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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. im not really afraid to die after reading fight club. after all death is the first step to eternal life. i know that sounds quite stupid. but i think thats its true.
  2. about a boy by nick hornby
  3. im doing the first week but with out the running. i was just wondering what are dips? i think they come in at about week 13.
  4. kickboxing-america jujitsu-japan
  5. that looks stupid to me. its kinda like a wussy fight club. thats bad.
  6. hi welcome
  7. happy birthday karateforums!!!! sorry im abit late i was celebrating my own birthday too
  8. wow o-town now there not a manufactured, original, well thought, out piece of non-rubbish. *no offence to you people how like them*
  9. very special day tomorrow!!!!! :bdaybiggrin:
  10. i dont see how nunchucks are that dangerous. i mean how are you gonna hold up a bank or something with nunchucks! and you need to be trained properly before they can do any really harm so.....
  11. my belt tests aint to bad because im a mini person. 13 years old and i only have ot pay about £15 for my tests
  12. i might give george *my left testicle* but gilbert i wouldnt give up. not even for a lightsaber. but mayb for a dart vader mask.
  13. i prefered it while ago but now its not as good.
  14. is racket ball the same as squash?? and yeh ive played once. i got hit in the face with a racket, it hurt. _________________ yellow belt-small circle jujitsu white belt-kick boxing [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-05-20 13:54 ]
  15. i can finally touch my toes!!!! it took like 3 weeks of stretching every night for an hour but i can finally touch my toes!!
  16. i do both kickboxing and ju jitsu and id say that kickboxing is probably a good choice for you. judo aswell would be good. but it has no punches/kicks.
  17. well i do like my half flip axe flip. joke yeh i do quite a cool lookin front kick distraction to round kick.
  18. hope your eye gets better
  19. i think Withers Martial Arts Academy is cool, keep with it
  20. good luck to all people going in to the comp!!
  21. nice equation there Withers M.A.A and theres me at school thinking it was speed= distance over time!
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