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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. You can do shrugs while hanging from a pullup bar as well, hits it from a different angle but still hits that area. cool, I will have to try that one. thanks for the tip, kuma
  2. Nice video Zanshin, at the end when they are doing the hand to hand techniches. their stance seemed really neat, what is it called?
  3. I agree here somewhat, I myself have had anger issues. I also agree that anger has no place in the dojo as well. BUT, I think that everybody gets angry its just how they release it I guess is the issue.
  4. I believe there should be some type of contact rather it be light or hard.. It can be a bag or focus pads..
  5. I have had the XXL for about a year now. It is doing okay. one thing though, the padding I think is getting weaker because when I kick it my shin hits the plastic cylinder in the middle. but so far so good.
  6. At the end where the kick knocked out they guy!? how can we be more clear???? were talking about the final kick, thats it, nothing else...
  7. what you said here is very similar to testing in my Judo class, along with forms.
  8. um.... the video that YOU posted, the KO at the end??
  9. I dont have to fight the way the opponent wants me to. I can batter if I want. I just defend myself by what is thrown at me. I am more of a defensive fighter I guess.
  10. by sparring I meant full contact. not "tag" as you put it. nothing will ever be better than the real thing.
  11. forms are exactly that.. forms... A pre-determined set of techniques.... useless in an actual knock down drag out fight IMO. sparring is the best way of developing martial skill in my opinion, assuming that the players are already skilled in there techniques and are able to apply them in a fully resistant situation. and bagwork over sparring, justice?? bag work is a good workout and all but it does not hit back....
  12. do some dips (weighted or no weighted) for triceps, or close grip pushups. traps will hard to do unless you have access to a gym w/ weights. if you do, then you can do an exercise called "shrugs" works mostly traps and shoulders.
  13. I tried the initial test and got 69 woot! *plops on floor*
  14. 4/29 Weighted Throwing exercises 540-630 am Kickboxing 530-630 pm ( Just started ) bag work and more bag work.
  15. We use Tatami mats in my Judo class.
  16. I picked Judo because it was simple. throw the guy down and/or pin. also, there is full resistance randori. something that is needed in my MA training. no 1 step sparring.....
  17. imo, that would be very difficult in an actual fight cause he is bouncing up and down swinging at ya with a fury of haymakers. I have tried pressure point techniques and they are hard to do it to a willing opponent let alone a fully resisting one.
  18. firstly, YES all the exercises listed by the previous posters were combat related, Bushido man gave me a good exercise on kick countering, Tallgeese listed a JKD book that proved very usefull, ty btw tallgeese. and DWX gave me a cool exercise as well which included sparring, all them are combat related....
  19. I said that because my thread name is "reaction time drills" and I meant more of a combat related exercise, you and the other posters didnt do anything wrong, it was my mistake. so it was to not cause anymore confusion for the future posters on this thread.
  20. I understand what you are saying here, she is there to spar with you, if she doesnt want to get hit in the chest, then she shouldnt spar, period.. and for your instructor yelling at you, that is ridiculous.. you didnt do anything wrong. looks like the girl needs to grow up and spar or leave.
  21. imo, a threat is a threat, if he is 4 feet tall and skinny or a bodybuilder. if a guy grabs me and draws back to punch me, the way I see it, its either me or him. he is going to get hurt.
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