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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
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Safroot's Achievements

Pre-Black Belt

Pre-Black Belt (9/10)



  1. Happy birthday , sorry it's a bit late
  2. I had bruised the front of my foot twice till now due to kicking opponent's knee. I guess that's my hard way to learn that I have to raise my knee more before I deliver a kick.
  3. I guess it would be good idea as long as you teach him the right basics & techniques. Only risk is if you teach him bad technique, he will take too long to get it right later on !
  4. I agree Alan, competitive conditioning is more prevelant. I belive in importance of conditioning but my question was if you do lots of conditioning, will it have a longe term effect on your internal organs ?!!! That's my only concern !
  5. Thanks MatsuShinshii for your detailed reply. I guess according to your post, I fall in the NO category. Maybe because this was my first LONG conditioning session I felt uncomfortable !
  6. Thanks Alan, problem is conditioning with low grades who can't control power !
  7. Tonight I had a " Bare-Knuckles Conditioning session " for 90 minutes. I am really sore with some lumps & bruising here & there What is your thoughts about conditioning in general ?! Is it important ?! does it have any health related risks (any effects on the internal organs) on the long run ?! I wasn't very comfortable during tonight's session but I really started to get the meaning of "" NEVER GIVE UP "" & that's why I followed my sensei instructions till the last minute. My other question will be, if in any session you feel uncomfortable, do you speak up during the session or you speak to CI after the session or you don't speak up at all ??!!! Sorry for the long post !
  8. That's exactly what people has to understand & that's I guess is the main reason for frustration ! Frustration for the CI or for the student/parent/whomever else?? Frustration for Instructors !
  9. Yes, that's true but sometimes belt is also sort of motivation for young kids to keep training !
  10. That's exactly what people has to understand & that's I guess is the main reason for frustration !
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