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Everything posted by FangPwnsAll7

  1. Welcome to KF!
  2. Welcome to KF!
  3. No, don't be worried well I have a lump on my hand and I'm finding out wednesday if it's cancer or not. so... yeah
  4. Nice can't wait to see pictures
  5. That's awesome. We are auctioning off a signed book at our next belt test.
  6. In my dojo, the belt system is; White Belt Yellow Belt Orange Belt Orange Belt with 1 green stripe Green Belt Green Belt with 1 red stripe Green Belt with 2 red stripes Red Belt Red Belt with 1 blue stripe Red Belt with 2 blue stripes Blue Belt Blue Belt with 1 white stripe Black Belt In my opinion, our belt system has too many stripes and too few colors. I think we could have added in a purple belt or even a brown belt. However, I am satisfied with this belt system.
  7. No I got a new patch for my gi too. I think only people that go to those classes get it or something:karate:
  8. I got home from the adult class about 2 hours ago. The class isn't much different. I liked it
  9. Yeah. I can't wait to see how different it is from the children class, even though it's probably the same thing with an age difference. I'm the youngest person in the adult class I heard, but don't mind... in fact, I like it.
  10. I like my current dojo, too. A lot of the students are nice, but they fool around sometimes. It doesn't really bother me though. We observed each other's classes. I really didn't think there was much of a difference.
  11. What's bothering you right now? I'm freaked out about next wednesday, but please don't ask why.
  12. I guess you could say that. I still act a bit immature at sometimes, but not as bad though. My instructor told me I can start going to the adult classes starting tomorrow.
  13. Welcome to KF! Good luck
  14. Most of the kids are around 4, 5, 6, or 7 years old. There are some 10 and 11 year olds doing it too. The 11 year old is a blue belt with a stripe (the belt before Black belt)
  15. We usually used the older kids as punching dummies... most of the time it was me. xD
  16. They seem to be ignoring it. I am asking my instructor if I can go participate in the ages 14+ class with the teens and adults. I don't see why he would say no.
  17. I know. My instructor actually said that the younger belts have to listen to the senior belts. But why, when they are acting immature? They are trying to get the white belts to do this stuff.
  18. Actually, the classes I'm currently going to are for ages 11 and under. The classes that are 14+ are from 6 to 7. A good full hour. I'll see if I can go to those.
  19. 1) Your Pastor: I am an atheist. 2) Family members: I don't really thank them, but I work really hard and they said I'm doing great. 3) Your friends: Um... no. Maybe, if I had any. 4) Your employer: I'm 14. I don't work. 5) Your fellow dojo/dojang/etc classmates: Believe it or not, I actually believe my classmates are the people that make me work hard. I have to thank one person in particular though. 6) oh yeah...Your Instructor(s): Yes. 7) Your Style Headquarters: Yes, of course.
  20. Good luck with this. At our dojo, the instructor provides the gi.
  21. Ok, so I haven't made a topic here in a while, but I think it's time I made this one. I just got home from class about an hour ago, and I felt that I had to bring this up. In class, ever since last month, the other students have been out of control. Some of the younger kids around age 4 or 5, they wear their gi with their chest showing. You might be thinking, that's not a big deal. Well, I think differently. Because, do you know what else they do to their gi? They pick their nose with their sleeve and put their belt in their mouth. Some of the older kids just roll up their sleeves on their gi and also their pants rolled up so their entire skin is showing. During meditation, some students grab their belt and swing it around. Before class, they take off the belt and bang it off the wall or hit other kids with it. What really makes me angry is because the higher ranks or doing this. They are setting a really bad example. I'm sure half of the comments I'm going to get on this topic will probably suggest to stop worrying about other kids and worry about myself. Right? Well, I am doing just that already. You know, it just makes me angry that the students do this, even after my instructor said, multiple times, not to. Any thoughts?
  22. Hopefully I'll see one near me soon. It looks interesting.
  23. I always kiai loud, and of course, draw attention to myself in the process. I hated it when I first started because I was shy and didn't know anyone when I walked in.
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