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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I don't subsribe to BB, but I do buy it. Like Pacific said, some months are better than others, and I buy it when it's good
  2. I compete occasionally. Only in forms and breaking, though. I went to three different tournies (including ones I competed in) and I witnessed cheating by judges in sparring, so I don't spar ouside of class. I used to go to tournies "hosted" by the IMA (https://www.imahg.net) only, but I did do one open tourny. Now I'm in TKD, and I haven't competed yet.
  3. Bon, Can I ask what "karate" that was? And what ya take now? Anyways, I need to gripe again. Another thing that Blue brought up. The "undeserving". The girl I was refering to earlier doesn't deserve her rank. The big reason is that she doesn't even try. I'm sick of teachers passing people who "know the motions" but don't try to better themselves in anyway. If I was a teacher, I would not pass people like this. I don't care how much they pay me. It's not right. If a parent "complained" that I didn't pass their "dojo darling" because I felt they weren't ready, I would tell them that you brought your kid to me to learn something. If they don't wanna try, then I'm not going to pass them. If they don't like it, go find a McDojo. Sorry if I came across a little harsh, but I'm tired of people getting something they don't deserve while the rest of us are busting our asses to get it. _________________ Laurie S. Yellow belt/green stripe TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-05-24 21:09 ]
  4. I studied TSD. Then I moved and started TKD. The TKD school advanced me fast to green (almost), because of my pior expeience. I agreed with it at first, but now I don't. I went from white to high yellow in 4 and a half months (white, high white, orange, high orange, yellow, high yellow, ect). That's 6 grades in TKD. I've only been high yellow for a month (each grade takes 3 or so months usually) and I'm testing for green next month. 7 grades in 6 months eeekkkk). I wanna slow down, because I'm not getting a chance to learn techniques. I learn the motions of forms, then test again (no time to work on technique ggggrrrrr). I started at white belt in TKD, and I thought I would love the idea of advancing fast. NOT. I'm in no hurry. I'd rather LEARN something than get a rank I don't deserve. _________________ Laurie S. Yellow belt/green stripe TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-05-24 19:53 ]
  5. Blue, I'm glad you started this thread. I agree with the "7 year old BB" thing. My pet peeve lately is a girl in my class. Her technique SUCKS. I mean, she REALLY sucks. She don't even try to improve. The white belts have technique better than her! Just because she is a rank higher than me, she thinks she can tell me (and others) how to do things. NOT. When she grows up (she is a immature 14 year old), and learns to RESPECT the arts and the people around her and actually TRY harder in class, THEN she can tell me what to do. I'm not saying that I'm perfect. I'm definitely far from it. But for someone who doesn't even try in class, like her, then she expects people to listen to her??? And ego's bother me, too. The "rank going to the head" thing. I won't go there.
  6. I seen defenses against guns. I never did them, but if someone (gunman) is close enough, I think it's possible with a VERY EXPERIECED martial artist.
  7. Same here, Kickchick. I drink a lot of water, juice, and of course, my morning coffee I have to have 3 cups Since I read your last post, I'm trying to get myself to eat, at least, a cereal bar in the morning, and a glass of oj. My slow metabo is the "bad guy", I think. So I will try to eat a little healthier, and eat in the morning. Thanks again, Kickchick. You've been a big help
  8. I did in TSD. I was learning it at blue belt (5th gup/kyu). It was mainly learning how to "avoid" the knife at first. Then we got into disarming then locks (arm locks). Then we put them together. I moved shortly after that, so I didn't learn anymore than that.
  9. I hear ya, Bon. I'm the one that moved, but I'm worried about them LOL. I hope they think about me.
  10. I can't do the ketisis-whatever cause I have low bood sugar (boarder line diebetic). That's why I can't go on a "no-carb" diet. Sorry, Bon. No can do, but thanks for the advice anyways. I can cut down, but I need "sugar". I can cut out the bread, but then I have to keep the juice, or the other way around (I perfer juice). I definitely will cut out "fried" food, and "un-needed" sugar, like candy and soda. But the juice stays And I have to start eating in the morning
  11. I don't wanna loose weight fast. That spells trouble. I'll go with Kickchick's idea Thanks again, Kickchick.
  12. I wish, Bon LOL. Go ahead and rub it in I'll get there, though. I donno about the pivoting thing. I never really noticed LOL. I'll take notice next to see if I do.
  13. Thanks, Bon. I was seriously thinking about it, too. I did Jujitsu for a while when I did TSD (together) and it worked out well. So I think Judo would work well with TKD
  14. I'm in the same situation (except I'm older). I wanna start in another art with TKD. But for you, I wouldn't do it now. I'd wait till you are more "advanced". It's easy to mix up two arts that are similar (I'm still having that problem with TKD and TSD LOL). Check out the "Doing 2 martial arts. Will it benifit me?" thread. We are talking about that in there. I hope it helps.
  15. Good point, guys. I see what Withers is saying about two different instructors say about one tech. I used to do the tech's the TSD way (still do sometimes) and I get "told" about it in TKD. But in TSD, it was "drilled" in my head more than it is in TKD, so I try to do it "open-minded" and mix and match. But I don't think Judo techs are so similar (like TKD and TSD) that I would mix them up. One's a stand-up art and the other is ground fighting per-say. What ya think?
  16. I'm taking TKD, but I was also thinking about Judo. There is a club (judo) right down the road from my TKD school. What do you guys/gals think of this combo?
  17. Bitseach, Charlie is a BB (for real) in TSD. Don't ask me how, but it's true.
  18. My idea of martial artists from different styles getting together would be not to fight (yes I know it's popular), But to exange ideas and help one another. I like to see one big seminar with different martial artists showing a "strength" in there art, and sharing it with everyone else. Oldrookie, hehehehehe.
  19. I'm having the same problem, Koreantiger. But Kickchick hit on the botton. I need more hight, so I'm working on strengthening my legs and practice jumping higher. And Withers is right, also. If you are going to kick with your right leg, start with your right leg forward.
  20. I know the guys brother that owns Charlie. He is an instructor here in NY. Charlie is so cute (and STRONG) lol
  21. Pacific. Thanks I'm visiting "home" in NJ in June, so I'll go train at my old school. That also might make me feel better I do make the most of my new school. TSD and TKD are very similar (except the forms), so it was easy to ease into it. Thanks again.
  22. EnvE, Was the TKD guy from a McDojang?
  23. Jack, that's why it took me so long to make the decision to move. I didn't wanna leave my school Now I wanna go back _________________ Laurie S. Yellow belt/green stripe TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-05-20 09:38 ]
  24. I agree with Pacific. I had this guy in my TSD school that used to go "all out" when he sparred. He went all out on our instructor, and my instructor got kicked hard by him, so he returned the "favor". Side kick to the ol' ribs. Then he did the same to someone else, and got the same "favor". By the time he did the same to me, I think he was getting the hint. Because he hit me hard, and I got pissed (I guess he saw it in my eyes), and I went to kick him and he moved ggggrrr. I was aiming for the same spot my instructor got him. I wonder if he is still doing the same thing. I'll find out in June when I visit home (NJ).
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