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Everything posted by FangPwnsAll7

  1. I replied. ^ I had a lesson with my new instructor and I liked it better. My parents wanted to see the old instructor to tell him that I will not be coming back and his Mexican 15 year old son tried to slap me but I blocked it and left...
  2. Thanks for sharing!! I take karate for the same reason.
  3. I've decided to go up to the new school a few hours ago, and they said I can start taking classes there tomorrow. The instructor is much better. I'll see if my parents can bring up the situation with someone.
  4. Welcome to KF!!
  5. Trust me, my parents want me to go to the other school. I live with my dad by the way. I'll try doing that. My dad already yelled at the instructor and the instructor said that he can't wait until I leave. My dad said he will take me up to the other school tomorrow and I can transfer.
  6. Ok I can do that. I'll leave after the belt test and promotion. I already paid. I only have a week.
  7. I'm 15, and the Mexican students are all 10-13. I just paid $60 for the belt test but they're I'm not paying anymore...
  8. It's because I'm under a contract with the instructor. Trust me, I'd leave now if I could. There was a very offensive note left in my bag with my sparring equipment I just found. Maybe if I show it to the instructor he'll punish them. Here's a picture of the note. I went back up there, and he said it was a misunderstanding... The entire thing is grammatically incorrect, too. Not really sure what to feel right now. http://oi41.tinypic.com/2hcqm4k.jpg Should I keep it to show someone later?
  9. I was thinking that, too. I actually brought up the subject with the instructor, but he said that if he didn't see it, it didn't happen. I had my friend tell him that it was true, but my instructor told me that she was seeing things. I hope I can transfer soon; the sooner, the better.
  10. Ok, I'm going to have to get out of there. I just got back from class and someone wrote on the wall. "Mexicans suck" and it was signed my name. I didn't do it, but at least all I got was a warning. I'm transferring in November.
  11. Welcome to the site!!
  12. I go to a Tang Soo Do school that is only 10 minutes away from my house by car. I liked it, and I never thought I would get this far. I am a 5th kyu, or a green belt with two stripes. Going there for the first time as a white belt, I knew that's what I wanted to do with my life. About a few months after I joined, all of these foreign people walk in and they sign up their kids to take karate. To be perfectly honest, I hated them. I am not racist, but it really bothers me. The reason is because the instructor seems to favor them over everyone else. They all seem to hate me, too. I even overheard one of them saying "Wow, I'm having a difficult time, even against someone as bad as you!" The instructor is also Mexican, and my parents hate him. I even asked one of the students why he was treating me the way he did, and you wouldn't believe what he said. "Because you're American!" My parents say that it is unfair because our instructor lets all of them in for free, and they do not even have to pay for belt tests. I even go to the last class of the day, because that's when the least amount of Mexican's go. I'm under a contract with these people, but it ends in November. When it's up, I'm gone. Does this mean I quit martial arts? Of course not! I'm transferring the a different school in the same organization. It's only 45 minutes away by car, and I know I'll like it a lot better. The boys in the family always make fun of me and touch me in a place I would rather not be touched. They make rude comments towards everyone but themselves! And for those of you who did not know, I am a girl. We all have attendance cards, and one of them crossed out my name on my card, and put a swear word. Sometimes they call me that instead of what I like to be called, my real name. This post probably made me sound racist, but it's true. This probably sounds more like a rant than anything else, but I'm seriously considering transferring. I get to keep my rank. What are your thoughts?
  13. Fang is the name of my Feraligatr in Pokémon. He added the Pwns All part after it with 7.
  14. I do Tang Soo Do. I also do some Tae Kwon Do.
  15. I practice everyday.
  16. I'm a girl, and people always seem to punch me in a place that I'd rather not be punched. They do it on purpose, and it's always a guy who does it. They scream my name, and when I look over, they touch me and they think it's funny...
  17. My computer was broken. I got a new one though, so I'm back!
  18. I literally typed in 'karate forums' on a google search. I wanted a forum where I could talk about the martial arts.
  19. Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
  20. Welcome to KF!
  21. My old belt was too long so I bought a new belt online. I'm glad I did!
  22. I was just moving into my opponent, kicking him repeatedly...
  23. Welcome to KF!
  24. Thanks! I won't I can't wait for the grading
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