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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. yeh i used my small circle jujitsu skill. finger locks to bent elbow lock to thumb lock. he never came near me again. untill he decided to come with some friends. and i thought he learnt his lesson. side kick to the solar plexus sorted him and his freinds how ran off after.
  2. we have to kiai at jujitsu so when i started kickboxing we were doin some pad work.so i let out a big KIAI with my sidekick. everyone in the gym turned round and gave me the strangest look. i was quite imbarresed. but the sempai explained to people at the end of the lesson and now everyone thinks im really hard and scary. and "oh my god he does jujitsu im goin to be killed" was what a guy said before we sparred. naturally he kicked my butt. they still think im scary and i can kiai in peace now!
  3. thanks for the stuff -: really good. do you know any good pressure point books? what ones would you recommed.
  4. i know how you feel. when i started jujitsu i wanted to do the same. ok heres what you do. sit down on the floor with your right leg out and your left leg bent so the foot is against the right knee and your left knee is flat on the floor. bend forward and try and grab your foot. repeat with other leg. sit down and bend both legs so your feet meet in the middle bring them right in towards your crotch. push your knees down with your elbows. try touching your toes. its a good way of measureing your improvment. if any of these are unclear sorry and ill try and find someone who can describe it better. hope i can help. _________________ Yellow Belt-Small Circle Jujitsu Red Belt-Kick Boxing SAMA organisation "Remember, nothing hurts worse than pain." [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-06-14 15:02 ] [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-06-14 15:03 ]
  5. thats really cool! wolverine claws! now thats what i want for my birthday! wow there cool! if you get what i mean!
  6. i remember my first jujitsu class. it was cool but when they did randori i had to sit out coz i didnt know how to fall. but sensei saw i was looking bored so he took me to the side and showed me some wrist locks and stuff. i had a cool time and didnt want to leave (even with the two swolen wrists!) i had a respect for him ever since. _________________ Yellow Belt-Small Circle Jujitsu Red Belt-Kick Boxing SAMA organisation "Remember, nothing hurts worse than pain." [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-06-13 16:39 ]
  7. i know get ninja hand spikes make the spikes longer so they go inbetween your knuckle and punch away!
  8. have an of you seem the show jackass, where he sprays pepper spray in his eyes! it so funny!!!!!!
  9. ZeRo


    hi welcome nice name! i like it coz it changes
  10. hi welcome
  11. thats pretty bad
  12. i might be seeing one at the globe this summer. if theres a good play on.
  13. ive got to say my sensei leon. he is my main influence. he showed me that martial arts arnt just a hobby there a way of life. and obviously bruce lee aswell. without him i dont think martial arts would have come as far without him.
  14. im not to keen on shakespeare right now, sorry. well i have just studyed 1 of his plays to death (macbeth). i dont mind some of his other plays. although i wouldnt admite it to my friends!
  15. hi welcome
  16. i really want to do kendo but no where near me does it. it looks dam cool with the armour and stuff!
  17. dumbells are cool i have some 5kg i use. there good for me. i dont want to do anything heavyer just incase.
  18. i think that was the right thing to do ckdstudent. that way he will learn selfcontrol and the adult will learn techneque. selfcontrol is one of the most important things because if you dont control your emotions they will control you.
  19. yes and i have. but i had to see a lesson first just incase he sucked, and he doesnt so i joined and am now a part of the Sama organisation.
  20. the coach with a hint of drill sargent.
  21. does anyone from england train in the S.O? if so what do you train in, karate or kickboxing? do you thinks its a good organisation?
  22. R.I.P
  23. cool judo is good but i can understand that you might feel kinda wierd training with little kids and stuff.
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