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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. nice to meet you to! welcome
  2. hi welcome
  3. personally i dont think i could. but hay i havnt ever been there so.......
  4. well then good luck 15 more times! :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
  5. try the navy seals workout on the health and fitness forum.
  6. all i can advise is to use that side more *obvious* but spar with it so you get more confident.
  7. if you enjoyed shotokan karate do that. ive never done it and i dont know much about it but i think you should do it. the first step to anything is to enjoy it. good luck for what ever you do.
  8. ours are too but at black belt it goes up massively. usually its about £10 in jujitsu and i think about the same for kickboxing.
  9. hi welcome
  10. i can tell you isnt Judo. boring! good to do yourself but not very good to watch. but i have seen some cool fights just most of them aint to great with one decisive throw wins its.
  11. small circle jujitsu white mid yellow yellow mid orange orange mid purple purple mid green green mid blue blue mid brown brown black
  12. your muma she so fat she sits next to everyone in the cinema. your mums she so fat she on both sides of the family.
  13. your mumma she so fat she got baptised in sea world!
  14. haha
  15. wow thats really cool but someone really really REALLY needs to get out more.
  16. good luck and do your best. :up:
  17. muay thai would win over kickboxing. its like judo vs jujitsu, kickboxing is just muay thai with the nasty bits taken out.
  18. hope it gets better very fast so you can KICK some more butt!
  19. hi welcome
  20. hi welcome
  21. heh Crumi Ansur Pmu Focus of Calpol
  22. when we talk to God its called pray, but when God talks to us its called madness.
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