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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. just a plain ol' natural stance....nice and relaxed and ready to receive....and then ....give
  2. Visit https://www.Chi-I-Do.com for more info
  3. Just looking for clarification on your opinion of Chi-I-Do and its headmaster....it sounded like you were putting him in that "lowly" class.......I do agree with your statements about "those guys" though
  4. If you recognize that Sekichi Toguchi was a direct student of Miyagi, and head of the Shoreikan, and he himself appointed Master Ong as the head of the Shoreikan in 1973, do you still consider Master Ong to be "one of those guys" ?
  5. Just remember....martial arts is about lengthening the muscle, not bulking it like weightlifting......If you chose to weightlift as supplemental excercise, keep your reps 20+ in your sets, so you can facilitate a fat burning routine, and remember to stretch frequently.
  6. And when the warriors have no more weapons, they resort to hand to hand combat....weapons or no weapons, it is still war.
  7. Considering that Okinawa was founded by Chinese families, Chi is a commonly used term regarding Chinese lineage martial arts...which all Okinawan systems are......more importantly....I guess Im still wondering....do you still consider the Chi-I-Do organization to be headed by "one of those guys", as you originally stated, or after hearing the history of the organization as I described, will you be kind enough to retract your statement concerning its headmaster ?
  8. I think it was because they found that the practice of martial arts also facilitated a healthier mind, body, and spirit.....what are your thoughts on that MM ?
  9. Hey Kicks.....maybe MM can use some of his magic and pull a rabbit out of the toilet for your sister...lol....sorry MM....couldnt resist. LMAO
  10. Good idea......
  11. I hate to admit it MM.....but I did sorta the same thing.....I decapitated my snowman with my sword.....LOL
  12. Maybe I was just one of the lucky ones to have really seen and experienced it.......I dont claim to be able to do it, but I know what Ive experienced was real.
  13. I am not a Korean stylist....."do" may have meaning in Korean that I am not aware of. In Chinese it is "dao", or "tao"
  14. Again.....Chi-I-Do isnt a "style"....its an organization. I am not currently a member, I trained with them several years ago. It is however, the "highest level" of Goju instruction available anywhere. My dojo, used to be located in the suburbs of NYC.....I had to unfortunately close it due to a very bad divorce, and a vindictive ex mother in law (LOL). I sent all of my students that wished to continue their training to this organization through one of my closest friends who is an instructor in this organization.
  15. The Bubishi is a 30+ volume book on the arts of warfare, regarding everything from hand to hand combat to troop movement and military strategy. Thats the extremely short answer.
  16. Ok Ok.....I give.......you DID really change the bird to a bunny......lol
  17. Yes, the suffix "do" is Japanese...translating to "way", as in kara-te do...the way of the emtpy hand...originally "China hand". Regarding the second part of your post MM....you are correct in saying that the Japanese stole karate......but it goes way further back than modern times....The Satsuma Clan invaded Okinawa in the mid 1600's and has essentially left Okinawa under Japanese control ever since.
  18. since we channel the power of our punch from the ground up, there must be an unbreakable "chain" of power.....this starts with a solid stance....which of course, begins with locking the back leg.
  19. Im sure what little was shown to whatever western scholars saw it is more than anyone else will ever get to see.....these texts are historical artifacts that really are now "national treasures" I cant even begin to imagine the paperwork needed to get permission to even be in the same room as the volumes....let alone actually see them for any length of time....or further still...to have anyone explain them to you.
  20. BTW.....Goju Ryu is an OKINAWAN system.....NOT Japanese......the Okinawan culture and people are founded by 36 families that came from CHINA....NOT Japan. The port city of Naha, Okinawa did all of its commerce with Southern China.....NOT Japan.....and that is where Goju comes from. Seven Star....learn your history and lineages before you make incorrect statements.
  21. Martial---warlike
  22. And if I have to suck out the poison.....man gonna die....LOL
  23. Yep.....forget about tournaments....your * getting home in 1 piece is the trophy
  24. Well....magic is really "slight of hand"....it is SKILL, yes, but....Chi is real....not a "parlor trick"
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