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Everything posted by FangPwnsAll7

  1. I shadow spar, as well. It's great for improving your sparring and mobility.
  2. I don't think it matters how old you are. As long as you think you can do it.
  3. In my honest opinion, bouncing is good. My instructor said that you should always bounce when fighting. It doesn't matter if you're sparring or just practicing.
  4. I wanna be a graphic designer for video games.
  5. I use feet the fist gear. I never use head gear. However, sometimes my sensei makes me wear it.
  6. I will, thanks. I knew there was some good in TKD. I don't know why some people think it's horrible. Anyway, my friend started to take Tae kwon do. I'll see if I can observe some classes.
  7. Knowing me, I'd teach him a lesson he'd NEVER forget.
  8. Welcome to KF! I like karate, myself, as does everyone here.
  9. That's what most people do, if they do wear something under their gi. I just like doing it. It's not that it's uncomfortable. It's just I got used to it so now I do it. :
  10. That's what I thought at first. I really think that techniques are a way to improve your knowledge of the form. I wouldn't say, now, that they are just empty words that have no meaning. My instructor said it's a way to have students better understand the meaning of our forms; and to, overall, improve how we do it.
  11. Some people in my karate class wear nothing under theirs. I just wear a white undershirt. For some reason, the other students are saying this is disrespectful. I disagree. Do you wear anything under it?
  12. I've only went 4 times this week. I went monday, tuesday, wednesday, and saturday. Next week, I'll try to go 4 again. Thanks.
  13. I'd put karate on my resume when the time comes. I'm only 14 though, so when I get a job
  14. Do you think there's such thing as having too much dedication to karate. Every week I go atleast 5 or 6 times. But only two weeks, have I went 5 days. Only 1 week have I went 4 days. I personally think I'm going too much, but I'm dedicated to learn as much as I can about TSD. I've been going for 5 months, and I've only missed, like, 4 days total in the whole time I've been going. Excluding sunday, of course, when there's no class. Inn your opinion, is it a good thing I'm going this much, or do you think I need a break once in a while? I guess the reason I was going that much before was because I didn't have any internet or cable before so I got sorta bored. Your thoughts?
  15. Ours are while belt yellow belt orange belt orange belt 1 green stripe green belt green belt 1 red stripe green belt 2 red stripes red belt red belt 1 blue stripe red belt 2 blue stripes blue belt blue belt 1 white stripe black belt
  16. Thanks
  17. Well, I've been taking Tang Soo Do for 5 months. I'm a yellow belt, almost orange. However, my friend is deciding whether or not to take TSD with me, or to learn TKD which is a different form. Are there any differences between TKD and TSD? Also, I'm not really sure if it's true or not; but my parents keep saying that Tae kwon do isn't worth the money. I can't believe that. I prefer to stick with Tang soo do though.
  18. This is the patch at C.S. Kim karate tang soo do. Yeah, I covered my face up. I'm not that attractive, so... It's the red and blue patch on the do bok. http://oi45.tinypic.com/2edo507.jpg
  19. 1 hour on saturday and on weekdays it's usually depeneding on how many people are in class that day.
  20. I just took the Yellow belt test a month ago and passed. I hope I do well on the test for my orange belt. I have to do a break using hammer fist
  21. Hey I'm new to the forum. I am currently a yellow belt in Tang Soo Do. My test for orange is in september.
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