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Everything posted by granmasterchen

  1. When ever i hear that age issue come up i think of dan severn, the beast, this guy is like 53 yrs old or in that general vicinity and he is STILL fighting and Winning.....if he can do it then there should be no excuses for anyone else, it is all up to that individual and how bad they want it. Yes, as we get older we break down especially in a contact sport like mma and full contact events, but we can still attain our goals with the mindset of hard work pays off. If we can no longer fight at a competent level then we need to make the decision of going into retirement regardless of pride issues because when you aren't able to conciously defend yourself there is a reason to why the referee jumps in. Keep yourselves alive by training and continuing intelligently and have the wisdom to admit it's your time and that you were defeated fairly.
  2. I don't think it would be a good idea to give in to primal/feral/savage purposes....for one I believe that you must have a clear calm head to fight effectively which only comes from experience and confidence which usually comes with experience in itself. By clouding your mind with anger you develope tunnel vision and no control of your body, it is a powerful alternative and very effective at destroying things, when you do this you give up a piece of your sanity and eventually it will become easier to perform these actions as you continue them until you start making insane action against the civil society that we have that demands order instead of chaos. I don't think the risk is worth the payoff unless it is a very dire situation...but even then you risk losing yourself
  3. are they all current students?
  4. if your only options are judo or mt i would definitely go with judo like everyone else has said. Look at your current trainin in karate and ask yourself what areas you would like to improve in. If you need work on throws pick up judo, if you feel that your cardio and striking are lacking then pick up muay thai. But genereally muay thai and karate are both considered hard art forms and striking forms. If this is the case pick up judo. Also if you are a bigger guy with lots of raw power or strength then you will definitely appreciate judo. If you rely on speed and cardio then you may like muay thai, but it all depends on the instructors at each school and how they teach, some are more traditional then others and some incorporate newer training methods and aspects from different arts to appear more like a mixed martial arts school....i would suggest that you sit in on a few classes at each school and see what they have to offer while critiquing yourself to see what you would like to work on.
  5. are those all of your forms? if so i find it very interesting that you perform heian yondan but not the other 4 heian forms.....very interesting
  6. i would suggest focusing on techniques that aren't fist related....kicks, elbows, knees, ridge hands, hand knives, palm strikes, tiger claws, eagle claw, and such. you may or may not be able to do a hammer fist, but from what you have said i think you would be able to execute the leopard paw strike very effectively.
  7. another option may be to say that you have studied tangsoodo and have a black belt, since your forms may be the exact same forms as a shotokan school down the road then you may be observed as a black belt equivalent in that school since you've never trained there but your training in your style is very similar to another?
  8. there is definitely a lot of politics involved on the issue of jr black belts. I think that it is up to the individual instructor, if he/she believes that the student is physically and mentally skilled and mature enough for the rank then test them and grant them the rank if they pass the set criteria. I only disagree with those that don't deserve it, which is the main issue i believe. The only reason we discuss this is because we all have seen the typical jr black belt that is undeserving of the belt and rank....but we never critisize those jr black belts that deserve it. The issue shouldn't be solely limited to jr black belts but to all ranks, whether you are a yellow belt or an adult black belt, i feel that you should earn that rank, earn the belt and if at any time your attitude changes in a negative way then you should be stripped of the title like everyone else in society whether it be ms america or the president, we all represent our chosen art form and martial arts in general and we should all act in a professional manner that earns the respect from others that we crave. But in order to get that respect you must show that you deserve it....that should pretty much sums up my rant...thanks for listening....or reading.
  9. feint a low strike to get the opponent's defense down then strike them in the head. Simple.
  10. as everyone else has said, the one piece of advice that i have to give is to make sure that you have a wide open base with your legs and feet....that makes a big difference.
  11. where are you located, just curious as I trained under chuck and have worked years with many of his students that now teach
  12. he has several nice videos, thanks lordtariel
  13. what aruder says is very true you will definitely be surprised on how many different versions of a single kata there are
  14. nope but i did work out with marc a year ago
  15. this may sound very silly.....but look for a sword fighting type school. Fighting with a katana is very similar and actually historically related to the techniques of aikido. When you grab your opponents arm with an open hand block think of their arm as a sword and move and swing your "sword" you'll see where i'm coming from.
  16. mantis, tiger and eagle claw make for a very interesting fighting style when solely focusing on kung fu based arts
  17. speed, mobility, sweeps, takedowns, throws, using your opponents to block the way of the others, fakes, make your opponents think you are going to strike a specific person and then attack an unexpected person while the original is preparing for your attack the others are surprised, never stop moving.
  18. exactly what killer miller said.
  19. 1. $20 a month 2. Moodukkwon Taekwondo 3. 4 classes a week each class a minimum of 1.5 hours, but you can easily get free private lessons from any of the upper level black belts when ever you feel like it after class or setting up a schedule in advance 4. frequent get togethers and training and talks we do charge for belt testings and we only test once or twice a year except for white belts which are 3 or 4 times a year every 3-4 months to get yellow belt. We offer seminars, free tournaments since we hold our own tournies and demos for fund raisers for cancer and charities
  20. i didnt start with a phone book....but then again i started my studies quite a many years ago and with various things.....not as safe as science has proven today, but i was luck and my hands and body are great as far as breaking and conditioning are concerned. But if you are truly interested in this concept of body conditioning in any fashion you must be very careful and do it slowly and properly, rushing it or doing it wrong can get you permanently maimed for life but it does have devastating effects in combat situations once you've reached higher levels of understanding in the art form.
  21. very nice video, he looks like a person that truly appreciates the arts and wants to help people.
  22. i have some nice old books along with many old weapons to include several katanas, a jitte, and a naginata that are very old.
  23. it can be performed slowly and with tension if you wish it to....feel free to try out different things and let us know how it works out for you.
  24. post 1000, thanks patusai. Aodhan, do you perform different breaks at all, different materials with different techniques?
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