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Everything posted by Why_Worry

  1. Go to centurymartialarts.com they have what you need. Its called a masters gi but i mean anyone can wear it, the masters doesnt mean anything it just they couldnt think of a different name for it. But you will have to order black trousers sperately, i didnt look to see if they have them but i would think they would.
  2. Oh, i never though of it that way, good points. Thanks.
  3. lol, yeah i used to fold my gi the "traditional way" but that made it all wrinkled and i wasnt about to start ironing it everytime before class so i just usually hang it up now. The only people in class who i think really iron and/or press their gi's every night before class is the senseis. But yeah everyone wher ei go start out with normal gis (not student gi's their too light) then eventually most of the black belts or high belts get heavy wieght gis which everyone seems to like but by the tiem your first gi is all beaten up and stuff you be ready for a heavy weight one and around black belt and everyone seems to liek those alot but they cost like 80 dollars for the pants and a little more for the jacket and even at the price my instructor gets them both for half price because they're instructors so they karate store gives them everything half priced. Thats really the only reason why people buy them light/middle wieght then later heavy wight, or at least the one that makes most sense to me. Gis are fairly hard to destroy except at the one seminar my senseis went to where they were told to roll in the mud and they said their gi after that was always pretty much brown. But yeah, white plain old fashioned gi's are my favorite especially when from years of use they get that kidna creamy color to them and they look real cool. Although black gis are pretty cool too but i dont liek the crazy colored ones.
  4. But also i cant call myself a martial artist. I dont think anyone can relaly call themselves a martial artist because it just seems like too egotistic. I dont have a problem calling myself a karateka as that just states i practice karate, but a martial artist implies that i am very good at the martial arts. Others can call you a martial artist and if your the sensei then there is nothing wrong with telling the students how things work and that your sensei but i am jsut a karateka. My senseis are martial artists as they are very good and understand the spiritual and zen concepts in it as well. Its confusing to describe how and when one is a martial artist. It reminds me of zen where one can not be truely be told what or when a person becomes a martial artist or who is but has to really just know. You just have to understand when it happens or when someone else is. But if you understand you still shouldnt going around bragging about it. One of my goals is to be able to really consider myself a martial artist but that wont happen for years until then when my friends call me one i will just say not relaly i'm not really very good, but once i consider myself one i will still say that, just maybe every once in a while i will say something that doesnt say i'm bad but doesnt say i'm good, so yeah. Its confusing too, but i know what i mean at least.
  5. Hey, thanks for the replies. But i think i've decided to just ask her to dance at the next dance because her really relaly relaly good few friends who she is always hanging out wiht keep on telling me that i should ask her to dance next time and stuff like that and she usualyl asks me ot dance at the school dances but we usually wind up not for a bunch of reasons but mostly just cause we are too shy so her friends always come up with something like it was just a dare or something but then later they tell me it wasnt and it was just cause of shyness. But i figure if i ask her to dance for a change then it will be better. Its confusing, but thanks for all the advice, just i cant write everythign down and from what i have experience it seems like the best choice to me. Also everything is going alot better now than when i wrote this post. But thanks everyone again.
  6. Plyometrics are good but i go by what my senseis taught me of picturing myself floating upwards like a leaf and using yoru chi to sne yodu upwards and to move form your center rather than push off the ground you kinda just float up i guess. It has alot to do with chi. If you ask you sensei they might know somethign about it. When i started high jumping my sensei showed me a bunch of stuff cause my senseis and me too now believe martial arts is the art of movement rather than fighting which also has to do with enlightenment and awareness and stuff liek that but yeah. Try asking your sensei about stuff for jumping. But plyometrics are good as well but its kinda the opposite of chi but either one works whichever you want.
  7. Also, in every style of karate there exists people who only practice for competitions and as a result wind up specilizing in certain areas but not others. As the saying goes, the general practitioner will almost always beat the specialist. So if you train only for competitions then you wont become as good as possible but if you train for real life and just to improve yourself then you will become much better and you can alter your fighting style for competitions if and when you go to them. I my self never do competitions but thats just where i go and i believe competitions arent really neccesary but theres nothing worng with them if you want to participate. Also kyokushin is a cool art and i have much respect for it ubt i'm fine just not doing full contact and just doing drills and katas. But i kinda forgot the quesiton you asked by now..... so just bye.
  8. lol, the thing about jobs made me laugh. It reminds me of how my senseis who are married ot each other told me about when they were training in college they would practice with each other and they would do blocks over and over again with each other and they would get bruises and when they said it hurt you shoud go lighter it would just hurt more (its just the way we learn to strike in the style i practice) and they would get even mroe bruises so my one sensei kept on being asked if her boyfriend was beating her and she was sent to the guidance office a couple of times cause they thought he was.
  9. At my school we dont actualyl hit each other unles sit is blocking drills where the person fails to block cause we go through them but we do repetitive katas and all that stuff. But one time we were doing bunkai and we did this one kata were we had the whole class which was about 15 people attack one person for the kata and then we decided to just attack randomaly and try to hit the person in the middle and the kata doesnt matter and that was the only time we ever did that, but my senseis sensei was there and he was a 4rth dan but he had been practicing wado ryu karate for probably like 40 years just its complicated, just no one is able to get past 4rth dan because of lots of stuff and complicated stuff but the whole class tried to attack him all at once and peopel were jumping on him and stuff but no one could realyl hit him and we were all like "that is so unfair....for them!" So if you just do repitition over and over agian you will eventually become realyl good but you have to make sure you accept the spiritual side of the arts as well and if you are looking for a new art but one that isnt really very different than yours try out wado ryu, it has a little bit of jujitsu incoporated but shotokan as well and dodging. It is usually somewhat spiritual because wado ryu means the peaceful way. Well good luck with whatever you do.
  10. Where i go, you dont have a set date for your test you jsut get tested when the instructors feel yoru ready so with that said we have ot know every kata we have learned so far. For each belt the person also has to do 100 of each kata they learned specifically for that belt on their own at home but i think for black belt you have to do all of the katas one hundred times. Also for a actually black belt and not junior black belt, you have to do other things as well like 100 heian 4 katas for speed and power every day for a week and other things liek that. But the black belt test is 3 hours and you just keep going really hard(or working hard, not actually tense if you have made it to the black belt test, you knwo you shouldnt be tense) everything basically with never really resting so they do every kata a coupel of times and every technique learned so far.
  11. Yo, this is that guy from xanga. But anyway, a good excersize is to get an box or something and DROP off of it and then right away jump back up. It works best the lest time spent on the ground although i dont realyl do this excersize because its not good to do ifyour still growing. Also, if you believe in and use chi at yoru school try talking to your martial arts isntructor. Mine todl me to keep my chi light and imagine it as though i'm floating like a leaf up into the air and just send my chi up. Whevener i do a new sport at my school, i go to my sensei and ask him for advice on how to do better because one of his beliefs is that martial arts isnt only the art of fighting but the art of movement. There is a story of this olympic snow board who was snowboard across teh world (not litterally, but you get wha ti mean) and he met this monk who had never snowboarded in his life and was able to teach him how to snowboard better. I forget the name of the book but if you search in google long enough you will find the book about that guy but id ont know if thats in it, but it probably is.
  12. OK, thanks, lol, yeah i knwo though i always figured we neve rlearned it casue we dotn need to say no, but i was still curious.
  13. In my karate class everyon keeps a journal although we only write in it at class it helps to realize things in life and from it i have gained a lot more of a positive attitude over the little over a year i have been taking karate. It helps you think and just realize and one of my favorite entries was when i realized life sucks so smile. Also there are a bunch of other things and its also nice to look back and see everything you have written. I mean it can be about anything. I think its a good idea to start one, its really good.
  14. At karate class we have learned ot say quite a few things in japanese and it is the correct way as i have had many of the pronunciations of words confirmed by japanese friends of mine but i just realized we never learned how to say no. I would ask my friends, but one is sick and one is on vacation. Just curious if anyone knows how to say no in japanese.
  15. lol, thats really funny but its a great idea as well. My school does belt test in private during class and you might not even relaize the person is testing in another room till they walk back in with one of the two senseis and they call them to the front of the class. Cause the two senseis are married (to each other) and have to watch after kids or do work so they arent always at classes. But if the school i go to did tests like that i would actually really relaly like it. It makes it so you have to becoem very proficient for each belt and owrk for it. If there were maybe like 2-5 tets per year for each belt or maybe less then it woudl be really good as only one person would be promoted. I actually really realyl like that idea to be honest. Thats cool, too bad you cant keep doing it because of their attitudes.
  16. That would be great if that actually happened. I'm only an orange belt but if i aws an instructor and that happened, i wouldnt have let him get past like orange or green belt with that attitude. I mean TOO HOT???? What kinda thing is that to say at karate class. I wouldn't even let someone like that test if i were an instructor. If especially a black belt complained it was too hot, i would say ok, and go over and turn off the fans and if they complain again, i would turn on the heater if there is one. I would jus tmake this person work extremely hard. So no, htis person would deffinitely fail their test.
  17. I dont really know, but it seems liek more people comment when someone has already commented so i figured i woudl just comment and good luck figuring it out. You could always ask the teacher though if youc ant figure it out.
  18. When there is cereal in the house which isnt really that often i drink alot of milk because somehow i manage to go through alot of milk in one bowl and likea third of the box of cereal in one bowl. I never understood how it says tehre rae 14 servings of cereal. There always eems to be only 3 in each box. So probably like 2 cups of milk when i have cereal at home but others prety much none. Also i sometimes drink soy milk, but i cant really taste much difference between that and normal milk, but that sjust my opinion so whatever. But i dont take any suplements either.
  19. Good luck, and hope your fine.
  20. Great article, but i dont want to really write a whoel lot so i'm jsut going to say cool last line where you said you cant put a price on priceless knowledge. Also glad you found a school that taught open mindedness and character building. There arent that many schools like that around any more. Alot of people now a days dont realize how important that is in martial arts.
  21. I dont see anything wrong with waxing yoru chest, but you dont really need too. I tmight be a bit wierd though if you wax something other than yoru upper body liek yoru legs or arms, cause i mean all guys have hair on their arms and legs, that would be kidna wierd if you didnt. But just do what you feel like.
  22. Cool, a couple of those picture were funny seeing the people comment from the picture here.
  23. Please help, looking for advice on more personal issues. This is kidna confusing to explain so i will try to say it all but i dont want to give too much information either in case this person looks here although i dont know why they would be, but still. Anyway, (i'm 14) there is this girl that i have liked for about 2 or 3 years and a couple of months ago we wnet out with each other. But she broke up with me after a week saying that we were too different and it would just hurt more later if we had to. So now it seems as though she still likes me too and its kinda confusing. I dont want to put her in an awkard position by asking her out again after that, but i think i tmight make us happy again but i dont really knwo for sure. Her friends were trying to get us to dance together at the last school dance, but we were both kidna shy and a little emabarressed. I could ask one of my friends to tell her that i still like her and i plan to ask her to dance at the next school dance without telling her i specifically told them to say that so that way at least she will know. I am also thinking of asking her to dance at the next school dance, but thats not for another couple of months. So yeah...if anyone has any advice on what i shoudl do or just an opinion of this all then that would be really appreciated. I just realized i could post this here and maybe get a response which could really help. Thanks for anyone reading this.
  24. Yeah, i knwo what you mean because there are some franschises (i'm not going to say which ones) dojos where someone who wants to be an instructor just goes to a couple of seminars, pays 10,000 dollars or something like that and is handed a black belt and they start teaching. I would even prefer the "three year black belt" over them in the words of white warlock. Although it is a good point that the belt statistics dont really mean anything, but its still fun looking at them. I mean when y ou look at it, there arent really that many marital arts with belt rankings and they shouldnt really mean that much. I mean even in old times there was nothing other than the belt they wore to keep their gi's closed and they didnt wear the belt cause the color symbolized their rank, although sometime speople had to wear white belts, they wore them cause they liked the color basically or it was the attire everyone wore.
  25. Yeah, i wouldnt particularly like bowing to something other than the air or a person. I think of bowing as a way of showing respect and i guess thankfulness sometimes as well to other people. Also, its just kinda like puts you in a mind set and helps to clear your mind and just put you in the moment. Those are the reasons i bow, but i would not like bowing to a statue or picture or object but i dont see anything wrong with just bowing the emptiness/nature or a person out of respect or kindness/thankfulness for them. Its kinda hard ot exactly write what you mean about this, so dont take all this too litterally, cause i couldnt realyl figure out what to write exactly.
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