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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. constuctive criticism is always welcome....its the only way we can learn and improve.....
  2. As is all chinese martial arts....we all know the Bohdidahrma story.
  3. I can break 2 or 3 concrete slabs without spacers.....thats a pretty strong punch, as well as palm strike.....in working with a chi master, I delivered full force blows to his throat, and groin, and had no effect on him....chi is real.
  4. If youve seen the popeye cartoons where he eats spinach and his body kindof convulses with power....I know that sounds kinda weird....but my thought process concerning my energy is like that.....I "feel" my energy snap through my body, into my arm, and the power, fajing, explosive power in chinese....just sort of slams into my opponent.....my students tell me it feels as if they are being hit with a bowling ball.....
  5. Goju ryu is an incredibly complete art, which, if properly trained will facilitate health, NOT the other way around. Its roots are in white crane, pakua, chi gong ......Ive said this countless times......
  6. The one inch punch is very real....I know because I perform it in demos with my students.....I place the tips of my fingers on my student, and without retracting, I hit and sit him down in a chair 5 feet away. I have film of this.
  7. MM.....got your email.....will respond asap.
  8. In the hands of a novice, NOTHING can be considered the most dangerous art.....In the hands of an expert practicioner.....well.....you figure it out.
  9. Try to find a Traditional Okinawan Goju ryu dojo.....If you find a qualified instructor, it is one of the most "complete" arts I have ever seen or trained in....It descends from white crane, and has elements of chin na, pakua, chi gung, kyoshu jitsu, is a stand up punch and kick art, as well as a complete grappling system. ~Master Jules
  10. In 30 years, I have seen and trained in many arts.....I have to be honest when I say that traditional Okinawan Goju ryu is the most complete art I have ever seen. ~Master Jules
  11. I have seen the reverse swastika being used as a symbol in the shaolin temple.
  12. Ki, or chi in chinese, is VERY real.....as I mentioned in an earlier thread, I have seen filmed demonstrations of this art, and I have personnaly experienced the effects of a chi strike......as well as chi being used to rehabilitate an injured area of the body. The art takes many years to cultivate, but IS REAL. Im not going to repeat the answer I gave before, as it was a VERY long one, so look it up....I believe the thread was called "Chi".
  13. All kidding aside.....books and tapes can be usefull to "supplement" ones training, because martial arts training isnt ALL physical..........but they will never be able to impart the "feel" of the subtle nuances of certain techniques....never....that knowledge can only be gained through "hands on" instruction, and years of "hands on" refinement. On the lighter side....I like the "pints of beer" concept of "Richard-Do" ~Master Jules
  14. yep......Im off to work......catchya all lata.
  15. Youre killin' me man......LOL ~Jules
  16. I hereby proclaim myself to be 20th Dan Grand Poobah of JulesRyu.....and for just the low low fee of 19.95......you too can be one of my disciples.....robes not included.......but I will send you a really nice certificate.....suitable for framing....... Someone please kill this thread.......Im going into laughter convulsions. ~Jules
  17. Hey !!! I said that earlier MM......get your own material for this comedy thread !! LMAO !!! ~Jules
  18. Well......you know what they say MM....youth is wasted on the young.... ~Jules
  19. Sounds like they contain all three "samples"....bring them to the doctor for your next check up....itll save you time.....lol. ~Jules
  20. LOL......yeah....usually Im just gettin into some kind of secret techniques when the alarm clock goes off. ~Jules
  21. Guess that got edited out.....I was trying to say...bull excrement......as in......hmmmmmm......bull cookies......or maybe......nah.....or.....yeahhhhhhhhhhh....riiiiiight.....ok....suuuuuuure. ~Master Jules
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