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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. Either that or as Bruce Lee said...."why doesnt somebody just pull a .45 and...bang...settle it. " LOL
  2. I pity the people who fall for this nonsense....Its guys like this that give true martial artists a bad name....what a shame.
  3. dont play it....but thats a good point....lol
  4. learn in class.....practice everywhere u can
  5. As far as going through your kata......you should be imagining an opponent when going through the form.....just remember.....the applications to the kata may not look like the performance of the kata.
  6. There is no such thing as the "best technique"......the best technique is whatever you can perform on whatever open target your opponent gives you...... If there are no open targets, try to make one with whatever defensive technique you have to use when your opponent attacks. If your not able to do that.......then you need to learn to run away quick as you can.
  7. Sho-Ju..... Having a dan rank....you should know that countless repetitions of any technique isnt supposed to be"entertaining"......It is done so that when your defensive response is needed, it becomes a natural reaction, not something you have to "think" to do......countless repetitions......yeah....boring....but.....VERY purposefull.
  8. Im not even going to look at the site.....If its so "top secret".....why is there a web site ?????? Sounds like more *........
  9. Very true.....Gi tops...or uniforms in general are usually reserved for more formal occasions.....after all.....the point is to train .....it doesnt really matter what you wear.
  10. Yes it would.....however.....most martial artists of that caliber generally would find these types of tournaments "beneath" them, morally speaking....meaning...entering tournaments such as the UFC has nothing to do with the reason that they train.
  11. Angela.....I am fully aware of the difference s of which you speak.......PP's are affected in different ways.....strike, press, or rub......depends on the nerve structure of the area......chi strikes are different......MUCH different......its the ability to send your chi out of your body and into your opponent at specific areas of the body along meridian lines which corrospond to internal organs....both work.....but a chi strike is a much higher level martial art.....anybody can be shown where a pressure point is, and learn how to press on that spot......it takes decades of training to be able to cultivate your chi to the point where you can perform a chi strike.
  12. PS......if youd like....Id be more than happy to list those muscles for you..... 1. sternohyoid (dead center) 2. sternocleidomastoid 3. omohyoid 4. triangle of neck 5. levator menti For reference....Barron's Atlas of Anatomy 1997
  13. Markusan......it was an interesting feeling....I will say that.....it was as if I hit a kind of "cushioned" pocket.......I cant really explain it in words......You are quite wrong, however, about muscle groups in that area.....I suggest you look at an atlas of anatomy.....there are several muscles in that area......see for yourself.....
  14. Like I always say......belt holds up pants.....get on mat and train.....period
  15. The 3 major Kans of goju are the Shoreikan, the jundokan, and the meibukan.....even though their founders are direct students of Miyagi, there are slight differences in the katas....just very subtle....BUT.....ALL of the Goju katas begin with a defensive move......this is due to the Buddhist influence in the art.......NEVER attack......but always be prepared to defend.
  16. No, you are mistaken....sorry...no offense meant.... The term "Ho" indicates a "half step". The rank "Shodan Ho" exists BETWEEN 1st kyu and Shodan. It is a "conditional" black belt....kind of like a "probationary" period. The belt is either black with NO stripes, or half black and half red on the same side the length of the belt (not blocked like a 6th through 8th Dan in red and white in some systems) After Shodan Ho the black belt becomes Shodan which is 1 stripe. NiDan-2 stripes, sand dan-3 stripes, yondan-4 stripes, godan-5 stripes, and so on. Some systems are different....in Traditional Okinawan Goju ryu, for example, as well as other Okinawan systems like Uechi ryu....the first stripe (gold) comes at 6th Dan. Some also use the red and white belt lengthwise for 4thDan and 5th Dan.....the white side up for 4th and the red side up for 5th. 6th, 7th, and 8th Dan can use the red and white block style belt, and 9th uses the red on one side black on the other, as does 10th, but 10th can also use a red belt (generally a little wider than your avg. belt, sometimes 2, maybe 2 1/2 inches)........ANYHOWWWWWWW.......It always varies from system to system, and Kan to Kan, and dojo to dojo.......I mean after all......there was a previous thread somewhere that had Richard VanDonk claiming to be a 14th Dan.....whatever. Heres the most important thing to always remember....no matter what style you train in, no matter what rank you are........the belt JUST HOLDS UP YOUR PANTS........GET OUT ON THE MAT AND TRAIN TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY !!!!!!
  17. Just a lil tidbit......when the Satsuma clan invaded Okinawa in the mid 1600's they changed the meaning of the two characters that now mean "kar-te......It originally meant "China hand".......not "empty hand"
  18. MM......as you know, this happened around the year 540, so Im sure that between now and then, the story has probably changed or been exagerrated in some way.....that can only be expected......who REALLY knows ????.....Im sure, however, that at the "REAL" Shaolin temple that he did visit, there are probably scrolls with the "REAL" story hidden away some where......whaddaya think ?
  19. Yes, thats true.....however.....when Bodidarma visited shaolin.....he found the monks to weak to be able to even sit in the proper meditative postures for these excersises.....thats when he went to the cave and meditated for 6 years, his chi supposedly so strong that he left a shadow on the wall of the cave......it was during this meditative state that he came up with a series of chi gung breathing excersises that facilitated health and strength in the monks, enabling them to begin the martial art training
  20. MM......thats my project for tonite
  21. aside from my hitting him, he hit me.....it wasnt a hit....it was a tap......I give you my word as a gentleman......I was frozen in place, felt very sick (nauseaus), literally turned green, and almost threw up.......I had to sit down for a little while, then, after he did some other type of point work on me, I performed sanchin kata 3 times, and felt much better.......If you told me this story....I would have a hard time believing you......but, having experienced it first hand......I know it to be true
  22. No problem here MM....thats why I gave ya a lil smily
  23. Again......there is no such thing as the "deadliest art"......it all comes down to the depth of knowledge and ability to do of the practicioner
  24. No no.....I was just commenting on how all chinese martial arts began from shaolin, where they were taught by Bodidarma when he traveled there from India.....guess I kinda staryed from the subject a little
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