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Everything posted by granmasterchen

  1. now just imagine the potential power that one of these strong men could have if they learned how to focus their skill into chi/ki.....that would be insane!
  2. "breaking bricks is all fake!" -> i broke my hand trying "grapplers suck." -> why do they always make me cry, someone help "boxers are no match for me." ->i hope i never fight one and get hit.... "chi, that doesn't work." -> i put the seeds on it and watered it and it never grew......why do martial arts talk about chia pets so much? "anime is stupid." -> i wish i could draw something other than stickmen "eating with chop sticks takes too long." -> i can't hold them and when i try i poke myself in the eye!
  3. i saw an individual somehow manage to knock himself out with a kick.....it was odd
  4. i work for the government and just recently got out of the military, so i am now working as a civilian for the same people.....i teach martial arts now, i have been doing that for a side job for over 4 yrs now, i like teaching martial arts, and i like working with the government, someday when we move back to the states for good i would like to build my own dojo and just relax........aaaaaaa
  5. nice to see another blackbelt
  6. hey if you beat them up , get it on tape so that i can enjoy it over and over, i would love to see them just get beat terribly,,,,,
  7. i take it you dont like gracie ju jitsu?
  8. i think it depends on the method of the break i, like many other martial artists do not break with sheer strength, we break with power, the force of our chi/ki people that break with absolute muscle and stregth would be strength athletes, those that break with skill and the power of chi/ki are not it all depends on how you break
  9. i taught a womens self defense class in california a few years back to all the new military females that entered the base. one of my students used her keys on a would be rapist. she got his face and eyes
  10. I like to train on the hard floors, that gives you a realistic approach to street fights.....yet i must admit that those matts are realllly comfy, nice for self defenses, ground fighting and such, yet i like the hard floor for training for real falls.
  11. do you cover alot of moves, katas, selfdefenses and such? in my school it takes over 3 months of classes to cover everything for that particular rank, nobody ever has back to back testing, except on very rare occasions and that is only for lower belts if they really have a good grasp on the material and know what they are doing.
  12. Is the back fist useless in combat or is it a great tool? I had an instructor that claimed several black belts, 2 forms of karate, kickboxing, 13 weapons system, thai boxing, and an aerobics instructor....... this man also claimed to be an 8th degree in at least one style, i think it was okinawan karate... well he told me that the back fist was useless in combat I was always trained in my original school that the back fist was a great tool in combat over the years with my fights i have found my answer....... i truely believe this guy was the mcdojo master of the world...... i have a great story about this plus many fights involving the back fist but i will hold off on them what is your opinion on the backfist?
  13. which do you prefer to train on? wooden floors or matts or stone or outside on the ground? which is better for your training? what are your experiences with these areas?
  14. we have testing maybe once or twice a year, and only if you are perfect on all your skills are you even eligable to test.
  15. What was the reason that got you into the martial arts and what got you interested and kept your interest. My reason is that I had a friend that was much smaller than me(football player at the time, lineman) and i went up to him and did a big push....well he moved into some odd stance and didn't move! So I pushed him harder and even put my shoulder into it....well he might have moved an inch! That is what caught my interest. No matter how strong I was, just the simplist training and gaining a certain skill can render all of that power obsolete. So I soon went to class with him and started to train in one of the best schools I have ever seen. so what is your story?
  16. keys......anyone interested in this question at all?
  17. just curious as to some of your improvised weapons i like pencils, pens, loose change, sand,dirt, canes....depends what i have i guess, what about you? i just want to think of everyday items that are usually in your hand or pocket or something like that, something that is not meant to be a weapon , even an umbrella....that would count
  18. well i am done with my exam does anyone want to talk about throwing loose change in their opponents face?
  19. i agree with you guys that is odd to hear, and i agree with the hypothesis on the matter, also ankle, shin knee, and such, but the heel is hard like the elbow, each can smash things all day long, unless you got a disorder or some very terrible bad luck, ps dont try to do an elbow smash or heel thrust off of a three story building to try and crush your target...that is just asking for trouble...
  20. thanks again treebranch!
  21. thanks for the support treebranch, i thought that i might have strayed from the topic in my logic
  22. airforce has para rescue and TACP and SEREs, but you can either sign up ahead of time with your recruiter or at basic .......i am still working for the government, any questions just ask, i should be able to get you an answer
  23. man i am bored to , i have to take an exam for anthropology soon, yet i spend my time on line talking about martial arts.....you can see what is more important to me, i know i will pass so i am not too worried, man i am bored
  24. they have a large area set up for it here on the base
  25. when i was doing martial arts in highschool this kid always called me gran master chen, not grand but gran, he was just being silly and making up a fake name as if an old movie, real odd character but funny none the less,so ever since then it stuck and many have called me that ever since
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