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Everything posted by Rich_2k3

  1. Isometrics are good, dynamic strength is phenominal, and its very similar to isometrics. Try this book, its really cheap and is brilliant at toning and building muscle mass. I'm not kidding this book is amazing, and the exercises are so easy. Its got over 30 in it, with pictures, and lists exactly what muscle groups u work on. The warm ups are great too. Seriously man, i've got so much more strength in my muscles cuz I can do these anywhere at any time, and I actually quite enjoy them, i'm doing "fist salutation" right now, and I can feel the tension in my muscles. Give it a try. Its called "Dynamic Strength" by "Harry Wong". U can get it from lots of places, I suggest https://www.Amazon.com or https://www.Amazon.co.uk depending where ur from, read the reviews they give it. Heres a direct link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0865680132/qid=1075989897/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/102-2118634-3086529 If ur from the UK use this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0865680132/ref=sr_aps_books_1_1/026-1208268-2250807 Any martial artist should have this book, its become my bible of fitness, give it a try .
  2. I suppose it depends how dedicated u are. Some ppl would except a lower grade and keep going, others may get frustrated and quit all together; I think is they do, they are obviously not dedicated as a martial artist.
  3. Yeah when ur eyes go black u know its broken. I think mines only a minor injury, it doesnt seem to be out of shape and I can breath fine, but it has swelled up on one side (I think its called a haemotoma), it may be broken underneath. My right eye where the swelling is has gone abit black. Bretty how long after u broke urs did ur eyes go black and how bad. Also did urs swell up and how long did it take to go down? thx 4 the imput by the way.
  4. Thats the thing, it wasnt full contact, it was semi , the guy was hitting way too hard and putting loads of agression into it. He threw a roundhouse; which I blocked, and then imidiately spun round for a spinning hook kick, which cought my nose. I'm now waiting to go into casuality ! (I shouldnt be laughing, lol) He was really sorry though, I know he didnt mean it. The kick is obviously targeted at the side of the head, but this one was a bit short, and whipped my nose.
  5. Sparring all the way!
  6. Last night I broke my nose in training, whiped by a spinning hook kick. Whats the best way to get it to heal faster (if there is one) and have u ever broken ur noses?
  7. Also u've got to be careful because u can actually start to remove muscle mass, which would be a bit of a nightmare...
  8. Anyway, i'd love to do Kendo, in fact not too long ago I was lookin for a skool but its a few miles away and ive got 2 wait a few months to pass my driving test so I can get there. You do realise its very expensive to do, u have to buy equipment (like the armour) eventually which costs hundreds.
  9. Kumdo? plz call it Kendo.
  10. No way, 16's a perfect age, infact any younger and i'd so u were to young.....no seriously.
  11. So thats why the roundhouse punch in Karate is kept quite tight agaisnt the body, interesting.
  12. Karate would seem so, but if u think about how many ppl live in china; 1.3 billion, and i'm sure that Kung fu would probably be their most popular MA, it might be that Kung fu is the most popular style. I mean even in the west, JKD and Wing Chun are very popular, so world wide i'd go with Kung fu.
  13. Shotokan is the most popular style of Karate, its a statistic, though I dont understand why, its no better then anyother style (in fact I prefer many others), it just seems to attract so many.
  14. Definatley very general, but some good points.
  15. Whats arnis?
  16. The Shaolin monks fill a galleon barrel with dried seeds (u could use pea's or somthing) and then punch into it. They do this continueously every day for 2 hours, the pain will slowy get more intense as u punch it until eventually u have to stop. Thats how they can do the things they do.
  17. I agree with Wolverine on the last weeks rest thing, it really helps. However i'd do some light cardio, a bit of stretching and lots of syllabus work, so ur ready for the grading itself!
  18. I agree, most ppl will try and grab u if they have no success with their punches and for all u know they could be huge, it may suddenly turn nasty as soon as they get hold of u...
  19. Its the Year of the Monkey, happy Chinese New Year!!
  20. Is UFC Tapout 2 for Xbox anygood?
  21. I saw that too, the muscle in ur joints grow stronger and ur bones in your wrists rebuild themselves. Oh by the way, I would never use the atkins diet, it has some nasty side effects and can cause heart disease. Also some ppl's metabolisms cant take it and u can actually die. Not worth it.
  22. No he's not, I think thats quite a big assumption seeing u'vr read one line. He gave me a sound peice of advice, thats it. At the end of the day I was sweeped easier in my karate stance compared to the Lau Gar stance.
  23. Try the blitz ankle supports, they have no padding. Direct link: http://www.blitzsport.com/protectiveequipment/elasticankle.htm
  24. Other: multiple reasons: self defence, fitness, fun, looked interesting, competition.
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