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Everything posted by FangPwnsAll7

  1. Welcome to KF! I hope you have a great time here.
  2. I tested to get a green stripe on my orange belt and I can get my stripe tomorrow. I can't wait for it. My break was a reverse punch and I broke the board on my first try. The belt test was on December 7th
  3. I receive my orange belt tomorrow at the ceremony. Good luck!
  4. What form are you working on now? That is form 4 and I was wondering if anyone had tips. I think my stance could have been lower. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f4TBaQ0seo You can post videos of your forms. I might post form 5 soon.
  5. A white belt never fails, but I saw a few belts fail above green belt.
  6. I hold them horizontal.
  7. There is something I just thought about, and I think belt tests at my dojo are held too often. Every 3 months, there is a new belt test. I'm going to post how the belts in my school go. You pay for belt tests and the prices are as follows. I have a feeling I might be going to a McDojo. It costs $1260 each year you go in the dojo. The youngest person in my dojo I saw with a black belt on was 5 years old. You have to know all of the forms, long distance, and you have to say some of the body parts in Korean. My instructor says that it takes 4 years to get a black belt there. Of course, he also mentioned that you have to pay $400 to actually take the black belt test. Yes, I admit I do take these belt tests every time their held. Belt System White Belt [$60] Yellow Belt [3 months, $30] Orange Belt [3 months, $30] Orange Belt w/ 1 green stripe [3 months, $30] Green Belt [3 months, $30 + $15 for lapel] Green Belt w/ 1 red stripe [3 months, $30] Green Belt w/ 2 red stripes [3 months, $30] Red Belt [3 months, $30 + $15 for lapel] Red Belt w/ 1 blue stripe [6 months, $30] Red Belt w/ 2 blue stripes [6 months, $30] Blue Belt [6 months, $30] Blue Belt w/ 1 white stripe [6 months, $30] Black Belt [1 year, $400] Your thoughts?
  8. Congrats, Dobbersky! I consider very few people friends on forums and irl. I' loyal though, with those who are my friend. Also, this post made me want to look at Dobbersky's posts.
  9. Welcome.
  10. I take TSD. My dojo usually does forms and sparring everyday.
  11. Welcome to KF!
  12. I think I got my orange belt. I broke the board and they said I had good forms.
  13. I think it is. It costs about $600 every 6 months where I do TSD at
  14. Apparently she thinks I will be better there and it is cheaper.
  15. I heard from my mom that she might have me take up Tae Kwon Do at the ATA while I'm still training in TSD. My dad disagrees with the decision though. I think my mom wants me to rotate days or something like go to one 1 day and go to the other the other day. If not, they want me to take it when I get to a black belt here. I do not mind this at all, but does anyone have any tips. I will actually go in the ATA closest to where I live and observe classes. I talked with the instructor and said I he could have me skip a belt if I'm ready. I know how the belt system at the ATA goes. I think the 2 belts we don't have at my TSD school are the camouflage belt and the purple belt.
  16. Welcome to KF. I'd go check out some classes, if possible.
  17. Thanks! I'll keep posted. I'll let everyone know if I get my orange belt. The boards are approximately 1 inch.
  18. You sound like you did great. You tried your best. Trying only makes you better, right?
  19. It's not. They said the lump should go away in a month.
  20. I have my belt test on September 7th. I am testing for an orange belt. I hope I make it. A few days ago, we had this kicking marathon thing and I broke a board, but it was by kicking. I have to break in the test with a hammer fist. I'm sort of nervous because I'm not sure if I'll break it or not. My instructor says I'm capable, so I might.
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