Im also a tactics instructor....I carry a 16 1/2 inch collapsable federal baton. I prefer it over the 24 inch, because its better for close up do need some good amount of room to swing a two footer.
thats what needs to be free and unencumbered .....MM...they should build us a stage....we make a great two man team.....LOL Ladies and gentleman...for your comedy pleasure....the stylings of MM and MJ......thanks folks.....great to be here at the Ramada Red Room....well be here all week.....
yes.....but again.....very tough to condense all of the hand to hand techniques down to one volume.....the Bubishi is EXTREMELY extensive in this regard will want to get a pair of "chishi" which are stone weights, "nigiri game" (gripping jars)...I can explain later....a makiwara...striking post,.....I will tell you how to make them.
In a street conflict...your opponent isnt going to let you "set up" as I had described.....however.....It teaches you how to generate power from a very short distance......striking from a bouncer...Ive gotten great results from those kind of strikes.
The Bubishi is the ultimate in text.....the true version is VERY long.....about 20 volumes or so, I is the be all and end all of martial techniques.