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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I had a similar situation happen to me when I used to play drums. "Girls don't play drums, they sing" or something to that effect. One guy challaged me to a duel. He played a little, then I played. He sucked I don't usually have a problem with ego in martial arts. All three schools I been to had a fair amount of female students. But when it comes to sparring, I get the "go easy on her, cause she's female" thing. That's annoying. If I'm sparring against a higher rank and I know they spar harder than they are with me, I tear them up. Just to show them I hit like a guy, I fight like a guy, and I don't want any special treatment because I'm female. They usually back off, or start fighting back.
  2. I seen a few recently, but it wasn't during sparring. A lady in my new school broke her foot. She landed wrong after doing a jump ax kick. Another one I saw was during a BB test at my boyfriend's dojang. A friend of ours broke his hand during breaking. He broke three boards (no spacers), with a knife hand, and also broke his hand. That was about 6 months ago for him, though.
  3. Yes. We don't put up with childishness here. Everyone is welcome to their own opinions, but we don't allow bashing of other arts, or people here. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy
  4. I have to change my vote. I go 4 days a week. Monday I also get private lessons till I get caught up (which means two classes that day).
  5. Cool! Let me catch up at my new school first, then we can teach each other forms
  6. My school is very laid back, but yet my instructors make sure everyone has good technique. We joke and have fun during class, but we drill technique big time.
  7. Here's a thread similar to this one: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=973 I am a 4th gup/kyu in TKD.
  8. Ooops. That was a little confusing, wasn't it Sub LOL. I tried to say that I love body surfing, but I never worked out (forms, kicks and stuff) in the water. It's worth a try, though. Better, Sub?
  9. Yea, I agree with Monkeygirl. She's my bud Sub and Doug are cool, too. That's just that mods, but Pat and the crew are awsome, too. Have a seat in the forum and post away. Welcome
  10. Come to my dojang. There is no lack of conditioning. We had a workout for the leg muscles tonight. Then we had to do joint locks and throws. My legs feel like jello. I crashed after class and I'm still in my full dobok .... yes it was tough. Man, I love my new dojang! Keep it up Master P! Actually that was Mr. S, but Master P is a killer, too
  11. I love to body surf so that's a thought. I never have, but I'll give anything a try once Well almost anything
  12. It depends on what I'm eating. Korean, chopsticks. Chinese, chopsticks. Shushi, chopsticks. Italian, fork. American food, fingers
  13. Hehehehe that is an ego deflater if I ever heard one Anyways, I'm female, and I hated to spar at first. I was afraid to get hit. But I just got in there a did it. Now I don't hate it. It's more annoying now than anything, because of the sport stuff going around. I want to use hand techniques, and take-downs, and we can't (sometimes they do, but not always). We can only do that when we do self defense. And yes, I hate the gear. I don't mind the cloth foam arm and shin pads, but the helmet makes me sweat. I sweat like a guy anyways, and it makes it worse. I don't mind sweat from a good workout, but that thing makes me too hot. Like it traps the heat in more or something.
  14. Me either, but I have to wear the cloth things. The plastic boot things and helmet make me sweat like a pig. I hate that.
  15. We do Taegeuk, and Tang Soo Do forms, but I wanna learn the Pal gwe forms for the heck of it Can't ya tell I'm a forms geek LOL
  16. Link didn't work for me, Patrick. Anyways, I got into MA for self defense. I was doing security at the time. I needed ways to protect myself. I'm still in it for self defense, but I also like kicking a lot, breaking and forms. It also helped me with my low self esteem, lack of confidence, and lack of self control.
  17. OMG!!! They were good LOL. Thanks for the morning laugh. dude
  18. I agree Neil. We had an ice storm, then a good foot (almost) of snow two days later. Linkin Park was like, "NO WAY!" I don't blame them. Snowing in April is like a needle in the eye, specially after an ice storm When I lived in NJ, the best time for concerts was summer (I lived 20 minutes outside Philly, PA), also. Up here, you have to hunt for good shows no matter what season. Or drive three hours to Buffillo, NY. eeekkkkk
  19. The Linkin Park show was postponed ..... Dang NY weather (some places here had no power do to an ice storm) Well, my tickets are still good for 7/22 Good picks, KoreanTiger30
  20. The color of the belt changes when you make certian amount of posts. Take a look at our FAQ section (link for it is at the top of the page). Welcome to the forum
  21. We have a thread like this somewhere, but I couldn't find it. But since you're new, it's ok. I listen to anything from classic rock (Hendrix, Led Zepplin, ect) to metal (old school Metallica, SOD, Disturbed, ect). Some stuff I listen to is rap and metal mixed (Linkin Park, Limp Bizket, Kid Rock, ect). P.S. Stop by the intro thread and tell us about yourself.
  22. I had something funny happen to me last night. We were partnering up for kicking drills. There were 4 people there. Three students, one teacher, who is a big guy. I think of him as a big teddy bear. He asked us who would like to partner with him. I answered. The other two students shot me this look like they were saying "oh S&*T!" I was confused, and asked "what was that for????" I found out. The instructor is like 250 pounds, 4th degree BB, and he kicks like a horse! Man, the air sheilds didn't do squat! I felt his kick every time. It hurt like a b***h! We were talking afterwards, and he told me that the students hate to partner with him, and I can see why.
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