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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. My fav has to be Pyung Ahn Ee Dan (TSD form, but it's known has Pinan Sho dan or Hiain Nidan in Japanese styles) by far. I love that form. One reason is because it took me so long to learn it, then get good technique on it. My fav to watch was Bassai (both). I never got to learn it, but it was such a cool form. Nahanchi was another. I don't remember which one it was, but it looked so cool.
  2. Bk, I left the "shadow post" in General Martial Arts for others to see, but put it where YOU would get more help Or you could see where I moved the post, so it wouldn't be "lost." I hope you are getting more help than I could give (my reason for moving your post)
  3. I agree with Heidi. TKD or Tang Soo Do would be ideal for you. When I did TSD, we did a lot of jumping, flying, and spinning kicks. Plus we were dare-devils hehehehehe. It wasn't part of the system, but we learned "trick kicks." It does help to have basics down before you try those, though. They hurt if you do them wrong. But it depends on the dojang (school), too. The dojang I just left, didn't teach jumping kicks. But in the higher ranks, the teach spinning kicks. No trick kicks. I had to "show off" in one open class to get people interested. Untill you find a place to train, check out this site: https://www.bilang.com Martial Arts Tricks
  4. I'm going to move this to grabbling arts. I think you will get more help there, than in the general arts. Anyways, I think Judo is cool. It does lots of breakfalls first. Then joint locks, take-downs, ground work, ect. It's a pretty cool art.
  5. I just quit a place that was into the sport end of it (and charges too much!). That's fine for those who like sport. But I'm in it for self defense. In my opinion, they lacked in that department. When I did Tang Soo Do, I dissed TKD. I thought it was all sport. When I moved to NY and joined this place, yes it was. But I just found a dojang (well actually a few months ago) that is TKD and ISN'T sport. They do have a competion team, but they are the only ones who do the sport end of it. They even have their own "coach." The rest of them (which will include me soon) learn self defense. The normal kick/punch stuff as well as joint locks, take downs, breakfalls, some grappling, even weapons. But then again, it's mixed with TSD hehehehe (Moo Duk Kwan Tae Kwon Do) This dojang changed my opinion on TKD. As in "open mouth, insert foot" LOL. Most people, even me at the time, who never tried TKD are the ones who "dis" it. It's only because they don't understand it. They just "see" the high kicking. They don't see the "whole picture." And for the rest I was going to say, Spinning took the words outta my mouth LOL. Good post
  6. Welcome to the forum There are a lot of karateka's here to help you out
  7. I had a blue belt (5th gup) in Tang Soo Do. I didn't quit by choice I still visit my TSD dojang when I visit home (NJ). I tried Judo for a month, but couldn't get outta bed at 7am for class on a saturday morning. I just quit WTF TKD at blue belt. I don't care for that rank, though. It didn't really mean anything to me. I'm going to join a Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk kwan dojang. Which they might let me keep my rank, after the 30 day free trial thingy. I guess they want to see how much I do know LOL.
  8. I don't have the "Pinan" kata, per say. But I used to do Tang Soo Do, which did the same forms with slight differences. They are called Pyung Ahn hyung (or kata). Here is a good site to look at them: http://mchenry.homeip.net/TangSooDo/forms/ I hope this helps.
  9. SoulAssassin, I worked for Advance Auto parts. And I worked for Mechanics Auto also (where that kid I told you about worked). At the same store, the kid I spoke of, told another driver. She wanted me to hang out with her. But I found out from the kid that she wanted me to "beat people up." She was a "shadey character" so I said no. I told her that I don't learn martial arts to beat people up. That's not what MA is for. She was confused, but left me alone after that, so I left it at that. I didn't want to spew on all day about MA training LOL.
  10. LOL Doug. Your spelling is worse than mine! hehehehehe
  11. Hey, Hiya. I feel your pain. I just quit a dojang that I had signed a three year contract ..... eeeekkkkkk!!!!! The only way out of it was to give them more money (buy the contact out). Sheesh. Anyways, welcome to the forum
  12. If you have experience in martial arts, you might be able to get away with it. But I agree with everyone here. If you are a true beginner, find a good instructor
  13. Thanks, Ramy The dojang that I was talking about joining (the one I told you about), yes, that will happen. I just felt "at home" there when I visited there (unlike the place I just quit). I just need to take a break for now. Maybe for a week or two. Not long. I need to clear my head, and get out of the contract of the old dojang still.
  14. Hiya, Bigman. I love that site. I already regularly visit Master Mac's site. Yes it is a very good site for TSD.
  15. As a moderator, I don't allow style bashing, name calling, or idiocy LOL. No, seriously. This isn't the "typical" forum. We don't allow the childish stuff. Just good ol' martial arts chat I'm glad you have enjoyed your time here so far. PS. Thanks for your advice in my delema thread As far as spelling, I'm the worst. I'm suprised Patrick hasn't fired me for my spelling LOL.
  16. Try https://www.martialinfo.com Click on the "Looking for a school near you" thing on the left.
  17. What I did was "modify" my training. I pulled my hammy (hamstring) last spring. I didn't kick with that leg, and I worked more with blocks, strikes, ect. I also did light stretching, so I wouldn't get "stiff" from the injury. I'd soak in a hot bath, then I'd lightly stretch in the water. I did that for a month. It helped a lot.
  18. jmy77, No, it's ok. No offense taken The first time I wanted to quit, he put the "guilt trip" on me, so I stayed and tried to make the best of it. But I couldn't take it anymore. I got to the point that I didn't want to test anymore. I told him that, and he said ok. At least I tried. His problem is he is close-minded to "his art." I can't blame him for not wanting to leave. I was the same way with Tang Soo Do when I moved. I wanted TSD or nothing. Now that I learned and researched other arts (and seen others), I am way more open to new things. And yes Kenpo was one I thought about, but I didn't find a dojo near me I did find a TKD MDK dojang the last time I wanted to quit this dojang. I am still leaning towards going there, after a short break. Ramy, you have nooooo idea how hard it was LOL. But thanks for your kind words
  19. Ok, Sub. I took your advice. I had a chat with my man, and I quit my current dojang. He is disappointed that we won't train together anymore (except at home), but other than that, he's ok with it. I'm looking for a day job, so we can spend more time together at home, instead of class. I'm still eye-balling the Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan dojang. But I think I need time off first. I need a "mental vacation" from martial arts, besides KF of course
  20. Ok, no talking about ::edit-- restricted body parts -- edit:: (though I did find it funny). There are youngsters that visit this forum. And remember to keep this civil (no art bashing ).
  21. Hiya. If you think that a subject you want to know about has already been discussed, use the search feature at the top of the page. If you didn't find it, feel free to start a topic on it Welcome to the forum. Pull up a chair and post a way
  22. Your welcome, Kickin! I really hope it (martial info) helps. Let me know how it goes
  23. I have a lot of fav posters. It's hard to name just one. I've been here for a year, so there's so many (too many to name).
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