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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I walked into one of my sister schools yesterday for a sparring clinic/class. A friend, a 3rd dan in more than one art, and a great martial artist. Next minute, she put on a white belt (even after she helps me with forms technique) for a Tai Chi class. Man, that blew me away. She is such a humble person (She knows who I'm talking about ).
  2. Thanks Heidi. Yes, we will We had a blast It was great fun. We will visit again soon. Oh, and thanks for the forms thing, too You are a big help.
  3. I sparred a guy last night at a sister school that had a control problem (Heidi's school). Heidi said light contact (sorry Heidi, had to do it), but I didn't go light with him, because he didn't go light with us. He was told to, and didn't. He hit hard, and nearly kicked my butt, but I didn't back off It was good for conditioning, though
  4. Heidi answered it for me (I'm at the main school) LOL. As for me, I'm with Heidi. I like the formal test better. Cracking a joke here and there to lighten the mood isn't bad either
  5. I do hate the rules in sparring (WTF TKD rules). BUT there is a benifit. I like sparring for the conditioning, workout, ect. But if someone knows the difference between "sparring" and self defense, they will be ok.
  6. Sweet, Kicks Nice gee-tar Didn't know you were a musician. Coolness.
  7. Congrads If I still played drums (regular drums that is ... I'm into learning Taiko drums now), I would want a Tama 5 peice kit (double bass petal). That would make me play drums again
  8. Thanks Heidi and hajime That cleared things up a bit
  9. My TSD instructor was known for that (making us do our forms blindfolded/eyes closed) and I hated it. But you get used to it. The hard part is ending up in the same place .... gggrrrrrr LOL
  10. For which style, Heidi? I'd like to see those videos (for the applications, that is). Anyways, I agree that a video can be a good learning aide. I have learned forms from videos, and 9 times out of 10, they weren't right (I was close, but not totally right). From watching the video, you can't really see the "finer" details of the form. And I have missed a few But if I learn a form from my instructor first, then use the video for reference, it worked out ok. Just my experience with it.
  11. My instructor got into a talk about that the other night. He said that there's ways to work through it (and I agree with him). Find a kata/hyung that you need to work on, a certain technique, or refining your technique over all. There is always SOMETHING that you can work on. Find what you think is "so-so" in your bag of tricks, and make it better. If that doesn't work, usually a short break in training helps, or dabbling in another art for a bit.
  12. I like our bo form, but I do have to agree. I like the empty hand stuff myself. I prefer the empty hand forms over all.
  13. SWEET!!! Another thing the kids say (it rubbed off on me LOL). Congrads on your green belt. I remember both times I got my green ;o) That was my fav grade in TSD when I just started to develope decent technique and having fun with other stuff (tricks hehehehe).
  14. Non taken I do see your point. But I am taking my time and I AM a technique geek, by the way LOL.
  15. My boyfriend bought a treadmill when he was training for his BB (we have to run a mile and a half for the test). He seems to love it. He does run 30 minutes three times a week. I hate the dang thing. I have a "motion sensitivity" and I feel like I'm drunk when I get off it. I prefer running on the track we have near our house.
  16. My instructor did basics last night (finally LOL). He did all blocking techniques for basics. It was forms night, and he's been picky about forms lately (and the way some people block), so that's what he had us do. He went around the room and corrected everyone. I still have a habbit of doing TSD style blocks (same blocks, different execution) once in a while and he caught me LOL.
  17. Can you PM them to me too, Sam? Thanks in advance
  18. I agree with RaidenTB. I also used to get nervous, but the more you do it, the less nervous you'll get. I don't even get nervous for belt tests anymore (I will for my BB test though LOL). As far as getting confused with changing your direction for your form: Learn your kata till you know it by heart, of course. Then perform it in all directions at the dojo. Try different places (in your house, outside in the yard, ect). Believe it or not, not many people in my school can perform their kata in more than one direction (they get messed up during tests when they have to face the side wall). And this is what I tell them, and it seems to work.
  19. I know how you feel. I was in a TSD dojang in NJ, and when I moved to upstate NY, I couldn't find an TSD dojang (the closest is three hours away ). The dojos/dojangs here stink ... mostly the McDojo - belt factory type, or they are just for kids, ect. But I was lucky enough to find a decent TKD dojang (a bit pricy, but definitely NOT a Mcdojang). My advice would be to find a good instructor. I know you really want to do a certain style, like I did, but the most important thing is the instructor, not the style.
  20. Hehehe, I remember that, Heidi But all in all, from my view anywho, you did awsome, injured or not I still love watching you do forms.
  21. Congrads I got suprised tested for my 5th gup in TSD. I couldn't make the regular test because of health problems. So when I came back to training, I got tested and didn't know it (my instructor did it during regular class. He had the whole class do their requirements .... should have been a hint, but I didn't get it LOL)! I wasn't nervous at all (didn't know I was being tested). I couldn't spar (because of a recent surgery at the time) but I did everthing else and passed with flying colors. So I know how ya feel
  22. Thanks Heidi. He seemed to want it, so hopefully it will help him *crosses her fingers*
  23. Yea it's Matsers Club. They use Kali sticks, too. Actually, I'm getting used to the bo form FINALLY LOL. I usually pick a line on the floor (you've seen our "rings." I practice on one end of the ring), and try to keep my feet on that line. I fell in the beginning, but lately, it's getting easier. LOL I like your idea, though
  24. In TSD, we did (if I can remember correctly ... it's been 4 years since I studied it) bo, knife, sword, some nunchaku, Tonfa, and Sai (last three were basically by choice. It wasn't really in the curriculum, but the BB's learned them). Current art: I just learned one bo form so far. Heidi, I thought we did knife also or is that just defenses?
  25. Way cool, Heidi! My dad was a vet as most males on my mom's side, also. I have a nephew going to the Marines, a cousin is a Marine, and another cousin in the Army overseas. I think another one is getting ready to apply (their sister ... all three from the same family). A quick question about the Marines .... Will they "shape-up" my nephew? He made some bad choices in life and as this attitude problem. He used to be a good kid (He's going to be 21 now). I wanted to ask my cousin, but I can't because I hardly see him because he is in CA now. Thanks in advance
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