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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. these last few days have been really quiet round these parts. has anyone heard anything from YODA??
  2. yeh they are !
  3. get it sorted or it could go really bad.
  4. The wimp who made it through the eliminations on luck alone will suddenly turn into Bruce Lee when you're up against him. The referee will always be looking the other way when you score. You will have trouble with the ties on your gi pants when members of the opposite sex are in class. The day you leave work early to make it to class on time, the sensei will be sick. The sensei will only use you during demonstrations for joint-locking techniques. If you have to use your training in self-defense, your attacker's father will be a lawyer. After a flawless demonstration, you will trip on your way back to your seat. After years of training without a single injury, you will pull a groin muscle the night before your black belt exam. In an otherwise vacant locker room, the only other person will have the locker right next to yours. No matter how many times you take care of it before your promotion exam, you will invariably have to go to the bathroom when it's your turn. another one from judoinfo.com !
  5. i found a perfect cartoon to discribe what is better go to http://www.judoinfo.com/humour4.htm look at the cartoon at the top of the page.
  6. 1 The first and last words that you say every day is "Ouch". 2 The last time you gave a kiai your dentures projected across the dojo. 3 Your training partner always begins each move with "Don't worry, I won't throw you". 4 If you try the same movement twice in a row you consider it uchikomi. 5 Your belt and your hair have both turned white with age. 6 Each time your training partner takes his grip he always says "Did I hurt you?" 7 "A little action" means your prune juice is finally working. 8 Your get up and go, like your knees, have long ago, got up and went. 9 You are wondering if a walker is allowed in randori. 10 You would rei but you are afraid of not getting back up. 11 Your tokuiwaza is now geezer waza. 12 Your favorite competition throw is a kata move. 13 You hate meditation because you fall asleep. 14 You barely have enough ki to pull up your gi pants. 15 Your favorite combination is Nuprin and Geritol. 16 You do have a favorite hold-down but you can't, for the life of you, remember it. 17 The cute new girl asks you if its really true that you met Kano. 18 You are adamant that tatami, like redwood, becomes petrified with age. 19 Your Judo membership number is the Roman Numeral I. 20 Your Life Membership certificate has the word "EXPIRED" stamped across it. 21 More and more you wonder why it is called "The Gentle Way". 22 You remember when Judogi pants were above the knee. another great one from judoinfo.com !
  7. i agree id rather lose then be an empty champion. _________________ Yellow Belt-Small Circle Jujitsu Red Belt-Kick Boxing [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-06-02 04:40 ]
  8. hahaha :lol:
  9. i should probably say that in our system red is just after white and not as many people think before black. thanks for all congrates one step closer to being sensei Mike! _________________ Yellow Belt-Small Circle Jujitsu Red Belt-Kick Boxing "Remember, nothing hurts worse than pain." [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-06-02 05:24 ]
  10. dont thank us, we should thank you for this GREAT forum.
  11. yeh ive heard about wing chun. theres a video in this forum of wing chun if anyone can give a link it would be helpful. its quite good.
  12. naaa you arn't fat im 5"2 and im 8 stone, pretty skinny to. how old are you?
  13. i got my red belt today! thanks to jack for all the advise. and yes cdkstudent i did stretch my hardcore before i went!
  14. i think we should find out!
  15. yeh ive seen that to where they break with there heads. i dont see the point its just kinda to show off. no practical use.
  16. wow cool site. i think i might get me one for a week.
  17. man thats bad. its only a sport people shouldnt get so wound up about it. its like football thugs. these people only go to fight! they should just calm down. in the words of a great man "chill Winston"
  18. they hold there 'chucks right at the top. like when he does the over the shoulder pass he has to reach right up his back. should you hold them right at the bottem? *sorry if this has already been answered.*
  19. i should be getting some hexagonal chord nunchucks soon.
  20. hi welcome
  21. yeh if you do both then your sorted. no more agro!
  22. i think id go with ninjitsu its just the kinda thing i would like to do.
  23. thats how i found this forum through kickboxing.com. very good site!
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