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Everything posted by FangPwnsAll7

  1. I've started two years ago because I didn't have any friends in school. Three months later, I transferred school districts and joined a Tang Soo Do dojo. I don't get bullied anymore and I have friends now. I like to think martial arts has made me stronger, but I don't know. I love Tang Soo Do and I will never quit.
  2. There isn't a competition here. It's normal for a lower rank to envy the higher ranks. I often see them trying to look up to them.
  3. White Belt: Hyung Il Bu Yellow Belt: Hyung E Bu Orange Belt: Hyung Sam Bu, Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Orange Belt 1 Stripe: Pyung Ahn E Dan Green Belt: Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Green Belt 1 Stripe: Pyung Ahn Sa Dan Green Belt 2 Stripes: Pyung Ahn Oh Dan Red Belt: Pal Che So, Bong Hyung Cho Dan Red Belt 1 Stripe: Pal Che De
  4. I have trouble remembering the one step sparring techniques. I just remember the ones I have to know for the test and just forget about the rest. I wish they were stuck in my mind.
  5. I went to my first class today at the new dojo. It was awesome. Everyone is so much nicer and I think I have a potential friend.
  6. For a class or longer? What i've seen some instructors take the belt from the student and not give a belt to them until they have learnt their lesson. They could be say a black belt and they would lose it until there has been a change. Do they get to be in their normal spot in line to bow in and out? No Are they recognized for the rank they are meant to hold? No Do they get to train with people of the same rank they are meant to be? No Once they have learnt their lesson in the eyes of the head instructor they receive their belt back. If they are a kyu ranked student, they will not get tested at any point until they have learnt their lesson. They will not get their belt back until that point in time behavior has changed. Completely irrelevant of whether they are due for grading or a test. IF they are due for Grading they CANNOT attend that grading. Be it for 1 lesson or for 10 lessons, it doesn't matter. If the parents don't like it we do explain to them why we did what we did. They get it taken off for a few classes.
  7. He takes off his belt and gives him a white belt temporarily.
  8. I'm a red belt in Tang Soo Do and I wanted to purchase a bo staff. I was just going to use it to practice at home. I've searched different websites for cheap ones. I'm sixteen years old and 5'3". I wanted to buy a four foot bo staff. Would that be a good size, or should I get five? I think a four would be better. Here is the one I'm going to buy. http://www.kungfu4less.com/bow400.html?cmp=googleproducts&kw=bow400&gclid=CO_3kuXNrL0CFUtk7Aod7CsABQ What does tapered mean? I've never heard that term before.
  9. Thats really bad that he doesn't listen to anyone. How old was he when he started karate? because an 8 year old getting their black belt sounds a bit off to me. This is because at all the dojo's i've trained at the minimum age to start is 6 and takes on average 3+ years to get their black belt. At my old dojo, their hombu runs "mighty mights" for 4 + 5 year olds but they don't get to transfer that rank over, due to the different curriculum taught. He started when he was four.
  10. There's an eight year old black belt with very bad discipline. He doesn't listen to anything he's told and he shows off his rank. He thinks because he is a black belt, he can do anything he wants.
  11. I find it weird that a fourth degree black belt instructor can't take his job seriously.
  12. You might have remembered I posted a thread about discrimination a while ago. I just thought I would update everyone on the situation. I finally left for good, and now I'm going to a new dojo on either Saturday or Monday. I went in yesterday for practice and to meet the new instructor. I've heard some great things. He says there isn't any discrimination there and everyone gets respected equally. I'm currently a red belt and I love training in Tang Soo Do. It has significantly raised my self confidence. I think changing schools was well worth it because I can actually enjoy class. My old instructor has brought up something new since I created the last thread. He started doing this thing called Maria meditation. You have to sit facing a wall for ten minutes of class saying Maria. That's the name of one of the Mexicans. My instructor favors this ethnic group, but we should all get treated equally. He puts Maria up on a giant pedestal and everyone worships her. Maria thinks too highly of herself and I'd like to say she hates everyone, but I think it's just me. I've never seen her be so disrespectful towards anyone before. When I asked her why she was being rude, she told me it's because I'm an American. Is she racist or something? Somebody else discriminates me for having Autism and he makes it so obvious that I have it. My instructor said that Maria is just as great as the grandmaster. There is a picture of Maria right next to the grandmaster, which I find ridiculous! I'm glad I left, and I can't wait to start at my new dojo on Monday. I might be able to go Saturday. I'll give everyone an update on how my first day goes. I don't really understand because Maria told me I was stupid for leaving because I couldn't handle her awesomeness. I just found that really immature. The instructor calls everything Maria, as well. At the beginning of class, he said bow to the Maria flags. During class, he said go get the Maria hand pads. The calendar in both rooms has Maria written before every month. I want everyone's opinion on this whole Maria thing. I like to think of this as a joke, but I think my old instructor's being serious. I'm glad I never have to go back to excuse of a dojo ever again. I can keep my rank because my new dojo is with the same organization.
  13. On November 28th I tested for 3rd GUP red belt and I am being promoted tomorrow. The test was okay like we did sparring and forms. I already learned more than half of my new form. I'm so excited for my red belt and I'm actually surprised that I passed. I had no idea what my one step hands were but I knew the feet well. My breaking was a spinning back kick. I'm excited because I can use a staff in class. Also, I have to get my trim changed to the color red on my gi. I can't wait until tomorrow, literally I'm not going to lie... it feels great to have a red belt.
  14. I train seven days a week. Five at the dojo.
  15. Every art has it's advantages or disadvantages. There's not a bad art, but some are more effective than others.
  16. Yeah I meant school. I love MA though
  17. I've personally never read them, but I can look into it. They look interesting
  18. I think once you earn a black belt that you're always a black belt. No one can take that away from you.
  19. White yellow orange orange w/ 1 stripe green green w/ 1 stripe green w/ 2 stripes red red w/ 1 stripe red w/ 2 stripes blue blue w/ 1 stripe black
  20. Neither. I love Nintendo! (If I was forced to choose though, xBox is better than the PS3)
  21. FangPwnsAll7

    Too old

    You're never too old.
  22. I would train with my new instructor.
  23. School is bothering me. I don't want to go.
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