im not really afraid to die after reading fight club. after all death is the first step to eternal life. i know that sounds quite stupid. but i think thats its true.
i dont see how nunchucks are that dangerous. i mean how are you gonna hold up a bank or something with nunchucks! and you need to be trained properly before they can do any really harm so.....
is racket ball the same as squash?? and yeh ive played once. i got hit in the face with a racket, it hurt. _________________ yellow belt-small circle jujitsu white belt-kick boxing [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-05-20 13:54 ]
i do both kickboxing and ju jitsu and id say that kickboxing is probably a good choice for you. judo aswell would be good. but it has no punches/kicks.