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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. As it should be.
  2. As it should be.
  3. "Go" means hard, and "Ju" means soft. The mistake people make is that they think you have to be either all "hard", or all "soft"....One of the reasons that Goju is so advanced is that it is the concept of being hard and soft at the same time.
  4. I actually just started teaching my gf today.....sanchin was her first kata....she got it pretty good for a first timer.
  5. Take the class.....In fact...take any class you can....doesnt matter what it is....try to be like a sponge and soak up as much knowledge about anything and everything you can.
  6. DM.......If youve seen the White Crane form, the movements of almost all Goju Ryu katas are all in there. Most people who "know" the arts are very surprised when they see Goju, because even though its "karate"....it really looks like Kung Fu in its fluidity.
  7. Go to as many dojos as you can.....either take a class, or just watch and see what goes on. Eventually, you will see something that you will find interesting to you.
  8. For me, the martial arts and physical fitness have been a way of life since Im 7 (1973)......I just cant sit around doing nothing, so I train everyday.....its just like breathing.....I simply cant stop, and dont want to.
  9. True.....I think the best style is what suits your mood, and physical feeling at any given time.
  10. Riiiiiiiight.........you got one of those too huh ?
  11. Right now I dont have the luxury of money.....my ex wife has all that.
  12. WAY TO GO ZERO !!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!
  13. lol.....then sucker 'em in and break em up.
  14. Telsun.....email me privately.....I have something youll be very interested in.
  15. good luck
  16. .......or you will pay them on the mat
  17. She must be a ninja then....just laying in wait, deciding when she wants to unleash her wrath and then....out of nowhere.....youll be babbling the words...."honey ?....honey....what did I do ?....I dont understand...what did I doooooooo ???? " LMAO
  18. Nothing that I know of, but I will tell you that this thing is huge....people from all over the entire country come for a 3 day event. It was amazing how many thousands of people were there.
  19. Very true......I recently had one of those "real life encounters" at a bar where I was working security. During a fight agains two guys, I wound up knocking out the first guy fairly easily, just a 1 punch deal, but his buddy jumped me from behind, I flipped him, and in the scuffle, got hit a bunch of times in the nuts while choking him out. At the time, I felt no pain at all, but after the whole thing was over, it "caught up" to me, and I got extremely neaseaus and almost threw up. Nut shots can have a variety of effects, from instant to delayed.....either way...they aint fun.
  20. I guess its all relative really....for example, we can toy with color belts in the same way he can toy with us......in time, hopefully, we can reach that level.....but for now....it is cool as hell to watch him perform.
  21. In Atlantic City, New Jersey, they host the Action Martial Arts Magazine Black Belt Hall of Fame induction awards every year at the Tropicana. Got to https://www.actionnetworks.net or https://www.theactionarena.com for more info.....Im sure Master McCarthy is there every year. I met him this year during my induction.
  22. Dont get me wrong MM......I DONT enjoy it. Trust me on that......Id rather fight full contact than argue with her.
  23. I think its just what weve mentally trained ourselves to do.
  24. Sorry for the triple post.....computer just had a brain fart.....
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