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Everything posted by Why_Worry

  1. In battle sometimes people would get struck with a sword barely even realizing it then fall over dead a couple of seconds later.
  2. Oh, and the belt system in capoeira is usualyl the colors of the brazilian flag.
  3. Capoeira is actually really effective. My sensei has a friend who studies capoeira and he and his friend were just messing around but he said its liek a mazing when someone is really good. He described it as trying to fight smoke because he was like spinning everywhere on the ground and also since he teachs karate, he usually isnt used to people going ont he floor and then flying into the air then on the floor again rolling around everyhwere and stuff. It is a dance martial art, but it is also very effective and has element sof other martial arts in it if you relaly look fo rit.
  4. Just start and youw ill get to the size and strength you need to be from training. It probably takes alot of strength, but i doubt many who start were that strong int he beggining. I would think they get strong from the training. You also need a lot of balance though too, and lot sof strenth in the legs (not just the upper body). When people say you need a lot of strenght it means you can just pick it up and be great (which youc ant with any art). It means that once you become proficent it will take a lot of strenght which you will ahve and you wont be hard to do anymore.
  5. Yeah, i kidna wish i had a friend in one of my classes that i could kidna be liek a friendly rival with and we could liek train together or jsut work to become betters. I knwo i shouldnt need a motivation to train, but it would help to have a motivation. I should be motivated enough as it is, but still, we all could be a little bit more motivated. (But yeah, if they kids are rather 'stuck up', it could result in the two people being mean to each other)
  6. About 5 minutes twice a week because its at a community center and my senseis can only hold class twice a week, not to mention they have other jobs too.
  7. lol, yeah whhat he said (Hitman)
  8. Whoa, thats kinda strange/freaky. I'm glad i havent woken up like that before but it might stil happen cause i'm sitll pretty young, but thats kinda strange.
  9. Great point. I htink when kata is modified just to look good for tournaments then you dont relaly get anything out of the kata (although you still can, but the odds of it are very low). The kata is training. Dont compete by saying your training is better than another persons. Just my opinion again.
  10. We hardly ever do bunkai, but we do lots of kata as well as the basics and we hardly ever do sparring (we do do releases though, but that doesnt do much for blocking a strike, but is still useful in many situations). So maybe the kata hasnt done anything and its all the basics, but with only hte kata, my ability to defend myself has increased greatly even though it has only been a couple months over a year that i have been practicing karate. Still, i'm no where near most other people who practice and i sitll have many many years to go and the time will never end but its still gotten a whole lot better in just a little over a year. So i dont know what it is about kata, but there is somethign about it that is really good. (You dont need a partner for kata which is one of the reasons i dont htink you need bunkai that badly becuase then you can't practice kata by yourself anymore, jus tmy opinion.)
  11. Good story. Reminds me of somethings at school. Your son is actually a role model in some ways to me now because of the self control and patience he had. He must be very wise and kind (and probably friendly ((otherwise he probably would have hit them a long time ago)) too) if he was that patient with that much self control.
  12. I actually dont realy know. I just do what my instructor says .I mean we have releases for every belt and osmetimes other things as well which have holds and stuff but its not really learning how to hold someone, just get out of one. But i guess there are like hold take downs in those. But i think releases are in every style. Just curious, but od the rest of you guys have releases in your styles of karate?
  13. yeah the military learns martial arts, but if they do its only for some of the self defense aspects and they dont really learn like spiritual stuff with it and they dont really focuse that much on it because they would prefer just working on stuff they will use more. But japan teaches their army a little karate i think (or at least the police) and korea teaches their army tae kwon do.
  14. i know its ki but i still say chi because one of my instructors does this chi therapy think thats uses chinese philosophies i guess you could call them that of chi so from her saying chi i've gotten used to saying chi but sometimes i try to say ki instead since i know thats the more proper thing when talking about japanese arts.
  15. lol, i dont knwo if that would work to well in real life but it would be really amusing to say to some random person on the streets.
  16. If you seek it you cant find it. You just need to stop caring whether you become good or not and just work to become better but not relaly caring. Thats really badly stated (kinda) but yeah.....Its liek the concept no mind or mushin.
  17. This si mroe a mentla thingy, but if you picture yourself lieka leaf floating up in the wind or somethign liek that and send yoru chi upwards you will be able to jump higher. That sjust something, id ont know if you think about chi, but if you do that realyl works (at least it seems to for me).
  18. Ahahahaha, That was really funny. Your always saying all these funny things but you still hav egreat advice, your posts are great..
  19. That deffinition was pretty accurate (or at least by the general thought of a martial art being a fighting art ((and to some extent they all are pretty much))) and it said "such as" not "only these are martial arts". The only thing i see that is really wrong is that it said asian arts of combat or self defense because they dont have to be asian. IF what your looking for is a spiritual definition then remember that dictionaries arent really that correct and they state the obvious and you can get the detailed from the obvious.
  20. Yeah, like wher ei go, for each belt rank you have to do something different, like orange belt is you hav eto become more aware (because your not completely ware by that level) and or with like green belt you need to get power in your techniques. (i dont know anything about the higher kyu rankings though).
  21. lol, no i know about wado ryu, but i want to find somewhere to discuss it sinc ei havent seen anyone on this whole forum yet who also practices it Oh, but also, anyone is welcome to come here and just give opinions.
  22. YOu have to jsut work and not really remember your goal. Work when you want or feel like it. If all your focused on is becoming better, you wont ever become much better. When one eye is focused on yoru goal you only have one eye left to find the way. Its strange how that quote is so confusing ot understand but after a logn enough time it really hits you what it means. Just recently like a week or two ago did that quote really hit me and i somewhat understood it. Of course youw ant to strive to be your best, but that doesnt mean you have to be hard on yoruself. If you look at how far you have to go then you wont be looking at what your doing in the present. Besides life isnt only karate. I mean even masters like gichin funakoshi or agena or choki motobu had some fun too. Karate is supposed to help your life, not consume it.
  23. Well, we only do point sparring, but we dont do competitions and we dont really spar, but when we do its point sparring. I mean we spar liek once every month or every couple of months. Also some styles dont really use hip movements and just like steps or other things to drive their punches down/forward/in or other things to improve their strikes power.
  24. Yeah, what CagedWarrior said is right or at least i agree with it.
  25. My senseis say "It is what it is so why worry." But thats not relaly in class and jsut when i'm talking in conversations with them Also one of their favorite quotes from their sensei that their sensei used to always say and they say alot now too is "The three words that describe any martial art" which are "No get hit."
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