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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I change at home for the reason Jay mentioned (plus too many people in the changing rooms to change in a hurry). Does forgetting your brain, count? I forgot my "brain" before my last test. I also forgot my uniform once in TSD, but my instructor had an extra pair of uniform pants he let me borrow. I just wore a t-shirt with it.
  2. Shoot! I never said if I passed or not (it's been more than a month, oopsy). No, I didn't pass my test. I'm still a 2nd gup/kyu.
  3. I see him, at least, twice a week. I train three days a week, more if my schedule permits. We can not ask to be tested (for 2nd gups and higher ... it's totally up to our instructor). The two I mentioned, we both failed tests before. I failed because of nerves. He failed the "physical" part (running, ect) of the BB test a few times. But then again, I really don't know his situation, either. But I agree that BB should be big achievement, and you should work hard for it. I'm at a point that I want to improve on lots of stuff before I test for BB. Maybe I'm a bit picky (about technique), but I know I have earned my BB when I do test (and pass LOL).
  4. Hiya all. This is a spin-off from how long to black belt. How long do you think is TOO long to wait to test for black belt? For instance, I know of a guy (adult) in our dojang that has been training for 9 years that has been a high red belt (1st gup) for 4 or 5 years. I have been training 4 years in TKD (plus previous exerience), and I have been a 2nd gup for a year (almost). Anyways, tell me what you think/feel is too long and why.
  5. I prefer Proforce. Their uniforms seem to have the best fit for my body type, and they last a long time.
  6. I agree! Heidi worked her butt off for that money! She earned it! Anyways, she is part of our "org" but different schools. I pay $5.00 for testing fees (I'm only a color belt). That pays for the belt and the cert. I'm at the main school. The sister schools pay more ($30 or more, I believe). My old dojang charged $35. But that paid for the belt, the cert (from the main school) the instructors, the boards to break, and what was left went back to the school for gear.
  7. 2 years?!?!?!?! RUN!!!! Far, far away. I seen it happen at my dojang in 2 and a 1/2 years (long story), but my wimpy 2nd gup/kyu butt is better than them (I have been in TKD for 4 years with previous experience). My school doesn't "promise" black belts unless you get on this "leadership instructor exelerated" thingy. It never works. Both my boyfriend and I turned it down when asked to do it. He got his BB in 3 and a 1/2 years (also training 4 years) and I'm just a 2nd gup (my choice ... I don't want no stinkin' gift LOL). Sorry. I'm also kind of venting LOL
  8. I have to say this. I have a good friend that is telling me about "self discovery." I was wondering about bunkai (because the stuff I have seen is pretty basic), and questioning my ability as a martial artist. She said it's all about self discovery. I totally believe it now. It doesn't matter what style you are in. YOU have to find what you are looking for. You have to discover (and/or uncover) this stuff for yourself. Just "look" for it in you. You will find it.
  9. Currently I do TKD (kind of a hybrid mix) and Jujitsu (traditional). Can I vote for both?
  10. I pay a lot for TKD, but it's the only good school around here (McDojo-ville). But I pay nothing for Jujitsu. I am taught by a good friend's hubby. He doesn't want to charge anything (if he did ask, I would, though). Both of them are very skilled martial artists. It is a honor for me to learn from these two.
  11. I don't. I only stretch in class. But I do stretch on my own before class, because I feel the stretching during class is too "hurried." But I got into a habbit of stretching after class also (which I have been slacking on) do to my muscles being warmed up fully (best time to do a really good stretch). That really helped my flexibility improve a lot quicker (I wish I knew about it sooner).
  12. It took me two and a half years to even do a split. But I could kick people my height in the head after 2 years of stretching. When I started MAs, I couldn't even touch my toes. I still have trouble with the side split, because of the way my hips are "built." But I will keep trying. I think when I first noticed a difference, is about 3 to 5 months into my training. I was able to touch my toes (not easily, but I did).
  13. I know about the Marines martial arts program through a friend's son, and my nephew. The first level (tan belt ... same as a white belt) is actually really easy (it does get more intense if you want to continue the program, though). The "belt" system is tan, gray, green, brown and black. The tan-belt course includes 27.5 hours of instruction. The techniques include bayonet thrusts, knife slashes, "vertical stomps," choke holds (and how to break them), leg-sweep throws, eye gouges, low kicks, ect. It's a mix of Judo, jujitsu, and karate. I couldn't tell you about the others. But I did hear that the Army is teaching jujitsu. I don't know if that is true or not.
  14. Actually, I don't know. But I'll ask when I train again. But yea, it's going to be fun.
  15. He is??? OMG!!! Coolness (I was close LOL)!!! Thanks Heidi. Oh, thanks to you and Mike. You guys are the best When I come back from Vermont, we are going to have a martial good time with the four of us hehehehehehe
  16. What moves were they? Some moves, like "tricks" I do during sparring or breaking, but I would be stupid to do it during a real situation. Were they 360's and stuff?
  17. I don't have a fav. As long as it is good in snow, that's all I care about (any car can be good with good snow tires up here in snow country LOL). We have an Escort (ford), Minivan (dodge) and my boyfriend's Iroc (which only comes out in the summer). My dream car is a 69 corvette ... WHOOOHOOO!!!
  18. I couldn't tell on those. The vids were not so good (on streaming vid). I even downloaded it and they were dark. I'll do a search to see if I can find better ones, unless you guys have better ones. Let me know if you do
  19. My nickname for years was Dizzy. I got it in my first band. I was the drummer, and they thought I played too fast and crazy which made my bandmates dizzy at times LOL. The name just stuck. My first screen name was DizzyDrummer LOL.
  20. I learned spanish years ago, but I forgot most of it. I am attempting to learn Korean off and on. My native language is english (eventhough I still need work on spelling LOL).
  21. Lets see if I can remember .... I think it started out like Taegeuk seven (palm block, cat stance to front kick). I think that's right. It had palm stikes and knife hand blocks, and ..... sheesh, I wish I can remember. If you can lead me to a video to the Palgue forms, I could probably pick it out. But my brain just went blank LOL. Sorry.
  22. Lately, do to a hand injury, I don't block. I perry kicks. Punches, I use a push type block to deflect the attack. It's new to me, but I am getting used to it, and I kind of like it better than actually blocking kicks with my arms. Oh, I also use Thai style shin blocks to block kicks (TKD folks hate me for that LOL). But blocking, perrying, ect all take practice. You will find your "style" of sparring with practice. You will use what works for you.
  23. Ok, I forgot to mention my new "school." Not really a drive since my sensei is willing to teach me here (my house). I don't go anywhere hehehehe. But to his house, it's an hour. But totally worth it, since his wife and good friend of mine can work with me in TKD also
  24. At my school, this week, is board breaking week (which is once a year. Otherwise isn't part of the curriculum). We are working on technique, not the amount of boards. Since I was at another school, I was teaching people how to hold, not break. But some of the lower ranks did great (Us higher ranks did stick around after our class to hold), after I showed them a few techniques with breaking. It was awsome. As far as the breaks I can do, it depends on the technique. I can do a back kick with three boards. Normal kicks with two, hand techs with one (so far, except a punch). Speed breaks, one board. It also depends on the situation. If I'm testing or at a tourny, I get nervous, and screw the break up. But if it's like tonight (normal class), or at home, I can break no problem.
  25. Thanks Greg I had a lot of fun learning what I did. From just the simplest moves to make a technique more effective was just awsome. I know I'm going to enjoy it alot
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