your learning but i would recomend training with an instructor before using a video.
  22. I dont really know anything about hook spears, but if you wanna learn spear, go to a kung fu or wushu school because practitioners of those are usually really good with spear.
  23. The only thing i have ever used it for for an animal is when my dog goes crazy and like leaps at me so i use a very very light fan kick to push her to the side and she enjoys it too and then charges at me again for the fun of it. I also do this stepping aorund push with my dog alot and then she looks around wondering where i went. My dog enjoys it though so dont worry, i'm not hurting my dog.
  24. At my school everyone jus tplays around and steals each others stuff and pens. So one of my friends stole my pen and i couldnt get it out of his hand and we were kinda just laughing so i figured i would just squeeze a pressure point on his hand (hoping just to hurt for like 2 seconds and not very much so i could just get his hand open) which wound up hurting him alot and it hurt for like 10 or 15 minutes and i felt really bad. So i wouldn't recomend trying not to use karate or martial arts because you can wind up hurting someone you dont want to.
  25. You only get dirtier by trying to throw mud back.
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