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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I did have a contract in my old TSD school (three months, then one year). Some contracts aren't bad. For the prices you stated isn't bad either You also said the students like it there. Which is a good sign. It's when you get into the high priced long term contracts (more than one year) that are bad. My TSD instructor was well respected and a great teacher. I didn't give a crap about the contract, because of this (plus the prices were reasonable, too). I got what I paid for, in my opinion But you said he is "promising" a green belt in one year, which isn't a bad time. I got mine in 8 months in TSD. I'm not saying it's bad, but just the fact that he "promised" it, it is a little fishy. In my last TKD school, the contracts stunk. A three year contract. I had to pay, in my opinion, an expensive price, and I felt I wasn't getting my money's worth. They teach sport. I was also offered a 2nd degree black belt in 3 years ......... WOW! No way! Now that is fast! It's BS.
  2. I agree with Sub. To actually learn how to throw is to actually do the throw. It's kinda hard to explain. For instance, when I came to this school, I didn't know how to throw, but I watched a few classes, and listened to what they said about how to throw. But when I actually got to throw, I didn't know how. There's more to it than meets the eye.
  3. LOL. This is getting a little off topic, but funny Let's get back on topic guys/gals.
  4. Check here: https://www.martialinfo.com . Click on the "looking for a school near you" link to the left. Then the state, then the town (or a near by town).
  5. Watch out for contracts also. Short contracts (3 months to a year) is ok. But if they "want" you to sign a three year contract, he/she is more then likely in it for the buck. I should know. It happened to me. I left and found an instructor who cares about the arts, not the buck. My new school doesn't even have contracts and I'm learning so much more
  6. We do throws in my school (I do TKD). We actually do the throws. We learn to fall first. If you school teaches you how to fall properly, it shouldn't hurt when you get thrown no matter what you fall on. Just my opinion, though
  7. LOL Fire. Hey, I have to admit I sleep in my uniform (minus the belt). It doubles as PJ's. It is soooooooo comfy
  8. Congrads! I will be testing for brown in July (hopefully LOL). I just got my first "tip" on my belt in the new school. I guess I knew enough, and learned the new stuff fast enough to get it ..... phhheewwww. It was a close one, though.
  9. Thanks Kyle and Pacific. But Mad skills?? Yea right LOL. Just kiddin. I'm average, I guess. Thanks Karate, for the story. You're right. I'm not a white belt, but it is still a lot of work to catch up. This is the first time I didn't start at white belt, and it shocked me in a way. I wouldn't have had any problem with starting over. But, my instructor knew my technique was better than that. I'll just have to go with his judgement
  10. I can't wait to learn Naihanchi! It does look awsome. I have to wait till BB to learn it, though
  11. Just get in there and do your best. Some instructors test on attitude more than anything (I know mine does). Keep a positive attitude, and do your best. Pace yourself. You'll do fine Good luck.
  12. Good post. It made a lot of sense. I guess my instructor has more confidence in me than I do! LOL. Yes, it has (worrying) effected my technique some. And I "chatter" a lot instead of doing what I'm supposed to do. Red, put it plain and simple Andrew and Kyle have great advice, too Thanks guys. I guess I should keep the "chattering" down, and just shut up and train Thanks again.
  13. Hey! G95 No seriously. This is only my third school in three years (I didn't want to quit the first one, but had to). I dabbled or tried others, but didn't stay with it. Sub, that's what my instructor said. He said it was ok, and HE WANTS me to wear my blue just because of my experience. I even asked to start over, but he said no. He said I definitely know enough and have good technique, and I will catch up quick. I just left it at that.
  14. Ok, here's my situation. I just switched dojangs/dojo's a month ago. I love this place. BUT there is so much to learn here. They teach a lot more than the old dojang (which was sport). I went from 6th gup/kyu to 4th gup/kyu (in TKD) just because of the color of my belt. I wanted to drop myself a rank because of all the stuff I have to learn, but everyone (instructors and boyfriend) tells me not to. But I feel I should. I was a 5th gup in TSD, but even TSD didn't teach what this school does. My instructor says there is no rush, but yet I know nothing better than a 6th gup/kyu. What do you guys/gals think I should do????
  15. Wow, KU. You are more extreme than me. Bless you! If and when I get my black, I will never wash it (except when I first get it, so the color don't run). In my school, the first three dan ranks, you have the same rank (or belt). You can't tell who is who unless you are a 4th dan, which as writing on it. 5th dan has the black with red stripe through it.
  16. Wimp. Just kiddin ya, Sub Like I said before, I never quit cause of injuries. I just hurt my wrist from a bad fall in class, but it's not stopping me from typing. Why should it stop me from training?
  17. No offense takin, Green. That was a pretty good post, in my opinion Tang Soo!
  18. We don't have "specialty kata" per say. But my favorites are Pyung ahn e dan (Tang Soo Do) and Taegeuk sah jang (TKD).
  19. Welcome back. We need your Aikido advice on this forum
  20. There used to be regular chats here, but it just kinda "fizzled out."
  21. It took me two years to do splits. I am part of the "older crew," though ( 28 ). I did stretch past my range, BUT not to the point of hurting myself. As far as kicking hight: It's not all flexiblity. It's technique, too. And kicking muscle strength.
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