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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. No, I joined for self defense. But I made a lotta good friends through MA
  2. I was about to give Vash that one (USTU, that is). And here's the WTF site http://www.kukkiwon.or.kr/eng/ Hope this helps
  3. I use Judo Info alot. Pretty good animations of take-downs They do have some mpegs also.
  4. My TKD school ISN'T sport. AND it's good for self defense. AND it's a great workout. It depends on the school and/or style of TKD.
  5. The TKD MDK school I'm with is self defense oriented. It is VERY similar to TSD. It's just that we mix TKD and TSD forms together. Everything else is the same.
  6. I did TSD first. There was more teens than adults (12 and up). But it's a good art to try (providing it's not a Mcdojang).
  7. WTF or ITF or MDK? I do Tae Kown Do Moo Duk Kwan ( a version of Tang Soo Do Moo duk kwan, in my opinion).
  8. I pay $80 a month. My school offers TKD, Kali, "Do Meditation" ( ..... whatever that is LOL), and Japanese archery (sp?). I take just TKD. OMG!!! Heidi! They charge that much now (main school)???? I'm glad I left .... sheesh. Icetuete, it also depends on the area you are in. Where I live, the average price is $100. Where my school is, the average price is about $90 (my school being the cheapest).
  9. Someone drinkin or smokin too much on this one to sell this??? LOL
  10. That was a great post, theswarm I totally feel the same way.
  11. This might help. If you want to look up styles in your area, check out these two sights: https://www.martialinfo.com Click on the "finding a school near you" link to the left. If you find something that sparks interest, you can even research styles from this site. I use this one a lot to research styles. It's not bad http://www.bushido.us/schools.cfm This one you can just type in your location. It has a pretty good "style directory," too. I recently just started to use this site, but I find it's not too bad. I hope this helps
  12. Come to think of it, I just realized that on the way to my dojang, I don't wear my uniform .... hmmmm. I changed and didn't realize it (my mind that is) hehehehe. But from the dojang I do keep it on. I have to rush out and drop off my nephew (who now takes class with me), so we just bolt out after class.
  13. Scandinavian, Very good post I totally agree with you. I practice TKD, ART not sport. We learn every aspect of the art. We do learn fancy kicks, yes, but we also learn self defense .... joint locks, "come-along techniques," wide range of hand techniques, take-downs, counter grappling, and yes, even grappling. We even learn take-downs and throws. So to say that TKD is useless, is totally not true .... well except the sport TKD stuff. But then again, even the sport TKD people (if trained right) can kick some major butt in a street fight. Some of them that I have seen and fought, are so dang fast, I never seen them coming!
  14. To me, it's not the piece of cloth you get. It's what you learn mentally and physically. Once I get my black belt, it will mean more to me, because I'm not in a race with anyone. I set mental and physical goals for myself. I joined MA for self defense, but I have learned character. My character has changed. I am a better person. I believe a black belt isn't just physical. Yes it's just the beginning when one reaches this level. But he/she should be respectful, kind, help others, ect. As far as teaching, I help teach all the time, and I'm not a black belt. I am not one of the instructors, so to speak. But I am asked or I am willing to help. When should one open a school ...... I do plan to have my own school, but I would rather wait till I am, at least, a 4th dan. But I want to work for someone else first to get the experience and to learn the business end of running a school.
  15. To me, it depends on the guy. Some guys look great with long hair, and some don't. My boyfriend has short hair. If they take care of it, and it is trimmed regularly, I don't mind long hair on men. But the ones with "bushy" hair should really keep it short. I like wavy neatly kept long hair on men. But I can't stand facal hair eeekkkkk. That's what bothers me LOL.
  16. I can't do side splits yet (for side kick flexibility)..... gggrrrrrr. I'm still working on those. I have six inches to go. That's when it gets tough, I heard ( the last few inches).
  17. I agree with Ninjanurse. When I did TSD, our fighting stance was 70 weight on our back leg and the rest on our front leg .... or something like that. So it was easy for me to shoot off any front leg kicks. I was used to sparring like that when I started in TKD, and no one expected it. It was cool Anyways, the 45 degree kick works good for this (or as my new school calls a "punting roundhouse"). You can also try the above fighting stance and it won't take much for you to "adjust" and then fire off the roundhouse. It's kinda hard for me to explain unless I show you. There is a few ways of exicuting (sp?) a front leg roundhouse. I'm better at "showing" then "talking" LOL
  18. That's caffine abuse! Na just kiddin ya. I've been training almost three years and only once spilled coffee on my uniform. I wasn't driving either. I was perfectly still, sitting in a chair in the dojang after class, and I had " a hole in my chin." ggggrrrrrrrrr I never spilled coffee driving. I'm a coffee drinker like some people are alcaholics, so I don't waste a drop of coffee, except that day.
  19. I don't believe so (too old to start). My Tang Soo Do dojang had a couple who didn't start till they were 60. They are prolly 3rd degree BB's by now. No they can't kick high, but I wouldn't dare mess with them in a dark alley! They can spar! I got my but whooped by them many times and I was 25 at the time! Don't judge a book by it's cover. That's all I got to say about the subject
  20. Eeekkkkk. I remember that with the "wrap around" ones. Specially during self defense, even with a belt, it came open. That's when I started wearing a sports bra or tank top under it (white belt TSD). I was wearing a normal bra, not thinking it would come open and ..... ooooops *blushes*. That's one thing I like about the TKD uniforms. The ones I have to wear are pull-overs. They don't show "skin" except for the sides (waste level, not chest level ).
  21. Mine is made of 50/50. Cotton and polyestor (sp?). That's the Proforce ones. I donno about the one Centry one I have. I don't wear it anymore. It shrank. Grrrrrrr.
  22. To give back to my new school, I am getting my nephews into it I will help teach them
  23. Hehehehehe my boyfriend did that during a test LOL. They got geared up for the sparring portion and someone asked if he was ready. He knocked on it ..... man you heard it clear across the room, where I was sitting LOL. Anyways, my TSD school used to wear t-shirts in the summer. That was nice It was cooler than the uniform. I think I'll talk my new instructor into doing that
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