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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Me too, Heidi. I visited my TSD dojang, and I found that I am much better at point sparring than what they do in WTF TKD. They allow hand techniques AND take-downs (not at tournies for the take-down part, though). I found that I have a mean and quick back fist
  2. Dang! I didn't know it "folded." It had some awsome TKD and Hapkido stuff. Bummer I used to have the link, which worked for me, but my computer crashed a month ago or so, and I lost it
  3. I know it as a kip-up. I know of a site that may have it: https://www.bilang.com It's a Martials trickz page, but I think I did see it on there.
  4. 1. How long have you been involved in the martial arts? a. Less than 5 years. I did mainly Korean arts. 2. What martial art(s) do you practice in?(specify style as well as art). b. Tae Kwon Do (Moo Duk Kwan). Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan for year and three months, and Tae Kwon Do (WTF) for one year. Switched to TKD MDK (one month). 3. What is your current rank in your art(s)? Tang Soo Do 5th gup blue belt. I still feel I am a student of TSD, because I still train at my TSD dojang when I visit home. I am a 4th gup blue belt in TKD. I will prolly be a 4th gup for a while cause I switched TKD dojangs, and I have to play "catch-up" LOL. 4. What is your favorite martial art, and why? I studied a "hybrid" style TSD that was mixed with Hapkido, Thai boxing, and whatever else my instructor wanted to teach LOL. I also did Jujitsu for three months at the same dojang. Here, I did TKD (WTF) and a little Judo. I think if I had to pick, I'd say Moo Duk Kwan in general (TSD and TKD styles). Or Hapkido. They both taught me a little of everything from self defense, throws, take-downs, a bit of grappling, ect.
  5. I have the Kung Fu Hamster! *runs over and presses it's hand so it sings and dances* See! It's so cute. Anyways, welcome to the forums. We can all be goof balls at times LOL.
  6. Nick, I did TSD. Where do you live? You can PM me the answer. I used to live in NJ where I did TSD. If you liked it and live near my old school, I recommend going there. I'm a little bias too hehehehehe. Check around and give us a list of schools in your area. We might be able to help you better with that.
  7. Hey Tommaker. I do TKD MDK and I can trace my instructors lineage to Hwang Kee Well I also did TSD and the same goes there as well;) Anyways, here is a site about SBD. http://www.soobahkdo.com/ Here's what I found on Okinawan Kempo: http://members.cavtel.net/greatneck/History%20of%20Kempo.htm It has a little history on the art. I used to have a boat load of links from when I researched a lot of arts, but my computer crashed not too long ago and I lost them all. I did a google search for those.
  8. I agree Sai Anyways, I have done a bit of Thai boxing, and I do TKD. Yes, I love the Thai roundhouse. beautiful powerful kick. BUT TKD (at least the Moo Duk Kwan TKD) does teach power in the kicks. Yes, it takes practice, but it can be as powerful as the Thai kicks, if done right. The Korean kicks in general do teach you to use "hip power." With the side kick. I do lean back a little when kicking high (well, I try to. My side kicks are low LOL). I try to focus more on turning my hip over than the leaning thing (for power). And yes. I found that the TKD kicks are easier on the knees. I have to agree there.
  9. What arts are offered in your area? Look in the phone book or here: https://www.martialinfo.com Where in NY are you? I live in NY. I can help you. PM me.
  10. Great post, Tommaker. But I don't take anything for granted. I grew up poor. Everything I have (till I moved here), I got on my own. I worked at a young age. I paid for everything. My parents paid for the roof over my and and food ..... barely. I paid for my clothes, karate, dobok (that I still wear, by the way). Enough of my sob story. Tommaker is right. Don't take anything for granted *bows to tommaker for that post* Tang Soo!
  11. Ok, fella's. Don't kill each other here No personal bashing or name calling. Keep it civil.
  12. Going in and out of the bathroom LOL. Yes I have done it.
  13. I had to bring this topic up again, because I just got Linkin Park tickets! WOOOHOOOO. The hotest ticket in Rochester right now. The show is on April 8th. I can't wait!
  14. I just got out of a three year contract I wanted to switch schools, so I had to buy the contract out. I thought it was better to do that than stay another two years and pay lots more money. Anyways, Lashtal, let us know how it goes on your search
  15. I do TKD. We do wear gear, and we do fight full contact. I was one of those "timid" people. I was affraid to get hit, but one of my instructors didn't let me get away with not fighting. I HAD to spar. Over time, I got over it, and fought back. I found out that I wasn't that bad at sparring. I can hold my own and fight back. So I say it depends on the instruction you get. My instructor now is a 5th dan. He IS picky about technique AND about application. I guess I was lucky to find a good non-mcdojang instructor. BUT, the student has to be willing to put in the effort. They can have the best instructor in the world, but if they "lack" disipline, his/her instruction goes out the window. The student has to be willing to learn and put in the effort. The instructor must know his/her stuff, and teach the right stuff. Rank don't matter.
  16. Hehehe. I was trying to help. Actually, there is some good stuff in those threads. I've used some myself
  17. Look in your phone book. See what's around your area. Take advantage of free classes. Check a few schools out. Check out this site : https://www.martialinfo.com Click on "looking for a school near you" link on the left. It will show a map. Click on the state. Then the town (or near by town). From this site, you can even research styles. Stear away from long term contracts, or a school that forces you to sign one. There's no need. My school doesn't have contracts and it's a good school. I hope this helps
  18. Right here http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=2043 There's some funny stuff in there. Enjoy
  19. Yes, but this is how they teach us. We learn Taeguk forms till black belt. Then we learn Nahanchi (sp?), Bassai, Sip Soo, RoHi, ect. We learn the WTF BB forms as well. We don't learn Pyung ahns, though I still remember them from TSD, though. I still practice them now and then.
  20. This thread will be of great help to you: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6186 It is in the Health and Training thread Which is where I'm going to move this.
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