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Everything posted by KarateK

  1. Exactly what I had - they called it osgood schlatters (probably completely wrong spelling) and that it was basically growing pains associated with doing a lot of sport. V helpful!! Especially as now am 24 and still having these pains even though I have stopped growing!! Although I do believe that rest can be worthwhile, when I tried just resting and not training so much it hurt more.
  2. Thats exactly how our club works. I think as we have a lot of kids in our dojo, they feel that working up the ranks is rewarding and helps them learn how to attain difficult goals and set new ones for themselves.
  3. Thanking you kindly x
  4. You would scare anyone off!!
  5. You guys are cool - learn a little new thing every time someone replies to a post
  6. Definitely. And on a more superficial note, it helps the parents of the kids who train feel like they are getting something back. I know thats not what MA is about but sometimes the parents need a little persuasion that what they are paying for is worth it.
  7. Was very much through the nose - problem is it makes me laugh which throws me off not him. Maybe I should try the kiss thing?....
  8. This is my thing - I love what I do I just wish I knew more about the origins etc. Thats why this KF is soo good. Learn a new thing every day
  9. So in answer to my question yes I was being a dumb blonde!!!
  10. Same situation - an ex fling in our dojo. I can't help remembering his snoring when we spar - kind of like his kiai!!
  11. Now that I would pay to see - can you imagine the sight - some burly black belt in a fight going to his opponent "prrrrr". Would certainly knock his guard down!!
  12. Am I being a dumb blonde here?? The Gracies?......
  13. I agree Holland. Its my Mum's club, who is 2nd dan black belt, with her partner, a 5th dan black belt. I do it, as does my daugher. There are a lot of families in our club, its nice especially in this day and age (don't I sound old) when families don't spend so much time together.
  14. UPDATE TIME Whew - lesson over. Went ok I think, couple of the black belts came to me afterwards and just said that they were impressed with the way I handled the class. One lad got winded during sparring and I was told I handled the situation responsibly and soon got the lesson back on track. Felt a bit odd telling senior grades what to do but I quote enjoyed it once I got into it. Can feel the power going to my head lol!!
  15. Thats the crux of it for me. Kata is not just for competitions or to show off different moves, it helps you understand how more than one strike, kick etc can be used in conjunction when being attacked. One strike is often not enough, you need to know how to follow it up. Learning kata as opposed to learning individual strikes or kicks helps you with coordination and the imagination to know what moves will work in certain situations.
  16. I also believe that rank is not as important as some make out. However not only is it a sign of your commitment to your art, its also a good incentive to kids coming up the ranks. A bit of friendly competition never hurts.
  17. V True Lordtariel - although not sure green is my colour
  18. It was the prrrrr that did it for me
  19. Moose - Fu... is that like "Car Kata" See http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=26308
  20. I started training as a 7 year old as I was picked on a little bit, and my self esteem was quite low. Am back now, loving karate and think my experiences help me to relate to the younger ones who come in with the same issues
  21. The sarcastic, suspiscious side of me is wondering if this site was being used for something other than MA chat?
  22. I graded with my daughter a few weeks ago. We graded for different belts but at same time. It really is great when you are involved in something together. She was also grading to yellow belt. Was so proud
  23. When someone applies to take their black belt, the senior Dan grades are advised and a general consensus has to be reached whether or not that person should be allowed to be assesed for black belt. This seems to work for us, noone without commitment would be put forward
  24. Theoretically if you started at 5, double graded through your kyu grades you could make black belt by the age of 10 but it has never been done at our club so we don't have an age restriction as such. Kyu gradings are every 4 months and brown and black gradings are every 6 months. In between all this you have to get in 6 pre dan courses before attempting black. I can never see how a child that age has the commitment or knowledge, let alone the respect of their fellow students, to attain a black belt.
  25. All sparring at once, changing partners every couple of minutes.
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