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Everything posted by granmasterchen

  1. i love knives and there is a great martial artist that designs knives just for the use of killing people and spends most of his time making throwing knives i think his name is gil hibben HIBBEN THROWING KNIFE SETS http://www.blade-knives.com/hibthrowkniv.html HIBBEN CLAW http://www.bkcg.co.uk/products/manu/hibben/uc935.html
  2. my classes break up in groups by belt rank to help them along with techniques, we focus alot of attention on beginners along with everyone else. We make sure that they have the technique down when they progress to another belt, i have been to too many schools and seen high ranking individuals that still don't keep their thumbs in when they punch or don't have straight wrists, i see all these sloppy techniques that would not be tolerated in my classes but hey, thats how some people do it, we aren't all the same, i am a lot more strict and tough in my teachings, that is not to say that i am right or wrong or that the others are right or wrong, my way works for me and the students that agree with my personality and training come to me, the others that like the other method can go to the other schools, i dont think this really hurts anyones feelings over all
  3. i have a pair of kamas back home that i love. they are very light wood with a steel blade that is sharper than anything i have ever seen, and i have a lot of sharp toys, yep i like them
  4. i tried to get the free sample, but they wanted me to buy like 300 dollars worth to get a free sample, so i decided no, i believe in hard work and training, best bet and it costs nothing
  5. i used to get 50 lbs bags of sand in burlap bags and carry them on my shoulders while i ran on the back roads and climbed hills, when i was ready to kick and punch i would take a length of rope(that can be tied around your waist and then hang the bag on a tree limb and beat on it. also tie an end to your wrist and use it as a pully when you punch your punch will lift the sand bag, do the same with kicks, it can be loads of fun, also try just taking the rope(soft, not the plastic coated) and wrap it around a tree and use it for punches and blocks too.
  6. i did some world tournies back in the late 90s
  7. let me speak as an individual that was in the special forces , trained with them for years, was in the military for years, and was a former teacher of the special forces hand to hand combat training. the special forces dont get great hand to hand training, they get enough to know how to kill but not enough to make them good fighters, we mostly train with weapons, i would take my time to give them every little bit of fighting training that i could give, but they don't get much training .....just enough to know a little if they ever are caught with out a weapon.
  8. i learn all the different skills and techniques offered from each style and then i take them and add them to my arsenal of moves, i then just train the moves in sparring and combat and train them on the bags......
  9. it all depends on the instructor and the individual learn the skills and make them your own
  10. they work your focus, aim i like the hard ones a nice board covered with thick leather, great for your ridge hands, you gotta toughen those hands, people's heads aren't soft!
  11. if you are talking about the ones that have a large base and are then filled with sand or water, then yes, i have broken 10 of those now, i am the worst nightmare for those that buy them at the gyms on the bases that i have been to. I usually break them with in a couple of minutes of use everytime i do a side kick and when i start into my punching routine along with elbow strikes and palm strikes, the things arent tough enough for me, i am not trying to sound tough or anything, but that is one type of pad that just gets broken, i favor the heavy bags they only tear up the ceiling
  12. yes many classes do this, my original class would work the basics throughout the class and then bow out the white belts and progress into higher skills, then bow out the next belt and so on until we went up into the degrees of black eventually there will only be a few out on the floor and the rest of the class can learn alot by observing the skill of those on the floor plus they can look forward to things to come as they progress. I really don't like the teaching style of teaching everyone through out the whole class the same thing, i like my original styles method of teaching and that is how i teach
  13. very good read, it is something that you will encounter as long as you train, you will start to think you know it all and such and then find out something that makes you think it all over again, it is good to reach the level where you know you are good and that you know alot yet you also know that you are still a child in the big picture of the arts, it takes a life time and many at young levels in training forget this, we must be humbled to fully learn our true potential, everyone has something to offer, no matter age or style and we can all better ourselves by listening to others.
  14. I always seem to get picked for the knife self defenses, or sleeper holds, or some pressure point or chop to the neck, i think they just wanted to hurt me and knok me out......maybe they used me( being a big guy) to make an example and show how effective it could be.....or they just have a sick sense of humor...
  15. anybody want to start mass producing extra large windshield wipers? I think that we can make a "killing"off of these kind of people!
  16. welcome aboard! Hajimemashite. Tim desu. Dozo yoroshiku.
  17. cats or babies.....hmmmmmm i think i would go for cats, they can scratch, all babies do is stink
  18. yes, i recommend it , try sparring with weights against an individual with no weights on, this trains you to get faster with the weights on, so when you take the weight off you are really fast
  19. i combine styles , and yes i get a good work out i have found that after you have understood the point of kata, you can attain a nice workout from just the katas also grappling is a great work out
  20. i have had my share of mc dojos, and been through several different schools. I started out learning how to fight on the streets and with boxing...this gave me a fighting spirit so to say....when i finally went and got started in martial arts it was in a TKD class, it was the greatest class that i have ever been too. The style wasn't the typical TKD that i later realized existed, this style covered everything from punches, elbow, knees, head butts, kicks, throws, pressure points, manipulation, full contact, grappling, stand up fighting, arm bars, self defenses, breaking, trapping and so on, it had everything! After 9 yrs there i went to the military and trained with the special forces and had access to many schools in my travels around the world. My first base had a school located close by, the instructor was said to be an 8th dan and taught kickboxing, american karate, okinawan karate, weapons, and aerobic kickboxing....well this was my first experience with a mc dojo, thankfully after these early experiences i learned to pick instructors better. I had also trained with many other TKD individuals who had no where close to the skill that i had, and i trained with hapkido and combat hapkido, finally i found some friends that trained in kung fu and many different grapplers and learned from them, still i ran into fakes, like more TKD, KSW, and TSD, also capoera.....at later bases and times i ended up just teaching b/c there were no real schools around only mc dojos.. I went back to my TKD class and found how great it was and appreciated the instructors even more, i later trained in more kung fu and then came to japan and studied some kaju kenbo and other styles, the kaju kenbo is the closest to a real class to me yet it still has some problems....they don't want to spar, but it is still an opportunity to learn some more skills, and i teach yet again, so that individuals can learn how to defend their selves and fight back....
  21. yes, i believe that we should all learn how to correctly throw a punch if you don't learn the fine details you may punch with your wrist bent, this will result in broken wrists at some point in time, also punching with the last knuckles of the hand instead of the first two, these are weaker and set at an angle with the fist to make it much easier to break so that is why we tend to punch with the first 2 knuckles, so in order to save your hands from damage it is good to learn the proper techniques.
  22. mt class teaches weapons in the ancient days where the background of TKD came from they practiced weapons, but as the art had to go into hidding and became a sport, it lost the emphasis on weapons yet the styles that went into hidding and trained in the mountains away from spectaters still practiced with weapons, yet this style is not as widely known as the sport based style of TKD
  23. they are all good to use, mix it up
  24. look for keith hackney i think he is in springfield, white tiger kenpo karate
  25. i have been in some bat fights....very painful, just remember that there are no rules and do everything that you can to take the individuals out, make sure to use that arm to block, it is better to have a busted arm than a busted head
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