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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I will move this to health. But I highly recommend Tiger Balm It works wonders on sore muscles. You can get it at your local MA store or herbal health store. Check it out
  2. I feel the same way. I just recently changed dojangs. I was shocked a few things. I was still comparing things to my TSD days, with both TKD dojangs. But I agree with Heidi. I will be humble and accepting to this new place. I really like it there. There's a few "stuck-ups" there, but I will just egnore them (they think they are better than everyone else). I will just go there, train hard, and keep my big mouth shut (I have a habbit of "yacking off" with my big mouth).
  3. No way! It's just the beginning. Here's a saying that my old instructor from TSD used to say: "Color belts learn the basics, black belts learn how to USE the basics."
  4. Ok, I have to jump in here now Another knee problem. I hurt mine a while ago (last december, I think). It healed quickly (so I thought LOL). I wore a brace for a week or so, and iced it and all. I didn't train for a while either. I also pulled my hammy on the same leg a while before that (6 months before). But now I have pain under the knee cap. Mostly with jumping stuff (jumping kicks, ect). I heard if you strengthen the area around the knee usually helps. Does anyone know any good excerises for that? Thanks in advance
  5. I agree with Krives. My school has 8 belts, that's it. The adults and kids get the same (excpet for Junior BB's). In TSD, the adults also had eight. But the kids had like ten or something. It all depends on the schools/instructors. Even schools within the same org can be totally different. It's best to just train in your style the best as you can and don't worry too much about belt color.
  6. Hey. I like to think I'm a computer geek, but I'm really just a net geek
  7. I did both also. I agree with the last two. I do TKD MDK, which is so similar to TSD MDK that it's not funny. Chen has the best advice. Observe both classes to see what you like. It all depends on what you want out of MA.
  8. Karate is used for a "generic" name for almost all martial arts. The puplic don't know the differance if they never took MA. If they don't know nothing about it, the first thing they look for is the word "karate," no matter what art it is.
  9. PETE!!! Welcome back, bud. Congrads
  10. I heard it from my instructor. Then my boyfriend's instructor said the same thing. They don't know each other, so it had to have come from the WTF.
  11. It's ok. I know how to take a joke
  12. I did the one year contract thing. That's not bad (it was in TSD, and I love the school, so it wasn't so bad). But the one that I did with the three year contract is bad! I ended up hating the school and had to buy the contract out for $400 (it's better than paying full tuition for another year for 1300!).
  13. Sometimes we start standing. Sometimes we go to the ground after a throw. Sometimes we start from the ground. My school mixes TKD and Judo, so it could come from grabbing a kick (take-down) or simply doing a hip throw from a punch attack. It all depends on the attack. The "wrestling" is each person trying to counter what the other is doing, basically, till one sumits (taps out).
  14. The average "Joe" isn't going to know how to fall. So if you do a simple hip throw on him, he will get slammed to the ground. It does hurt for the beginner. Just amagine it for the fellow you throw who as no MA training ..... ouch!!!!
  15. Hey! I'm dyslexic. Make no fun of the mods hehehehe. No seriously, that was funny hehehehe. I am dyslexic, though, when it comes to numbers
  16. Yea. I agree. I wish there was that many choices in my area hehehehehe You're welcome, by the way. As far as MA goes, it all depends on what you want out of MA. Do you want self defense, fitness, fun, sport, ect? Once you know what you want, it's all up to you. For example, I wanted self defense. I went with a school that taught joint locks, counter striking, ect (TSD). Now I go to a school that teaches that stuff, plus throws, grappling, ect. Once you know what you want, go check out a few schools. Most of them offer free trial programs. Just stear clear of the "long term contracts." I been there, done that ..... not a good thing Good luck
  17. I heard today that WTF TKD will allow head strikes with the hands. Is this true? We are affiliated with WTF and the Moo Duk Kwan, so we hear all the rumors from both sides. I heard that it is being "considered" amoung the "big wigs" but it will take awhile. Anyone heard this? By the way, it's something I just heard. Dont' turn this into a flame war Thanks.
  18. I do have to admit that it (MA) taught me more than self defense. I got more confidence, self esteem ..... those I never had before MA. The mental side is a big part for me
  19. To me, I know it's outta fun. I donno about anyone else, but maybe that's the reason for him/her. Just like I know the 540 isn't for self defense, but what the heck. It's fun
  20. I found a few places for you. Check them out :) United States Kenpo Federation 5851 SW 155th CT Miami 305-385-5707 CKF Online 3000 Bird Ave #7 Miami (Chinese Kenpo) 305-460-1828 American Kenpo Karate 2255 SW 32nd Ave Miami 305-441-8907 Goju-Kai Karate-Do of Miami 4640 N.W. 7 Street MIAMI 305-913-9971 nisei goju ryu 2290 n.w. 51 st terrace miami 305-634-7943 ren-do goju-ryu 16192 nw 27th ave miami 305-885-8597 sansei south goju karate 1769 s. dixie hwy miami 305-238-6201 I couldn't find any with websites, so you might want to look these up in your phonebook to make sure they are right.
  21. I found a few school in your area with websites. A few don't have sites, but here are the ones that do http://www.webspawner.com/users/fourwindsmartiala/index.html http://www.bright.net/~ju-jutsu/ (Jujistu) http://www.being-in-movement.com/ (Aikido) http://www.1freespirit.com/afskamain.htm (TKD) http://www.bushido.us/niwadojo (Goju Ryu) There are a lot of schools in your area. I would look through the phone book under karate or martial arts. I hope this helps.
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