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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. Ive never known the discovery channel to put on anything "bogus" when it comes to science stuff.
  2. To Jussi and Sho-ju Why do you mock what you clearly dont have a grasp of ???? I have been training for 30 years....if my observations exceed your knowledge base then I suggest you get on the mat and train a lot more, instead of opening your mouths and proving yourselves to be the novices that you clearly are. To advanced students and teachers these are commonly understood terms. I dont see any rank indicated for Jussi, but Sho-ju claims Ni Dan rank......you havent even begun to come close to understanding these concepts. Im pretty sure that if a 5th Dan was working with you on your dojo floor, you would be more inclined to bow deeply, say Osu, and shut your mouth. Here, you get to hide behind the anonimity of a computer screen. One of the things I have learned over the MANY years that I have been training, is the further you get, the more you realize how little you know.....guess you two still have quite a ways to go until you get to that point though. I generally am a very laid back kind of guy, but your posts claim that your opinion is that this is "unverifiable meridian mumbo jumbo" , and basically mock my post. I find that highly offensive, given my background. Make NO mistake....BOTH of you.... I have EARNED, over 30 YEARS, the titles of Master, and Renshi. As I said before, it is very easy for you to babble while "hiding" behind your computer screen, Id love to see the beating you would receive from your teacher if he actually were to see with his own eyes how disrespectful you were to someone who is very much your senior. Also, I fight full contact, no pads, against my master, 7th dan.....he regularly makes it a point of giving me plenty of blood, sweat, and tears.....so dont assume anything about anyone. God, what I would give to get you on my mat for just 5 minutes.
  3. Close enough SS.....as long as he says it right phonetically....we can work on spelling later......KEEP GOIN' DRE !!!
  4. "from the ground up" is basic physics...its a leverage thing. If not properly grounded, power generation comes from other techniques.
  5. Hey 9....btw....what Okinawan style do you study ?
  6. I know the kata....I teach the system.....The writter of the movie was a long time student of the Chi-I-Do organization.
  7. WW.....that isnt exactly true.....I have seen these tests being performed.....I cant think of the name of the documentary at the moment, but they had a master that caused a piece of paper to smolder with his hand...without touching it, and one who had the sharp tip of a sword placed in his belly and pushed back against it till it bent....there were a few other demos as well.
  8. When I had my dojo I was the chief rep for the Gojukai Hokkubei (Goju society of north america) for the southern half of NYS....I had a 50 page site.....but when I lost my school during my divorce, I had to take it down.....I have it on CD-Rom now.
  9. Actually, if the kata youre refering to was done in the beach scene....its actually part of Seyunchin that they are repeating again and again.
  10. "Feels right".....I know what you mean.....I seem to just "flow" in Seisan.
  11. Over the years.....usually...EVERYTHING changes slightly from the original.
  12. WW.....you must be a guy.....no woman has ever agreed with me and said I was rite that fast !!
  13. The typed word can never convey the feeling and emotional content of the spoken word.....misunderstandings are common.....were all here to help each other in any way we can, but sometimes, it just doesnt run as smoothly as we'd like......I doubt that anyone had meant any intentional disrespect.
  14. Your already there....your instructor would put you up for promotion if you hadnt already demonstrated in class that youre ready. Just think of it as another day....and do what you would always do.....your very best.
  15. Do yourself a favor and stay as far away from TSK as possible.....it is a McDojo for one thing, and they are under federal enditement for fraudulent business practices......long story.
  16. I was specifically refering to Goju. Obviously, there are other styles that use differing technique. Power from the ground up is actually at a BASIC level. when you arent properly grounded, you must learn to generate power in different ways, even without a hip turn.....It is difficult for me to explain this concept with words, but Id love to show you.
  17. For my answer.....I give credit to my teachers. BTW ....KK1975.....where in NY are you ? Im about 25 minutes north of the city.
  18. Stretching is ALWAYS a good thing....do it whenevr and wherever you can...this applies to weightlifting as well as martial arts. Dre.....hope you enjoyed your first class.....cant wait to talk about it with you.....welcome to a new world....enjoy it, and remember to ask as many questions as you can. We are all here to support, and guide you.
  19. I love Seisan kata....it is a "fire" kata, and reflects my "way" very well.....I also am very fond of Sepai. But......I practice them all (obviously), and they do all have different "personalities".
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