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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. TKD.....yes....it is a great fighting system.....one of the things that Ive noticed though, is that unless the practicioner has been trained in Hapkido as well, they generally seem to be "lost" when the fight gets to the "inside".....I dont train TKD at all....but its just an observation....and if Im wrong about that.....I apologize.
  2. Sorry Sho-Ju.....been away for the weekend......my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dan were awarded by Master Glenard Grabow, 6th Dan student of Sekichi Toguchi (Shoreikan), and Masanobu Shinjo (Shobukan). He had been studying with them since 1960 on Okinawa. My 4th and 5th Dan Master and Renshi titles were awarded by Master Alexander Kirk, Grandmaster Ted Smith, and Greatmaster Peter Urban. My Master test was 7 days long, 4-5 hrs each day.....the first and last day (after extensive testing) ended with a 45 minute nhb no pads round, and the 3rd day was a 30 minute grappling round wherein I is was blindfolded. My Master (Kirk) also holds a Sandan from the Kodakan, and a 6th in Goju, as well as a 7th in Jujitsu
  3. Again I say.....belt hold up pants...get on mat and train.....period.
  4. MM......everyone is entitled to an opinion.....and I respect yours as well.....but I can tell you that I have seen these demonstrations first hand......would you entertain the possibility that the "master" that you worked with may have been somewhat fraudulent in his claims ?
  5. Hey....I thought it was funny MM....
  6. WHOA !!!! ........"katas wont save you in the real world"..........the true secrets to the system you are studying are found within the kata.......learning the sequence of movements doesnt mean you "know" the kata.......you must learn bunkai, kaisai, and oyo, and ...two man forms if you have them.....then you "know" the kata.......and then.....you know the secrets.
  7. Ineluki........that is why we strive to obtain a perfection we can never reach.....countless repetitions of (hopefully) correct form. Dre......no need to apologize.......learning from our mistakes is just as important as learning the right thing.
  8. Mushin is what we strive to obtain......not avoid
  9. They should be able to change themselves.....
  10. It takes that long ?????? LOL
  11. Im not sure of the Chinese term....but in Japanese its called "Mushin"....the state of "no mind"
  12. Brit.......constant repetitions.....countless in fact.....is what will create "mushin"....the state of "no mind".....its the idea that the body will just "react", without thinking about it.......just keep training my friend.....just keep training
  13. They may take our lives....but they may never take.....our FREEDOM......LOL
  14. Ive wondered this myself.....but....having met guys of this caliber....its the only thing I can think of......
  15. Youve got great material MM.....that scentimental line was just to good
  16. MM......youre killin' me....lol
  17. MM.......you know as well as I do that there are plenty of very high level martial artists that can walk into these tournaments and clean house left and right.......they chose not to for their own reasons.
  18. Best of luck.....have a safe trip, and a great time !
  19. hahahahahahaha.......that must be some pair of underwear.....LOL
  20. Devil.....please dont take this the wrong way....its not meant to be condescending....a lot more life experience, and many more years in the arts, and you will understand what I mean........
  21. Hehehehe........nothing gets past me MM.....lol
  22. There are SEVERAL types of Goju, outside of Okinawan, which is the "real deal"......there is Japanese, under Yamaguchi lineage, USA/Urban, Peter Urban lineage, and Nisei, Frank Ruiz and Ron Taganashi, as well as Chinese Goju, under Ron vanclief(LOL).....the further down the line away from the true Okinawan ways you get......well....that should say it all..... I dont know which you encountered, but maybe your instructor didnt know the very subtle nuances that accompany true Okinawan Goju......even the most simple of things, like and open hand middle block for example, has MANY advanced applications that a lot of instructors simply DONT KNOW ABOUT......lots of instructors dont even know that the circular stepping pattern has both offensive and defensive techniques behind it.......just a few minor examples.....
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