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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. dont mean to bring up bad things but is that what happened to your friend?
  2. good luck. but if you dont go to the chat no one will! good luck
  3. ?? right ??
  4. my name comes from a philosophy "straight edge". its against mind altering substances. eg drugs smoking alcohol caffine and all stuff like that. the symbol is a black X on your right hand. thats how i get XpOiSoN FrEeX (if any of you are into minor threat you will know what i mean.)
  5. oh my god!!!!!! thats amazing. i think i might be able to do the first week if you took the running out. heh thats hard
  6. training for me is trying to reach a goal. for instance i am trying to do 100 press-ups in a row so i do press-ups everyday. thats what training means to me.
  7. i will try that maybe if i can. but its easy to say when they aint trying to hit you.
  8. i respect my senseis because they are two great teachers!
  9. good luck !!! :up: and dont give up. i remember my first jujitsu lesson it was kinda scary but i kept at it and i love it!! keep with your dreams!
  10. hi i train with the AKA american kickboxing assosiation do any of you people know anything about them?
  11. im not expierenced enough to use distracting eye movments or stuff but i think ill try it. i usually look at the center of there chest so i can see there whole body. should i look there or is there another place people think i should look. any help would be very well apresheated.
  12. ive heard about the shin cancer thing before. sounds bad. sorry to hear about your lose
  13. ive read that very sad but very good
  14. ok people what im about to say might shock some of you but...... im not to bothered about SW2 it dont look that great *to me* i still might see it though.
  15. i like the old Wattaaaah!!! but i think an action needs to be added? maybe the rip your shirts off and go into the horse stance! (this might not be for some of the ladys) Edit: i forgot KIAI!!!! _________________ yellow belt-small circle jujitsu white belt-kick boxing [ This Message was edited by: XpOiSoN FrEeX on 2002-05-13 14:09 ]
  16. haha good stuff. :up:
  17. WOW that is really random but quite cool
  18. yeh i do cross my legs when doin side kicks i dont see how you can if you are like lundgeing *cant spell*
  19. pretty cool YODA
  20. your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries you small minded wipper of other people bottems.
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