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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Good advice Now that I do MA, I was taught "control". I know how to control myself now. Meditation helps. Just sit and breath. Concentrate on breathing and clear your mind. That's all I do, and I feel so much better. I forget what I was mad about.
  2. I only practice punches from the waist in forms. That's it. When we do drills, step sparring, sparring, ect. I have my guard up (kinda like a boxer with the hands up elbows in). I was taught like that in TSD. The only time we did "waist" punching was in forms. We were taught to "box" with kicks LOL. Similar to kickboxing, yes.
  3. You mean if I do (woman) the "deed" the night before a tourny, I'd be full of energy???
  4. My normal classes are tuesday and thursday, noon to 1. Saturday 10:50 to 11:50. But I try to attend one night class a week (usually monday 7:45 or friday at 5:30), because my hunny takes the night classes cause he works during the day, and I work at night. When he's off, he takes my classes. So, on average, I go 4 hours a week, plus I do three to four hours a week in the gym (usually mondays and wednsdays noonish till I get pooped). But, I will be adding to those hours (in the dojang) when I start taking the instructors program next fall. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-21 20:16 ]
  5. It's not a teen thing. I have had depression like that. I think what helped me was MA. It took my mind off it, got me in shape, and I feel better about myself. Plus practicing on my own, working, and studying, I simply don't have time to be depressed. I don't think about it.
  6. I friend of mine did the same thing to her kneee sparring in a tourny. She was out for 3 months. She had to have surgery on her knee. She's back to class, but she wears a brace, and she takes it easy during class (no jumping, ect).
  7. I started to stretch lightly (enough to prevent injury) before class, then do really good stretching after class, because the muscles are warmed up. Sometimes I just bolt outta the door after class (work) and don't get the chance. But I'm trying to make it a habbit.
  8. OOhhhhh. I just read the TV guide. 8pm Eastern time KARATE hehehehehe (ESPN2). Let's see if they actually play it now. Last time they advertized it, but played Poker. GGGRRRRRR
  9. Hey, Blade. You're not better yet ???? Just kidding. I felt the same way as you, so it's normal (I think normal is the word I wanna use LOL). My hammy is almost back to normal. I gotta watch it when I do a stretch kick though, and the front split, but other than that, I can do everything else again It took long enough, though. I was going nuts! LOL. I just have to stay away from the axe kicks, though (the kick I hurt myself with).
  10. Hey, Dee. I had the same problem, because I was trying to grow my hair all one length (which it did ..... FINALLY). I used hair spray a lot, or clips, or both. Now I just throw it in a pony tail, and use a little spriz of hair spray (instead of a lot LOL) now for good measure it stays there.
  11. I think I'm a Rabbit. I'm not sure. Anyone know (1975)? But I'm a capicorn (sp?) by the skin of my nose LOL.
  12. I have a lot but I'll name a few here. KarateForums of course. http://www.bilang.com (Tricks page) http://www.yahoo.com (chat) http://pages.cthome.net/redtsd/#sect5 (TSD links page) http://www.burrese.com/ (A cool Hapkido page) http://hoshinsulonline.tripod.ca/ (TKD & Hapkido stuff) http://www.carbonecho.com/ (Multi-art page with mpegs, and info on each art). If I'm really bored, I go here to look for MA stuff or research MA: http://www.martialinfo.com/MartialMainFrame.htm http://www.kukkiwon.or.kr/eng/ (WTF) I found this when I did a search of TKD: http://new.topsitelists.com/bestsites/judoplayer/topsites.html (Top 50 TKD sites). I also visit the Black Belt Mag, and TKD times sites.
  13. There's no doubt that Martial Arts helped me. I didn't have self esteem, confidence, and I had a bad temper. Once I started, I gradually improved in these areas, and I have fun, and get a great work-out with it.
  14. I have no clue, tai. We don't start learning Kung fu (besides Chin Na) till red belt/black belt. I'm only a green belt. I'm in it for the TKD, not the Kung Fu (no offense to Kung Fu peoples, I just like TKD). I can find out the forms, and I'll post them for you.
  15. I'm always thinking about Martial Arts. If I have to have time off from training (like I did with my hammy), I go nuts. I don't know what to do with myself LOL. I'm always thinking about ways to improve my technique, sparring compos, forms, ect. I day-dream about karate. Like today, I went to class, got my butt kicked in sparring by a few people, but yet I kicked butt in a few other matches. I was thinking about what I did wrong in the matches I lost, and what I did right in the ones I won. I was thinking like this at work ..... eeekkkkk LOL.
  16. Ti Kwon, Same here I played drums, too. I wanted to play fast, hard stuff too. It wasn't working LOL. I went to the basics and got better. That's how I also look at martial arts. The basics are so important.
  17. Tai, I do practice WTF and the Taeguk forms. I thought they were also (the first three eeekkk .... still do ), but I like Taeguk 4 (sa jang). I think they start getting good after this one. I came from a traditional art, and the forms were a lot harder. When I started TKD, I was bored to death. You know why? I was so closed minded. I was stuck on TSD and that's what I wanted to do. Eventhough I still love TSD, I also enjoy TKD now, because I opened up and I'm giving TKD a chance. Plus I love forms. I don't just learn the "motions", I "dig" into the forms (how, why, what, ect). I'm not trying to bash on you, but I'm getting a vibe that you never learned the forms like this. I'm not saying it's the perfect way, but it brings a new light to any form.
  18. Hiya taichi4eva, My school teaches both WTF TKD and Shaolin Kung fu, and us TKD students learn a bit of kung fu, and no one seems to be having a problem with it, so I don't see anything wrong with it
  19. In my TSD school, we had cho dan bo (pre-black). It's just a midnight blue belt. You would get black after 6 months with the cho dan bo belt. In my TKD school, they get a plain black belt first (trial black) then you get the real thing in six months, I think. The kids under 16 get the black and red belt. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-17 23:23 ]
  20. I just got my green belt in TKD. Belt order: white, yellow, green, blue, brown, red, black. There are 2 grades of each belt (low green ... me, then high green). I also got to blue belt in TSD (moved the day before my brown belt test ). Belt order: white, orange, green, blue, brown, purple, red, midnight blue, then black.
  21. <<<<4. Why do people have to fart in karate class and make the whole place stink. >>>> hehehehehe me and my hunny are guilty of that oops Plus two others.
  22. Wow! This forum has a post from Kickchick when she first started ..... cool. Yes, I'm a girly. I been here for a few months, but I don't mind posting
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