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Everything posted by Adonis

  1. They haven't aired the Krav maga episode yet. Just mauy thai, Escriima, Karate, Savate, and Judo. I really liked the escrima episode, I used to date filipina women before nad have alot of filipoino friends. I would love to visit the philippines some day. Its natrual beauty looks wonderful there. However from friends who visit there I Hear the poverty level there in certain areas is really bad. I really want to see the MMA episode, I bet Jason would be the one doing that.
  2. The field manuel for Combatives in the Army has been up dated. The main person in charge of Army combatives is a brown belt in BJJ. As well as black belt in other arts. Its true Army starts off combatives doing ground training. Its easier to go all out, while working for postions. and what not. Its safer to do that Then it would be for stand up striking. Its easier to teach and get the skills across to the soldier. Safety is a huge key factor. Can't have soldier out due to training injury's which can jepordize the mission. Army Combatives consist of BJJ, judo, wrestling, boxing, mauy thai, and Kali/arnis. With the fundentals based off of BJJ but adapted for the needs of the Army.
  3. At the one I attend they have mauy thai classes and boxing classes, BJJ classes, nogi classes, MMA classes, The BJJ and Nogi classes are set up to sub classes. so one day its technique class, next day sparring class, next day technique class, then sparring the next, so on and so forth. So they get a whole class of one or the other.
  4. from training and fighting, broken nose, torn menisucs in my knee, thats about it, then the occasional bloody nose, fat lip, and bumps and bruises.
  5. Yeah I can't wait till the pankration one. I only saw 40 minutes of the Judo one then I feel asleep so I Missed the ending. What I did see of it was pretty good. Jason is pretty good, got to see mission control, I hope in the pankration one, jason fights, I would like to see him do more of the rubber guard.
  6. I went to bed early. I did catch about 40 minutes of it. It looked pretty good. Saw Jason going for a little rubber guard or mission control during the film. Probably next time it airs I will watch all of it. I can't wait for next weeks episode on pancrase.
  7. Oh well can't change things. If he is getting an attitude. Your dojo is better off with out him.
  8. The Head of the Army combatives program SFC ® Matt Larsen, has met alot of people, and there are those that have conections probably with diffrent promoters and what not. Some of these people been in a very long time in the Martial Arts community. However developing the skills on Army Combatives won't develop some on to compete on a high level. Its designed to build fundimentals in a soldier. Any way its the connections through the people that are in combatives that got them the fights. Its all about networking. There is level 1-4 in combatives training. All together its 11 weeks of training. Its how a person trains between the courses, and most people train with a civilian team that fight in MMA events, or have previous training. Any way I am glad your friend is fighting and doing well I hope.
  9. This next's weeks episode is going to be on judo. So I am curious to see it. I really want to see the Sambo one, and they are also doing an MMA one I believe.
  10. More power to the studdent who wants to learn it. How ever going straight up and down...well I pretty much said it in my earlier post.
  11. Instructors are going to have diffrent standards, even instructors who teach the same system or curruiculum. Main thing is to set training goals, and work towards them. As long as one is improving there own self, and are happy with there training. Then they are doing good. Those are my thoughts.
  12. Thats not true, its guys competing in BJJ/Wrestling, and muay thai and already competing in MMA matches, before they even came into the Army. Then decide later on after few enlistments and get out to do something they love to do. Some are still soldiers like Tim Kennedy (IFL vet) who still competes. However, combatives program is desngined for the soldiers who hasn't had any training before. So its basic moves to help build them up to competent fighters. Those who haven't trained before and just started out with Army Combatives, and end up getting really good, are also those who seek out aditional training at diffrent civlian gyms. Combatives is a great program for the soldiers, which establishes fundimental skill sets, but just going through the courses, isn't going to turn any one into hard core fighter. Competing and dominating MMA. Many people who want to do that stuff seek out additional training. Competitions are great, however they aren't the focus of combatives trianing, they are used to spur on further trianing.
  13. Black Belt and what it means depends on the invidual, or the persons instructor's standards for promotion to that rank. . Some instructors believe for a persron to be a black belt, they need to have a high level of skill in the art, strong moral character, and ability to articulate them selves or convey the information to teach others, so they must have a good understanding of the techniques. Some may say Black belt is just basics and if you want to teach, you got to reach 3rd dan. Other instructors promote those even if they have very limited skill but they PAY the bills. (Mcdojo) It all depends, on the instructor and there stanards of promotion in that art. As for politics, I was refering to ranks after the black belt, depending on your instructor or assoication you can go up to sandan or yongdan, with a bit more technical knowledge then one would have at Shodan. However after that seems alot of rank starts going to those who have schools, or what they do for the orgization they belong to as a whole. Also there is the "good ol boys" club issue in Acadmey's as well in diffrent orgizations. It is the grading after black belt to which me and I believe Zanshin also, were refering about. However there is politics before black betl also. Politics can also refer to the gosspers in the dojo/Acadmey/orginzation. Some did something some one else didn't agree with. Then they gums start a flapping. It also can go into head instructor of a dojo, or orginzation doesn't like when some one trains with another group or some school where he doesn't like the owner for what ever reason. This can also cause problems which is refered to as politics. Honestly politics can be a very vague statement over all as far as to what goes on in the Martial Arts community. However I would refer to that type of stuff as the "Dark Side" of the Martial Arts. Thats why Zanshin says he keeps his head down and trains instead of being involved in that other mess.
  14. dwx I agree with the fact that trainign just to get better is important not the belt. Good post!
  15. What Dana should get credit for is his business sense and promotion to get MMA back into good light with the general public. Remmeber it went under ground for several years. Because it was banned on cable tv. As well as banned in many states as far as MMA goes. He helped bring it back to PPV, as well as to regular cable tv. Due to TUF episodes. Created more exposure, and better pay days for fighters. We now see alot of pride fighters going to the UFC seeing matches we wanted to see for a long time. Now we soon will get the oppurtunity. The days of Style vs Style are long gone. You won't see Karate vs Jiu-Jitsu any more. Any Fighter worth his salt is crossed trained now days. Rorian Gracie accomplished what set out to do with using the UFC spectacle as it was in the early days to promote Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and thats what he did. MMA is great but it is what it is its a sport. They made techniques illigeal for fighter saftely, so we can see those fighters still fight. Not many fighters would be into it if they were getting seriously hurt. Remember some of them have kids and are married. Not a great way to support a family if your to hurt to work any more. Over all the more exposure especially in the last 4 years has really helped the pay days of the fighters. Which helps bring in better caliber people. Since there is more of instentive to be at the top.
  16. I guess so, I find it more so that after black belt promotion starts to get political. I will leave it at that though. As that can be another thread in and of it self.
  17. Thats my point though if an instructor tell you, your doing some thing wrong, but doesnt' give spefics of what exactly yoru doing wrong or how to fix it. They are worthless instructors IMO.
  18. Alot of gyms also have kickboxing classes also. So you can take that. As for practacality, I disagree with Marie about the friends issue, watch you tube on regular street fights, alot of the fights go to the ground even when either parties friends are around. Pavemnt part can be true, if you land on the opponent though when you take them down the opponent will get the worst end of any scratches or things you might bump into. Learning what to on the ground will help you out, as well as learning to sprawl, and defend against take downs will help you out also.
  19. Yeah I enjoy the information also. Jason the Skinny host, is articulate, and good host. I don't care for the big bald guy Bill. I know next weeks episode is on Judo. I am intersted in that one also. I hear if they do a seaosn 2 they possiblely will cover just one style. I heard they want to do a BJJ one.
  20. Its fun, and good training. Someone, Your out of Bragg? Are you going to comepete in the All Army Combatives tourment this year in Oct?
  21. Any one see the Escrima episode. I really enjoyed the history and the training they did with diffrent instructors. I also enjoyed the Savate episode since I didn't know really any thing about that style or its training methods. I know on the Sambo episode they have Fedor PrideFC's Heavy Weight Champ on it. So that will be intersting to. Since the only thing I know about Sambo is they do well with Leg locks.
  22. I seen this alot at the tournaments if its a straight up and down bouncing it makes it easier to move in and attack the opponent when you time the bounce on the upward motion.
  23. TKD - 1 year Shaolin Kempo - 5 years Hakutsuru (Tony Sandoval system) 5 years BJJ - Off and on since 2001
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