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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. To see it, or be able to do it ?
  2. To see it, or be able to do it ?
  3. To see it, or be able to do it ?
  4. My gf prefers to break my balls.....LOL
  5. I met Master McCarthy back in January of this year, and was fortunate enough to have conversation with him. He truly is a scholar, and an absolute gentleman as well.
  6. God I hate that.....thats when you wanna go to the ground if you can.
  7. He does a demo that he calls the "dance of pain", wherein he literally toys with someone and moves them all over the mat...up and down, left, right, back , forth, and actually gives a lecture at the same time. Truly amazing to watch.
  8. On a side note....After training with Wally Jay, he imparted some words of wisdom to me. Keep in mind that the man has been training for about 70 years. He said.... "Whats impressive is not being able to hurt someone...thats easy....its being able to completely control someone without having to hurt them thats impressive" THAT is a serious concept.
  9. Very true about the Swedish beer......but the Vodka on the other hand........heeeeellllllo ! ( just watch out for my gf....she turns into the devil herself ! ).....being a Viking....she'll probably beat the snot out of both of us. Actually.....I was supposed to take the ferry ride over in February when I was there...but truth be told.....I got hammered drunk the night before. LOL
  10. Just for the record Jussi.....I fully understood your meaning of self promotion. BTW....your english is great. I didnt realize it was spoken as much in Finland as in Sweden or Norway, and on a side note, having been to your part of the world, let me just say that it is absolutely beautiful over there. My gf is Swedish, and we hope to get there for a vacation sometime soon. She has relatives in Stockholm, which is also where my ex-gf goes to college.....should be an interesting trip......maybe we will have a chance for that coffee or beer after all.
  11. Funny.....I always thought of a gun as a weapon....lol
  12. Dunno bout that....Nekoashi dachi (cat stance) is a very typical Okinawan fighting stance....it offers great mobility.
  13. No....not at all.....glad to see that youre trying to grab knowledge and skill from whatever source as possible. Aside from Goju being my main style, I also hold Dan rank in Aikijujitsu and Jujitsu as well......like I said in another post.....learn all you can and teach all you know.....doesnt matter where it comes from as long as it works......keep it up.....take it from wherever you can get it.
  14. uh..........yeah......just in case my future ex mother in law is listening.......lol
  15. Most of my ex's are blonde......and as you said....I try to love as many of em as I can.
  16. I answered your questions concerning my background to your satisfaction, I hope, if not, please let me know and I will be more than happy to expand. I did not use the names of meridian lines in a general way....I used them very specifically to the position of his (Funakoshi's) hands. In regards to senior/junior relationships, I was not in any way trying to be condescending, but I am still waiting to hear your rank.....15 years is a solid amount of time, and you have my respect in that regard. Meridian line theory and practice is far from "inexistent" in Okinawan karate, that is fact, not opinion. One last piece of "self promotion".....I was the head of the Goju kai Hokkubei for the southern half of New York State prior to losing my dojo in a nasty divorce. I, too, was contacted from all parts of the state, and country, on info concerning Goju Ryu. Yes, I will be more than happy to agree with you that knowledge is not a "rank game"....it is what it is....knowledge....you either have it or you dont, and then , of course is the question of whether or not you (not you specifically) have the ability to "do". I would be more than happy, and quite honored, in fact, to sit and discuss any type of martial art with anyone, whether over coffee, or any other beverage of your choice.....like I said....I was in Sweden in February, and they have a bunch of great coffee houses, so that would be fine....a beer or two would be good too , if I get back there, or, if you make it over here, hopefully we can come together as martial artists, and learn from each other, more than we allready know.
  17. Thats a detailed post...thanks for the info.
  18. My full name is Julian Hoenig, of New York. My rank and title in Okinawan Goju Ryu comes from a direct student of Sekichi Toguchi, of the Shoreikan, Master Glenard Grabow, who studied with him, as well as Masanobu Shinjo, of the Shobukan, since 1960 on Okinawa, as well as being a direct student of Grandmaster Peter Urban Master Jules is my nickname, but Master, and Renshi, are my titles. I have never used them formally on this forum becuase I never saw the need. I never make "hollow threats", nor was I threatening you. You say I am not your senior....what is your rank and how long have you been training ? It makes no difference what style we each train/teach.....time and rank are to be considered out of courtesy. That you should already know regardless of your rank. I was in sweden in February.....Im sorry we didnt have the opportunity to get together then. Maybe Ill be back in the near future. Or....maybe youll be here. Now...the questions you have asked me have been answered ( I hope to your satisfaction)....answer the same ones for me.....
  19. and before that....the earth was the center of the universe.
  20. I think its just a natural stance....could be wrong though....Im not JKD.
  21. Next time....I dig a hole upstate. Oooooops....did I just say that out loud....uh....nevermind.
  22. If blondes are being discussed....thats fine with me I have one, and I just luv 'em.
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