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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I've been studying TKD/TSD for almost three years. I have good technique, flexibility, and I can hold my own in sparring. But that doesn't make me a great fighter. Yes, I have defended myself for real, but I don't go out and pick fights. Karate_woman has good advice. It's not about fighting ..... well, at least, not for me. I started MA for self defense, not to start fights.
  2. In my school, we spar "full-out." We can't punch to the face, or hit the groin area, but it does happen. We don't "pull punches." It's full strength kicks and strikes. We do where pads for added protection, but it doesn't always help In grappling, anything goes, except finger locks, and no striking to the face or groin. *looks at her feet and arms* Dang! speaking of sparring ..... sheesh. I look like I got my but kicked by a black belt ........... ummmm *smacks herself on the forhead* I did
  3. Here's a thread similar to this one: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6019 I have to change my answer, though (in the thread above). It's still self defense
  4. I did both sport TKD (WTF) and traditional TKD (MDK). In my opinion, the WTF school only taught sparring related stuff, and forms. I'm not bashing the sport TKD. Some people like it (including my boyfriend), but it's just not my thing. In my MDK school, we do learn self defense ....joint locks, "come-along" techniques, throws, take-downs, and counter grappling (standing), and grappling (ground fighting). The WTF school I was in didn't teach this stuff. I do have to say that sport TKD did get me in good shape, and I can spar well
  5. We fight full contact when grabbling. With sparring, it gets full contact at later ranks. Sometimes we are supposed to "shadow spar" each other (if we don't have pads on), but contact is always made heheheh. I do Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan.
  6. I agree with Guitar_lover. Martial Arts built character for me. I used to be this loner with low confidence, low self esteem, and with a temper. I learned self control, my confidence and self esteem are a lot better. I still have a temper, but I can either "hide it" or supress it now. It also taught me to be a "people person." I'm not a loner anymore. And I know how to fight on top of it hehehehehe
  7. When I did TSD, which also has deep stances, it helped my knees. It stregthened them. Just don't go crazy at first. As your flexibility improves, you can go deeper in stance.
  8. No style bashing folks. Next warning, this thread will be locked. Opinions are allowed, but not as far as bashing another style
  9. I'm now in TKD MDK so I agree. It is so similar to TSD. I love it I miss TSD, but my dojang is similar, so it makes it a little easier to deal with
  10. Mostly just martial arts for me. I'm not a big sports person. I love music, though. Maybe I should look into music ones
  11. I just wanna say that I used to be very "timid" when I sparred in TSD. When I got into TKD (full contact), I had to fight back. I had to "turn on" that aggression. But I had to be able to "turn it off", too. It wasn't that easy at first. It was a learning experience. Just ask advice from your instructor, and get in there and try It worked for me
  12. Just don't get discouraged. I been through three different arts. Yes they were all korean arts, but it was still weird at first. But it didn't take me long to adjust. With your experience, it shouldn't take long to adjust. If you want to cross-train, go for it. I'm all for it, dude. I'm a strong believer in cross-training (like I stated before). I wish you luck
  13. Here's the thread for that. Sorry, must close this one http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6521
  14. I don't have one, but I would like to have an avatar of the Moo Duk Kwan logo. Just because I did Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan. Now I do Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan EDIT: This thread inspired me to actually get one. I did And I got it to work .... WOOOHOOOO
  15. I don't mean to be a pain in the rear, but there is two other threads like this here http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=973 http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=7644 You are new, so you didn't know. No harm done
  16. I've learned Tang Soo Do, WTF TKD and TKD MDK. All three have similar techniques. Most of the kicks are the same. But as far as joint locks, well they are a bit different. But it didn't take me long to adjust. I didn't learn how to fall or do throw till I did TKD MDK (except with a short stint with Judo and jujitsu). So there will be stuff you never did before. It might be small stuff, then again it maybe big stuff. I believe in cross training. So, I say go for it Just don't get discouraged
  17. Welcome to KF! I will move this to the Intro forum, so all stylist will welcome you P.S. One of the Mods is a KSW guy
  18. I do TKD, but that's an ITF thing. I have no clue. Sorry.
  19. I don't have a problem sparring. The first time someone hits me, I hehehehehe. But I turn it off as soon as the match is done. As far as joint locks, you have to be a little aggressive, but not to the point of hurting your partner. If they tap out LET GO! LOL. That's what I told my nephew yesterday. That means they are hurting. He is still at the stage that he can't turn it off. So that's what I told him. I let him practice on me first, then with other students, just so I know he understood. He did
  20. We don't take breaks, but we are allowed to have water. My instructor is a health freak. He told us that being well hydrated helps the muscles. As far as Mcdojo/Dojangs, read this: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=2396&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 In this situation (in the thread) I found a new school (the one I train at now).
  21. I must be one of the exceptions, then. Not to sound ignorant, but I'm just as strong as most of the guys in my school, except the three really big guys. In the beginning, I hated to get hit in sparring, as do some females. BUT once I got over that, I can take a hit, and go shot for shot with them. We even have a small girl, adult, that is 4'10 and shinny. She grappled with someone twice her size (a guy) and fought hard. In the end, she won. I learned to never judge a book by it's cover when it comes to fighting or MA.
  22. I had the same problem with bear hugs. I have strong legs, but weak upper body, so for me to go "strength for strength" with a guy (unless he is small) is a bad idea. Some of the advice here I tried (except for the throw one ..... I'm not all that good with throws yet). My fav to do in this situation is rake his shin with my foot (in real life, you'd have shoes on, and it would hurt like hell). Then drop down like gheinisch mentioned, a coupla elbows to the ribs and grion area
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