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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. We do have a Karate forum on here. I think that will be helpful to you. And Welcome
  2. Coolness I'm glad you liked it If you need help on anything, just post. We'll help you Tang Soo!
  3. I say no. Because when I was attacked, I never competed before then, and I was only a green belt in TSD. I knew enough to get away safely. Yea, it was the basic self defense that I learned, but it worked In my new school, when we test, it's all "random" attacks (except for forms, breaking and sparring portion). You learn different techniques as you go, then at testing, someone "attacks you" and you must defend against it/them. Competing isn't all bad. It gets you used to getting hit, fighting back, and helps you overcome the "stress" of fighting.
  4. I agree, JaseP. My TSD instructor taught us how to kick at close range. If you are standing 6 inches from me, I can still "boot you in the head" or ribs, or knee. Plus he taught us elbow strikes, punches, knee strikes, close-in stand up grappling, ect. And I only made it to 5th gup! My TKD MDK teacher does the same thing (which is based on TSD). So don't go by one person's opinion. Tang Soo
  5. My TSD teacher did that also. When we did certian techniques, our arms/fists weren't at our waists. We throw a punch or kick from a "boxing stance." We did it like that a lot, except for forms, and some techniques.
  6. LOL. My thread went goofy, dang it LOL.
  7. My boyfriend and I train in different dojangs now. We train at home together still. I teach him stuff that he doesn't learn at his dojang.
  8. Oops. Sorry. I know snowboarders and skiers don't like each other (I work 5 minutes from a ski mountian). Anyways, your welcome
  9. I can guess for you, Heidi. From the little time I knew you, it would be: Family Skiing martial arts How'd I do?
  10. LOL. Monkeygirl had to mention M&M's LOL
  11. Hehehehehe That was good. I have to remember that one (I love M&M's mmmmmmm) Ok, I'll keep it like it is
  12. How about I change it to "Five most fav things?"
  13. *runs from Withers* hehehehehehe Yea, I forgot my man, but he knows MA comes first
  14. It might not be a good idea (think about it before you post it) to give out your AIM or email on here (for some), but if ya feel froggy (no pun intended Patrick LOL), I guess it's fine. But I don't care who has mine. I have a "block" feature Mine is KarateKidTSD (AIM) and karatekid1975 (MSN Messenger). I usually use AIM. I don't use MSN often, except to talk to my sister (it's the only messenger program she has). I usually have EVERYONE except her blocked on MSN, anyway.
  15. Cool, Ramy. I'm highjacking my own topic for a sec. I used to DJ at a college station. Yes it was a blast. I loved it. Problem was, it was for free (I didn't get paid for it) and the program manager was a *****. She acted like we were getting paid for it, and we had to jump when she said jump. I was also working for the college (security) at the time, and she tried to say that the station was more important than my PAYING job. She almost got me fired, but my other boss caught on (thank goodness). But I'd love to DJ again. It was fun while it lasted. I kinda miss it Anyways, if ya wanna chat about it, PM me Ok, sorry folks. Back to the topic
  16. My boyfriend and I both do martial arts. I started first ........... Well he used to visit me at my old dojang during class. He knew I wouldn't miss class for nothing! LOL. He liked martial arts, and I think he was envious of me Then we moved here, and we started TKD together. Now that we are in different dojangs (I "dis-liked" the other one he's at), we show each other what we learned LOL. We still do the same forms, though. So, I guess it was the other way around for me. My man was impressed
  17. I thought of something interesting. This could be fun. What is your three most fav things. Mine? 1) Martial Arts 2) Sleeping 3) A toss-up between music and computer stuff. In that order for me. Explaining why could be interesting, too. #1 is a "durrrrrr" type of thing for most people on this forum. #2 If I'm not working or doing martial arts or #3, I like to sleep LOL (I sleep till noon except on wednsday for class, and friday and sunday for early shift for work). #3 I love listening to music, and playing on the computer. I'm on here, at least, three times a day LOL. If I'm bored, more often ............. Sheesh. It sounds like a need a life LOL.
  18. I hear that Ninjutsu itself isn't bad. It's a really good art (then again, I'm just a Korean stylist reading about it). But I never heard of Konigun Ninjutsu. Here's what I found on the word Ninjutsu: http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/1028/info.htm This site has pretty good info. http://www.ntcofcanada.com/ This one has a few videos. Both sites have some links you can look at. I hope this helps.
  19. No, it's never too late to start. My old dojang had a couple who didn't start till that were 60! I think they are testing for 3rd dan soon. I wouldn't mess with them two LOL. Anyways, welcome to the forums
  20. Hehehehehehe silly Sub. I did TSD and TKD. Am I hot??? *smacks herself in the forhead* DOH, I'm a moderator. Stupid question LOL. *Hides from Patrick* j/k Anyways, I have no clue on that, Sub. I guess that the ones you like do those arts Ok, Ok, back to the topic
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