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Everything posted by SaiFightsMS

  1. Somewhere someone with a P-38 on their key chain had to remove it and leave it with the guard desk while they went into a courthouse. Can you imagine using a P-38 as a weapon?
  2. Welcome to the forum; enjoy your training.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Sounds like an interesting style you practice.
  4. Welcome to the forum. Thanks for registering.
  5. Welcome to the forum.
  6. You didn't say how long you have been training. Some of that will gradually disappear as your time training increases and the muscle memory increases. Technique always gets better with lots and lots of practice over time.
  7. Welcome to the forum.
  8. Welcome to the forum. Interesting name.
  9. A kf junkie for shure
  10. One time my sister and her husband and my cousin and her husband and I started playing uno one night. As daylight was starting to appear we all went looking for places to sack out. Her 4 year old daughter was amazed to find people sleeping in odd places when she got up soon afterwards.
  11. Scrabble definatlely. Uno is great too. We used to play a card based game called waterworks.
  12. Welcome to the forum.
  13. As much as we loved Christmas as kids it was our dog who had the greatest fun on Christmas morning. He loved playing with the wrapping paper. Didn't matter what was in it he just loved the paper.
  14. Congratulations to both of you.
  15. Okay so flexibiltiy seems to be something we have to work harder to maintain over 40. How about strenght? Do you find you are not as strong as you were 10 years ago or that when you hit the weights you cannot handle as many sets as you could then?
  16. http://www.isshinryu.com/index.htm As an added thought check that link.
  17. The little I know about Isshin ryu boils down to it being a style that is heavy on the basic moves. They strongly value a good side or front kick over a flashy jump kick. They have 8 katas. It is a pretty hard core style. Isshinryu came to this country with the marines who came home from being stationed in Okinawa. So think about how hard core marines are when you think of Isshinryu.
  18. In the responses I am seeing much of what the over 40 group experiences. I think some of the deficits that come with the aging process are countered in the dojo with experience. How much would you say your need for extra recovery time has increased?
  19. I am in the process of reading From a Buick 8.
  20. Actually I think this thing with age groups getting together to compare notes, similarities and differences can be really beneficial to us all.
  21. Too bad the show is so corny.
  22. the U.S. No.1 on the 4th June 1957 was... All Shook Up / Love Letters in the Sand by Elvis Presley / Pat Boone (shared No.1) the U.K. No.1 on the 4th June 1957 was... Butterfly by Andy Williams
  23. I have a question for you 20 somethings then. Do you feel different training now than you did as a teenager? How big are the difference you see in your outlook in life compared to your sedentary peers?
  24. I have a question for you. Do you find differences in your training from your younger classmates and from your older classmates?
  25. Glad to see this familiar gray page.
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