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Everything posted by Why_Worry

  1. lol, real funny although they do actually make tai chi movies which happen to look alot like those crazy kung fu movies.
  2. I dont get it, but i'm sure to some people its funny, but whatever. Sorry, dont understand.
  3. lol, Violent little kid, now you gonna have me scared of playing twister.
  4. Cool video, but i dont recomend if you get bored and wanna spar someone you go on the street and grab some random person hoping for a good fight.
  5. lol, really funny. I might send that to my senseis so they can read it too. I feel like an old man now with my hand on my hip. I have hip problems, j/k.
  6. - When you can sit in your room spending hours hitting your arm as hard as you can in different spots to see which hurts most. -When you know more japanese then your japanese friend. -You naturally bow without even thinking when enterting school and everyone stares at you. -You spend time thinking of how to use a computer as a weapon...just incase.
  7. Oh and i forgot, I think what you should look for in a dojo is whether it is run like an aerobics class where everyone just come sand does their thing or if it is like a family where everyone is friendly and talks and really know each other and willing to learn (that includes the Sensei's)
  8. #4 If you ask me, that isnt right. I would try to stay away from dojo's that do tournaments although its really my dad's choice since i'm only thirteen but i feel as though if you do tournaments all you do is focuse on how to win a tournament, not what to do on the streets where there are no limitations and the oponent is attempting to seriously injure you, if not kill you. There is a difference between training to face someone else for points and if you loose you go home and training to face someone else for your life where if you loose, you dont go home. ALthough if you are training you need to keep in mind as well that it is not all about fighting, and that the goal is not to win, but rather to not loose. #11 This really depends on the age of the practitioners. At the dojo i go to during the fall and winter sessions there are more kids there who dont really know how to tie their belts and eventually the belts can start coming off and during the winter we have usually about 20 people there so the kids just put their belts to the side when they come off so we dont have to stop class just ot tie them and everyone can keep learning.
  9. Great point. Besides in my form of martial arts we focuse on improving ourselves through kata and drills and meditation and i think of how i can be prepared for a street fight as the last thing. Even so, karate has increased my fighting ability by a great amount the little over a year i have been taking it. If you ask me full contact fighting just creates an artificial enviroment where your only goal is to reach your oponent and not do proper form or technique and not use your chi/ki and if you train properly, you should have no need to fight as you have nothing to prove and are fine not fighting. Great article and the name of my style is Wado Ryu or The peaceful Way which if you look at the symbol they have a dove for peace isntead of fighting.
  10. You need to focuse on the amount of time of peoples lives the train in each.
  11. But i'm not saying a boxer is worse, its just that most of the time karatekas train their whole life while boxers work in their prime and into the fourties maybe. If they continued training for a very long time and their whole lives then i am not sure whether a karateka or boxer would come out on top. I know i would liek to get in a match with a boxer (Well actualyl i would cause it would be fun) but i dont wanna get in a full contact match with a boxer.
  12. It really depends on the person. There is a story of an Okinawan karateka named Choki Motobu. (i'm going to try me best to retell it) Choki Motobu and his friend read of matches which had boxers face off against judo students/adepts (i think its called judoka but i dont want to direspect anyones names so i will just say judo students). So Choki and his friend went to go see them as they were very interested. There was one boxer who was extremely good. He defeated the boxers almost methodically one after another until all of the judo students/adepts had been defeated. Then he called into the auidience asking if there was no one else who would fight. Choki's friend who had no knowledge that he was an adept in karate asked him if he thought there were any people in Okinawa who could defeat this man. Choki replied "At least six." His friend couldnt believe that such a small island as Okinawa could produce six people who could defeat this man or even stand their own against him. Then the man called into the auidience again and Choki stood up. His friend tried to pull him back down saying he didnt mean for him to fight but Choki wouldnt listen. So Choki went into the ring and the match started. The boxer went around him and threw a feint. Choki recognized the feint and didnt move and blocked the following punch. Then the boxer kept throwing punches and combonations while Choki just blocked and dodged until he was tired and saw his opening and hit him making him fall to the ground and he won. (P.S. he might not have knocked him to the ground but he did win, i forget exactly how it happened at the end.)
  13. Cool article, but some of it is a little hard to believe but i do believe it cause i have seen some crazy things myself. Like my dad got a pinched nerve and if you know what that is it, it REALLY hurts and one of my sensei's does chi therapy for a living and she kinda waved her hands around his neck and touched a few spots on his neck and then he felt all better. I was amazed. Also, in martial arts you get all your power from chi. You move from your center of chi and shoot out the chi through your arm, or leg, etc. and shoot it into the target. Also with the power of chi, people can do things that border the super natural. If you control it and use it for power you can do amazing feets of strength and speed. Stories of Karate Greats like Itoman Bunkichi for example tell of how one time he was walking along a tall stone wall and a man attacked him. Instead of fighting him, he jumped right over the way and kept walking. The same story happened another time except with a house instead of a wall. Itoman bunkichi was also able to jump from over from one side of a wooden bridge to the other side. Some of the stuff you wrote though sounds crazy, but i'm sure its true. What my sensei's tell me is that breathe moves the chi and chi move sthe body but that can only happen if your relaxed and the better a martial artists, the less effort they put in to do juts as much work because its all chi which doesnt tire you. Well cool article too and thanks for putting it up.
  14. Very interesting article. Thanks for typing it so me and everyone else could read it. I especially liked when it said martial arts is about defending yourself, not hurting others. Also, like my sensei tells me about awareness and presence, "Its not the technique that matters, its the time in between the techniques."
  15. You can learn a kata in class, but you will never master it unless you practice countless times whenever you can. Eventually it is supposed to be a form of meditation. Sometimes it is refered to as moving zen where you stop thinking and just move as each and every move becomes a part of you and you move but don't think, just being.
  16. Well the best way of keeping it from falling off is just to not put it on in the first place, but then whats the point of that. But once you have your belt for a while it will get worn in and will stay on longer, so just be pacient and keep tightning it, but dont tie it too tight or you can't breathe.
  17. I actually think Taiji is very effective. The problem is finding a class that will not be like an aerobics class where you jsut come whenever you feel like it and is just for physical fitness. They actually make Taiji movies in which everyone in it fight using Taiji. Its pretty amazing to see such skilled practitioners in Taiji fighting even if it is just a movie.
  18. Oh, i'm not a white belt, i just dont know how to change it.
  19. Well you can practice in reasonable times. For example, what i would recomend is practicing three times a day for 10 minutes. Thats what Gichin Funakoshi recomended people practice for. That way you learn stuff or review stuff and then review again later so it stays fresh all day and in ten minutes you can actually get a decent practice if you really work.
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