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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. how do you sink a submarie full of blondes? knock on the door.
  2. i heard somewhere that you can live with 2 hours of sleep a night. probably a load of crap but hay.
  3. im planing from learning 'chucks from a book. but thats not really a MA.
  4. although its called "the gentle science" jujitsu is way more painfully then kickboxing. ok being punched full in the face has its moment but being thrown smack bang over someones shoulder really chaffs. *even when you DO land right* and locks and stuff well dont get me started on that. part from side kicks they really ****ing *sorry* hurt.
  5. kempo dude kickboxing is nothin luck boxing *well not much like it* kickboxing is way better. you should try it. and if you dont like ill give you your money back!
  6. hes not a kickboxing instructor but leon is the coolest guy. hes an amazing teacher. heres his stats: 6th Degree Black Belt in Small Circle JujitsuTM. 8th Degree Black Belt in Dillman International's Pressure Point fighting system. 5th Degree Black Belt in Patrick McCarthy's Ryukyu Research society 3rd Degree Black Belt in Kodenkan Jujitsu 1st Degree Black Belt in Judo 1st Degree Black Belt Tae-Kwon Do i know only a 1st in tae kwon do EDIT: oh and the inheritor of small circle jujitsu. _________________ yellow belt-small circle jujitsu white belt-kick boxing [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-05-30 12:24 ]
  7. thanks guys and yeh it was TKD_McGee he broke. i think it was the shock that was the worst bit. he'll be fine *i hope* and Bon your right atleast it was in the dojo and not in the street. thanks peeps.
  8. wow hi welcome *bows in humbleness* i look forward to talking with you and learning more about your style.
  9. hi welcome we have 2 things in common then. being called mike and being 14. what do you study?
  10. hi welcome
  11. hi welcome
  12. thats another thing hes not a n00b hes a purple belt. i was suprised by that has brake-falling is most of the techeniques of the yellow belt test.
  13. hahaha :lol: :up: thanks for that!
  14. nice one patrick nad good luck geting a job.
  15. haha nice
  16. your muma she so fat when she goes to thorpe park she gets group discount. and a classic one your muma she so fat she feel down the grand canyon and got stuck!
  17. today i broke a guys wrist doin a leg sweep in jujitsu, he didnt brake-fall and landed on it really bad. i felt so sick and an ambulence came and everything. have any of you broken anything training or broken anything of anyone else?
  18. 7 and half stone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i weigh 8 and im a short thin 14 year old!!!
  19. hi welcome to te forums! i think mayb aikido might be good for what you want. it involves lots of locks and chokes and things like that. i dont study it myself but this is what i know about it. hope i could help.
  20. hi welcome
  21. man only a stoner could find something like that out. i can imagine it now.
  22. heh you said that like dillman was a tool heh. but yeh ill ask him, i didnt think of that. thanx
  23. l8er
  24. no there are two people in england who dont like football. its suck doesnt it!and with the world cup coming up to :sleep: and i got to agree kickboxing does rule!!! goin in for my grading this saturday. wish me luck
  25. does anyone know where i could do it. ive heard and read lots about it and ive always wanted to do pressure point studys.
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