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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I love forms, so it would be bad for me to look for an art that doesn't have forms Just my opinion, though.
  2. Chytrak, is Tae Soo Do similar to Tang Soo Do? What forms do you do? I heard about Tae Soo Do, but I don't know much about it. Just curious
  3. For self defense practice and grappling, there are no pads. For sparring, yes there is. We do have drills when your partner actually has to grap you, bear hug you or whatever, and you have to excape. Like what you explained. Sometimes these drills are mixed in with something else. Like kicking drills. You have your mind on the drill, and another person randomly attacts you in class and you have to defend. I love that drill We have grappling, too. These guys were going full out. Chokes, joint locks, pinning each other, ect. This stuff hurts (I'm not used to it one bit yet. I tapped quick LOL). I didn't mention much about sparring, just because we are not a "sport" school. We do spar the "sporty" way once a month or so. We use pads and the WTF rules, but it's not for us. Our instructor is big on self defense. And we do a lot of it (which I'm happy with ).
  4. My classes are done in Korean. Well the counting and the techniques. I think some stuff is supposed to be said in Korean, but my instructor doesn't stress it (like sah bum nim = instructor). So it's not weird for schools to use the language of the country their art came from. It's pretty normal.
  5. I think I might have found some sites about shudokan to hold you over till you start General stuff: http://www.wkf.org/shudokan.html Good site for info on the art. Even tells ya what katas you will be doing, and the rank requirements: http://www.okinawankarateclub.com/Shudokan.htm This one has video clips: http://www.mindspring.com/~karatedo/index.htm I was bored and searched the web for you Oh, don't forget to check out the links that each site has. Sometimes links on websites can be goldmines for info
  6. Some Hapkido schools don't. Judo doesn't. I don't think Kali does either. I could be wrong on that one.
  7. LOL. OMG!!! That just reminded me of something from class the other day. My new uniform from my new school is HUGE. I wear a size 4 and it is a size 4. But this thing is big. Anyways, I forgot to tie the string on the pants and I almost lost my pants when we were doing partner-assisting falling techniques (your partner will push you or pull you or whatever). He pulled on my legs to make me fall, and my pants almost fell LOL. Good thing the top is long, cause I know my butt was "exposed" *blushing* I pulled my pants up, turned around and tied them nice and snug
  8. cobrazero wrote: "Kickboxing/Tae Kwon Do" WTF?
  9. It's supposed be this one, http://McHenry.homeip.net/TangSooDo but it seems to be down right now It does have good forms on it, though.
  10. I do TKD. We fight full contact. People might say that TKD isn't effective. BUT in my dojang. The art "adapts" and changes. We grapple (yes it's a shock, but yes it's true). We do TKD and TSD forms and step sparring. BUT we fight full contact. We grapple full contact, and the self defense here is second to none in my area. The self defense drills are done realistically as possible. Then again, it's not just the style. It's the instructor. How realistic is your self defense drills? Do you spar full contact? How often do you do self defense drills?
  11. Congrads What art do you do? If you don't mind me asking.
  12. Calm down Kensai LOL. Just pickin on ya Anyways, welcome to the forum, kid. Kensai definitely will chat with you about Aikido
  13. Yea, I agree. TSD isn't a popular art. It's hard to find stuff on the art I also had trouble finding stuff on the net. But I didn't care. I love TSD If you would like to learn about it or want to know something, you can PM me or post it
  14. Welcome to the forums. There's plenty of help around here Just ask
  15. I agree, Green. Go try it out. Beware, though. Tang Soo Do is addicting when taught right. I knew the first week that I loved it (and the school). Every since I moved to NY, I've been looking for TSD, but didn't find it I did find a school that is very similar My current school teaches TKD, but TSD forms after black belt, and all the same techniques before and after Good luck. Let us know how it goes
  16. Yes, Heidi is right. I love TSD. My TSD instructor was also awsome. Of course the instruction you get has nothing to do with the style. The Shuri Ryu place is simply a McDojo. The style itself isn't bad. I heard good things about it, actually. As far a TSD goes, yes if you are taught it right, it is very much a workout. My TSD dojang had a good balance of kicking drills, forms, technique drills, self defense, sparring, step sparring, and even just plan fun stuff. Like doing what the students wanted to do. I always picked flying kick drills He always made the class tough, but fun. As far as Song-Ki Kim goes, I found a website. Is this the school you are talking about? http://www.jkim.com/school_his.html Pretty cool website, also. It looks good to me. I say go for it
  17. LOL Good one Monkeygirl LOL. That was funny. Crunches always seem to bring out the "noise" in some folks Ramy, the bad thing about the kid who threw me was the fact that he was a black belt! We did throws again last night and I avoided the "ditsy" type (the kid was a ditz big time).
  18. Heidi, hehehehe yea it works and it is legal in Tang Soo Do sparring. So is a ridge hand, which I have used. I'd fake a kick and "thump" them in the head with a ridge hand LOL. The scoring thing in my TKD school goes like this: Hand techniques: punches to the body only (vest area, that is). Kicking techniques: Head kicks (on the helmet area only) and to the body (anywhere on the vest, except the back). Scoring: 2 points for head kicks, 1 for body shots. You get a warning or loose a point if you kick or hit the face or below the belt. Some judges will give you a warning if you kick the back of a person. You loose a point if you take them to the ground, or purposely trip them or something like that. Eventhough my TKD school allows take-downs (sometimes .... it depends on what we are doing), in tournies, it's not allowed. I hope this helps
  19. OMG!!! Me, as a Moo duk kwan stylist, I thought that was waaayyyyyy funny LOL Hey, tommaker .... Tang Soo!
  20. Ouch! I did that before. I was only an orange belt in TSD. We were doing kick/block drills in class. I guess I blocked too soon (open handed) and this girl broke my middle finger with a kick. But I kept going with class. Sheesh. I'm a gluttin for punishment. Last night, we were practicing falls, then throws. I was doing really good with falling till we did the throwing part. This kid did a throw wrong and I landed on my head. My falling skills went out the window after that. He threw me again and I forgot to "slap" the mat as I fell, and I landed flat on my back .... HARD! It knocked the wind outta me! Ouch. Apperently he did the throw wrong again anyway, because when I was laying on the mat catching my breath, my instructor yelled at him. So we both goofed LOL.
  21. OMG! I am sore from doing throws last night (I'll use it as an example) ..... and yes, they do that in TKD Before I switched dojangs, no I didn't learn throws. That was also a TKD dojang. It all depends on the instructor. We do learn a lot of self defense, ect. But we also learn TKD's trademark kicks
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