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Everything posted by Adonis

  1. Thats funny, Karate MAFIA! LOL
  2. subgrappler where you get the statistics from.?
  3. Hey thanks for the info some of those moves I already do. You ever go Eddie Bravo's Jiu-Jits unleashed book? It shows a good half guard game there.
  4. Really? what angles you do or how you place or balance your weight on the opponent. when going for a key lock from mount my body has more weight leaning towards that side. So how you keep from getting rolled over? Thats why I focus on Key lock from side mount.
  5. marie, I usually go for mount and keep my hips by thre hips, chest on them, legs hooking theirs to push them away so they can't bridge and roll. One hand uner the head the other posted out with my head down I do this to stable the postion for a bit then I go to a higher mount like you said. Knee's in the arm pits or if they bring an elbow up to block a choke my knee by there shoulder staying tight so they can't bring the elbow down since my knee and hips keep it wedged between me and there body they can't put the elbow to the ground with out moving first. I usually don't go for america or bent arm bars from mount. I go for choke or staight arm bars.
  6. actually your white worlock other wise every one would be doing that one type of style. Since other people are out there with diffrent fighting prefences that are working for them. That pretty kills that theory.
  7. Thats right he is 15! Makosub is is right on the money. Take up wreslting in high school. Don't miss that oppurtunity. especially if you want to fight. WRESLTING IS THE KEY to fighting. It will teach good top control postion. as well as for fighting it will teach TAKE DOWNS and TAKE DOWN DEFENSE! so if you like to strike you need wreslting and submission defense to get back on your feet to strike or least ground n pound. If you want to work Jiu-Jitsu wrestling is key to taking the person down. Just my opinon. Don't miss on the golden oppurtunity to wrestle. Also when you do jiu-jitsu keep your elbows close to your ribs. That will help in avoiding arm bars. For chokes hand on face. Also hunching shoulders to cheeks and chin down helps to protect the neck. Good luck to you.
  8. Yeah but that was his intial training was with the GI Yeah I know who Roland Saria is. Alot of his guys left and went over to Arizona combat sports. The two fighters from Arizona combat sports that are winning now in the UFC. Joe Riggs, and Drew fickett did very well in the UFC. they both train out of Arizona combat sports. but if you go to Brausa, Edwin Dewees one of Rolands brown belts is pretty good. There is also if you want to go to phoneix. You got Megaton Diez 2nd or 3rd degree black belt I believe under Rickson and royler Gracie. You also got Jerry Luarita, Black belt under Joe Moreria and also Arthur ruff is a black belt under Rodrigo Mederios. There are other comps that go on in Arizona. XFC in Lake havasue, As well as AZcombatsports put on ones also. You looking to become a MMA fighter?
  9. where you from? You found any gyms where y our at for Jiu-Jitsu?
  10. Supergalactic, You ever seen Eddie Bravo's book Jiu-Jitsu unleashed?
  11. Last time I check the prices around $120 a month all together if you want to do both BJJ and the kick boxing. I am not sure what indvidually it costs. Prices may have changed you will have to call to find out. Gustavo is a good instructor from what I saw of him teach. His guys are really good also. So I will highly recomend checking it out.
  12. whats toushi kan? Is that what you got your black belt in?
  13. okay nice thoughts pal but I am hungry were's the food? lol!
  14. You don't want any thing to do with kung fu, karate, or that jiu-jitsu stuff. The real secret is Taebo thats where you get the real fighting power from. Nothing like a pair of spandex, some funky beats, and some stepping knee's and you will have the confidence to take care of your self in any situation. THAT IS ALL THE KARATE25
  15. Pretty much. Even regular BJJ isn't working to well in MMA. Submission % is going down, do to better submission defenses and take down defenses. Fighters are getting insanely good. People like to remenice of the old UFC days of style vs. style. but those days are gone. It was new but I don't think those were the good ol days. Some people think. I think the fighters now are way better. As you see with Tank abbots return to the UFC and loosing every match in the first round. Then going to pride and loosing also. Times change
  16. School: Arizona Combat Sports, Instructors Gustavo Dantes and trevor lally, Lally teaches the MMA and kick boxing. Dantes, teaches the BJJ classes. He is a legit BJJ Black belt. School is decent and they have lot of good guys to roll with there. Here is a couple websites the school website. https://www.azcombatsports.com also Gustavo Dantes website https://www.gdjiujitsu.com here is the gyms direcdtions and phone 1753 E. Broadway Tempe, AZ 85282 S.W. Corner of McClintock and Broadway right behind the DVD Depot TEL: (480) 517-1960 number. They offer classes in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Pankratation, and muay thai kick boxing. They offer a free introductory class for each program. So check it out. I haven't trained there but I rolled with Gustavo's students before or competed against them. They are GOOD! As well as I seen him teach and he is a very good teacher. SO here is one place you can check out there are few other schools around the valley as well.
  17. blackbelt22, what place you thinking of training Jiu-Jitsu at? I know some good places to train out there.
  18. yeah that is my mistake but the postion he was in was with the knee under or close enough to the shoulder to not allot me to touch the ground with it as well tight enough so I wasn't able to get it to the ground. So I was hoping for that postion since my ohter techniques failed. I just need to work the mechanics more is what I think. I missing probably details on them that made me get stuck there.
  19. I don't refute that it is possible to get knocked out, but most MMA fighters that are in the top 10 to top 20 have very decent grappling experience. Any way on a side note, who did Gracie faught that knocked him out? Not to mention it wasn't rorion. He hasn't faught in years. His fights were before the UFC ever started I believe. As far as events go. So he wasn't ever in pride. Now other gracies how ever. Dan Henderson KO'd Renzo Gracie with upper cut/ wreslting sprawl when rezno tried to take him down. another gracie got KO'ed also. Either way most of those strikers know HOW TO GRAPPLE. Thats the key. If you can't grapple or stop the grappler from taking you down. Your percentage of a win will be extremely low.
  20. Check both of them out and see which one you like and fits your goals as to why you want to do the martial arts. There isn't a single best all around style. You got to choose art, instructor, and place. Most people don't or won't stay commited to traveling long distance to a school. So picking one close that you like is good, that is afordable, that you feel comfortable with an instructor and how he teaches you, as well as other fellow class mates. Not to mention if you like the over all style and it meets your goals as to why you want to study martial arts. Exmaple I wouldn't take Jiu-Jitsu to learn how to strike, or be good with multiple weapons. Or I wouldn't take shotokan to learn how to be really good on ground techniques cause its not heavily emphasized. So if your not sure what you want check both places out and see whats best for you. Or what you like the best. Good luck to you sir!
  21. ummmm do reasearch onm the web. google is your friend. Put in aikido or Jujitsu and type in vid's. Look through the various sites. I am sure you will see some technique vid's.
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